05-22-2020, 10:01 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-22-2020, 12:32 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Somebody's quote & Shannon's quote
" Alright - so that means that the six stage LTU will not only overcome the "being bored" effect but also be a more comprehensive program in total.
Shannin,s response:
"It will prevent boredom, and make the program able to approach achieving it's goals in a significantly better way. "
Somebody else's Quote:
"And I really hope you don't make it as AM which you HAD to follow the 32 days per stage, I couldn't make it and it therefore i turned to LTU. Hope that you make it in a way that you can choose how long time you run each stage so you can switch when you feel that you are ready for the next step."
Im sorry but IM thrilled that its ONLY 32 days per stage,it could've been 45 'er 60 days per stage!!
#2) Additionally- when subs were in 3G and 4G we used to have to listen to them for hours on end and days & weeks on end and many appreciated some such subs that actually WORKED as such, to me that wasnt that long ago!
#3) B.A.M.M. when I bought it even thought it 'back fired" in some ways,much different technology than 5.75G for shure. I never once though about a refund,I jumped in with all fours and committed to using it for as long as I could. today isa different story. IM an sooo grateful this day for such technology and what all it can do for all of us.... Shannon plans to complete 6G sometime before the years out! Thats like,to me,heading out into the Cosmos in a UFO....previously it was a horse n bugy, to a model A to a model T,Crovette and then slipped streamed on into a Maserati ,ect.... I dont mind that good stuff at all. the longer it take the better the tech's gonna be,like Griffin said. Im really diggin it,its gonna help cut my suffering in half or greater on so many levels. good friday/weekend!!
" Alright - so that means that the six stage LTU will not only overcome the "being bored" effect but also be a more comprehensive program in total.
Shannin,s response:
"It will prevent boredom, and make the program able to approach achieving it's goals in a significantly better way. "
Somebody else's Quote:
"And I really hope you don't make it as AM which you HAD to follow the 32 days per stage, I couldn't make it and it therefore i turned to LTU. Hope that you make it in a way that you can choose how long time you run each stage so you can switch when you feel that you are ready for the next step."
Im sorry but IM thrilled that its ONLY 32 days per stage,it could've been 45 'er 60 days per stage!!
#2) Additionally- when subs were in 3G and 4G we used to have to listen to them for hours on end and days & weeks on end and many appreciated some such subs that actually WORKED as such, to me that wasnt that long ago!
#3) B.A.M.M. when I bought it even thought it 'back fired" in some ways,much different technology than 5.75G for shure. I never once though about a refund,I jumped in with all fours and committed to using it for as long as I could. today isa different story. IM an sooo grateful this day for such technology and what all it can do for all of us.... Shannon plans to complete 6G sometime before the years out! Thats like,to me,heading out into the Cosmos in a UFO....previously it was a horse n bugy, to a model A to a model T,Crovette and then slipped streamed on into a Maserati ,ect.... I dont mind that good stuff at all. the longer it take the better the tech's gonna be,like Griffin said. Im really diggin it,its gonna help cut my suffering in half or greater on so many levels. good friday/weekend!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"