02-02-2020, 02:27 AM
Hey Shannon,
Nothing major to say as i'm not big on reporting now, talking about everything gets me in my head and starts to mess with my results and focus.
Nevertheless i just want to express the gratitude i feel. I've said it before but living all my life with a mind which doesn't work as i want it to and no sense of self esteem has been such an unhappy task. MLS and SE have really given me what i've always needed so badly.
I know you're on a mission and that entails shooting for something much higher than where you are now and in that disappointment will hit at times. Still i want you to know that were you just to give it up now, what you've already produced is enough to turn a lot of lives around.
So thank you, Shannon.
Nothing major to say as i'm not big on reporting now, talking about everything gets me in my head and starts to mess with my results and focus.
Nevertheless i just want to express the gratitude i feel. I've said it before but living all my life with a mind which doesn't work as i want it to and no sense of self esteem has been such an unhappy task. MLS and SE have really given me what i've always needed so badly.
I know you're on a mission and that entails shooting for something much higher than where you are now and in that disappointment will hit at times. Still i want you to know that were you just to give it up now, what you've already produced is enough to turn a lot of lives around.
So thank you, Shannon.
Your task is not to seek for Love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.