08-29-2020, 07:27 AM
Day 20
The only dream I remember from last night touched on fears of judgment by others. This is yet another issue that I can trace all the way back to childhood. I was an emotionally sensitive kid. Because of that, I used to avoid harshly critical people, particularly when they were girls. I might even go as far as to say I was scared of them. In the dream, I was dealing with a stiff, critical woman I know in real life. She was aggravated with me because of poor planning. My initial response was panic...oh no, she thinks I'm an idiot. But we worked through it and resolved the issue.
Fatigue eased up significantly yesterday. Today it's gone completely and I feel like I've unloaded a ton of weight. The general feeling I currently have is that today is going to be good. I have a few things planned, but other than that, whatever unfolds is good with me.
Part of me is looking at the number of days remaining in Stage 1 and questioning whether its enough time. It's possible that this is a form of resistance and fear of the unknown. After all, I have no idea what is going into Stage 2. What I know for sure is that Stage 1 is doing some deep cleaning and I love it. I've run a 4:1 ASRB2 cycle twice now. I'll most likely transition to a 5:1 or just run it until fatigue sets in. I'm craving the input. Stage 1 is really good stuff.
The only dream I remember from last night touched on fears of judgment by others. This is yet another issue that I can trace all the way back to childhood. I was an emotionally sensitive kid. Because of that, I used to avoid harshly critical people, particularly when they were girls. I might even go as far as to say I was scared of them. In the dream, I was dealing with a stiff, critical woman I know in real life. She was aggravated with me because of poor planning. My initial response was panic...oh no, she thinks I'm an idiot. But we worked through it and resolved the issue.
Fatigue eased up significantly yesterday. Today it's gone completely and I feel like I've unloaded a ton of weight. The general feeling I currently have is that today is going to be good. I have a few things planned, but other than that, whatever unfolds is good with me.
Part of me is looking at the number of days remaining in Stage 1 and questioning whether its enough time. It's possible that this is a form of resistance and fear of the unknown. After all, I have no idea what is going into Stage 2. What I know for sure is that Stage 1 is doing some deep cleaning and I love it. I've run a 4:1 ASRB2 cycle twice now. I'll most likely transition to a 5:1 or just run it until fatigue sets in. I'm craving the input. Stage 1 is really good stuff.