03-10-2020, 08:30 PM
(03-10-2020, 07:49 PM)Griffin Wrote: Hey Shannon do you have plans on upgrading UMS, I know you have these kind of questions alot but I look on the forum every day and do not really have an answer if UMS v2 is in the que?
Ltu6 sounds great but I cannot afford it even after running UMS for 8 months...
Same here. Id love to know. Im broke as a convict damn near. Ive come to realize that fear,truly does and is playing havoc on really really moving foward,in many directions,including...UMS.....i,too,have been on UMS fer 8 Months....i see the USLM part of UMS working often,and the version of Fear Remover definitely helps and is active. I took 3 full weeks off of UMS...and had one major realization during thr first part of the third wee.... had an experience standing outside with my grocery card,waiting fot thr car,to load up groceries,during those beautifully chilly 25 minutes or so....i was standing there in kind of a mentally,and emotional neutral and at ease soace....whrn i felt ,saw and realized at an eceb deeper level,that we create our reality and that truly our energy feilds are filled with our thoughtd and feelings. Really thry are. I ve known this for years,decades actualky and yet I experienced these things at an even deeper deeper level than before. Conclustion: that evrn UMS in its current state it will eventually really work...its justhat the "Eventually" could take a really really long time depending. And for some not too long at all...but this experiwnce showed me that UMS can and will work. Im so glad Shannon was hip to this fwar based blockage stuff way way before and is not working on an evrn better higher version da fear remover!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"