08-14-2020, 07:40 PM
(08-14-2020, 05:10 PM)RTBoss Wrote: Totally agree with everything you've noticed. I also smell pheromones, but that's because I wear myriad products on the daily, lol.
I haven't worn any since I started using subs.
FYI - You are actually a key reason that I invested the $$$ in my first IML sub. It was E2. I used to read your posts at a phero forum promoting truth and IIRC, one of your posts over there lead me here. It didn't take me long to realize that I was looking for something in pheromones that I was lacking internally. That was ~4 years ago when Chaosvrgn and a few others were still present here (your username still makes me think of Paul Rudd). In any case, you, in particular, were unknowingly instrumental in my initial plunge into the IML realm. I could relate to the things you posted (close in age, Star Wars nerds (although Marvel basically nullified the franchise for me ), similar body dysmorphic issues, similar issues with women, similar guilt/shame/fear around sex, similar "forbidden fruit" issues, dad, husband etc. I was always impressed with your honesty. It takes a lot of courage to speak openly, honestly, and from the heart. Ive always respected that about you.
Ok... enough of all that. I'm glad to see you journaling again and I appreciate you commenting here.