03-24-2020, 03:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2020, 03:06 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
(03-24-2020, 02:15 PM)Have at ye Wrote:Im convienced it will..."Energy follows Intention" - "Form follows function" so why not "energy follows intention"( a proven scientific fact) I dont need science,to verify what I know in My Being,what I've seen ,over many decades,since I was 3 yrs old,with my own eyes and heart....over and over and over agian... that is energy follows intention. I'll explain this more at another time,as to how this relates to DRS once Ive begun using it for awhile.(03-24-2020, 11:29 AM)Zubrowka Wrote:(03-24-2020, 07:42 AM)Have at ye Wrote:(03-24-2020, 06:55 AM)ncbeareatingman Wrote:(03-24-2020, 04:38 AM)Have at ye Wrote: From my personal experience with the DRS, it would appear that once you start running it and have good reason to do so, and it gets to work, it would appear to me that it's best to keep at it for an extended period of time - how extended, might depend on personal circumstances; otherwise, some pitiable fools may start thinking it's back to "open season" as regards the user.I do like what I'm seeing when it comes to its effects, though.
Right,"Have at Ye",I know right? thats exactly WHY I plan on utilizing this wonderfully effective program from here on out...when and where possible,IM sooo tired of dealing with toxic relatives who have long deemed it "Open Season" on Me and that some how its OK to do so( double standards) cant wait to returned the long delay,and about time, favor of the nasty,toxic enegies that have undeservedly been sent my way for decades...here goes.....
What have been some fo your experiences Have at ye,Man?
They're scattered all over my DMSI journal, heh.
It works in many wonderful ways. First off, when you can observe someone trying to work you or hatin' on you in real time, and it gets reflected, the effects can be pretty radical, and most of the time it makes the sender stop or else they're going to keep knocking themselves out. I've seen it happen several times. In milder cases, it makes the sender very, very uncomfortable, and either leave your presence or simply cut it out.
Secondly, it makes people stop projecting their own stupid stuff onto you (a lot of people deal with negative feelings and emotions by trying to put it on someone else); I've been noticing that given enough time, people who do so start looking for the actual source of that negativity because absent someone to push it onto it's... well... very unpleasant.So some actually begin looking to themselves (a quick lesson in conscience, heh) or search for the actual culprit.
Thirdly, which is related to the above, given enough time it seems that the negativity that's being pushed back seems to be making its way to the source - this really helps in cases of systematic slander or smearing. This takes time, though.
Fourthly (), it makes people with hidden negative, manipulative intent, or even simply a dishonest agenda, cut it out pretty fast because the DRS makes it very uncomfortable for them. It's great. It also helps prevent escalation in situations when you choose to call someone out on their *****. It also makes it extremely uncomfortable for such tricky types to, as we say here, "rżnąć głupa" (erm... "weaseling out"? I dunno. Taking mock offense and such, "why, how dare you fling such accusation at me?! I'm a SAINT" and the like).
Have fun, and I hope the DRS helps you have an easier time in life.
Dude this sounds awesome. Really hope Shannon will put it into LTU6.
Oh, one more thing:
Fiftly (), I noticed on several occasions when someone was trying to either more-or-less subtly slander my sorry butt or attempted to work another person in order to put me in a negative light in my presence, the person that was being worked on this way would appear to be doubtful of what they're being sold or seeing through the ***** instantly or otherwise pretty swiftly. Hopefully this also works when I'm not physically in the vicinity.
peace love and all that other good shit!:-) Ha!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"