(07-27-2020, 12:17 AM)b_woo Wrote: Hello All,
I've been lurking for a wee while now and decided to stick my head upI'd just like to say how cool it is to be part of this community and be surrounded by such good humans who are all here to improve themselves but even better to help others improve too. Big shout out to Keith! I love reading your posts bro, you have an infectious energy and always seem to put a smile on my face!
Well i dove straight in and purchased LTU6 last night. I purchased E3 roughly 3.5 weeks ago and have been running it since. I have had some good results, nothing earth shattering but I can feel myself slowly buy surely becoming in-tune with myself and intuitively knowing what i need to do and why.
My question is, do i stop E3 now and wait for LTU6 (1-1.5 weeks?) and then go from there. Or am i better off finishing out E3 to completion (3 months?) and then jumping into LTU6? I do recall seeing somewhere its good to have 1-2 weeks off between the higher level 5g subs. Also from memory LTU6 contains the new E4? Or I perhaps just somehow made that up?!
The more i get involved in this community and become engaged I become the more i realize this is the right path for me. This community is a credit to you Shannon, I take my hat off to you as it represents all the hard work you have put in for so long.
Thank you all for being so friggin awesome!
Hi, welcome to the community. I am also a newbie, I started running E3 and DRS a few months ago.
Back when I purchased my first sub, I could hardly rationalize spending over $100 dollars on a subliminal recording, while every other company on the market charges a fraction of that. However, since I never experienced any result from other subs, I decided to give it a shot. DRS was an instant life changer. Three days later I acquired E3. While E3 is a much longer commitment and necessarily takes longer to deliver results, I can tell it’s working hard for me. Yesterday I invested in LTU6 as soon as they opened pre-orders, without a second thought.
Answers to your questions:
LTU will contain E4, I do not see any reason to stay on E3.
When I asked Shannon about taking a break between E3 and LTU6, his answer was: You do not need to take a break but it might be helpful if you do. So you can either stop E3 today (which would make for a decent break) or just keep going...