03-28-2020, 06:31 AM
(03-27-2020, 10:06 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: A few questions for RTBoss & Have at Ye,concerning using DRS.
How long was it Guys,before you started noticing the results of DRS? Within the first week or so? Did you find the affects,getting stronger the Longer you used it? Did things becone much more obvious by say the second,cycle of DRS? Thanks ,maybe this.ll give Shannon some more,insight into this,program, as well. Thank you!
Felt it instantly. After several days felt a lot of relief. Still, I did get quite a number of fools trying to go for it anyway, and it would sometimes take some time for them to lay off for good, or at the very least not make it a constant thing, heh.
The longer I use it, the less frequently I'm being attacked.
Frankly, I don't want to spoil it to you too much. Enjoy the DRS.

"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley