06-05-2020, 12:55 PM
Sometimes I can't stand my moms presence. Seriously. Wherever she goes she always want something from someone. You can't just be allowed to be. And if you don't answer to whatever she ask she get agitated, hurt, whatever bullshit. And I don't feel very well, and I don't have energy to partake in everyone of her suggestions and ideas. Her emotional well-being is not my responsibility, sorry but that's above my paygrade and honestly ability at this moment. I'm must focus on putting myself together and she is stealing my energy just to satisfy her own needs on some way or another..I've learned that over time. I don't think that she is able to empathize in the words true meaning, but she can only try to make people feel better by her own idea of what that mean, but she isn't able to understand what someone else is truly feeling, as she can't stop for a minute and shut herself off for a minute and feel into what someone else is feeling and what they need, without involving her own needs, that seems to be utterly impossible to her. F*ck off.