11-19-2019, 11:34 AM
So after looking at symptoms for High functioning depression, and I have like 90 something percent of all the described symptoms. No wonder I feel like I'm making little progress even though I'm actually doing a lot more than I was. And no wonder I feel no sense of passion or motivation when it comes to even creative endeavors and accomplishing goals. No wonder I spend so much time discomnecting, withdrawing, sleeping, focusing on mindless distractions, etc. No wonder I'm not appreciating progress and accomplishments. No wonder I'm not seeing monetary results yet. No wonder I'm not as invested in my studies and work related pursuits as I would ideally prefer to be, and the same regarding creative and spiritual/occult practices and pursuits. I have HFD, and these are ALL symptoms, among numerous others that I have. From what I remember my online mentor telling me, depression is a form of SUPPRESSION. Suppression of emotions I want to avoid feeling. To avoid facing. If I wamt to cure myself of this high functioning depression, the best steps to take most likely include: meditating every day, allowing the emotions to come up amd feel them fully in order to process them without identifying with them, building up my loving kindness, and focusing on my connectuons with others, including mother Earth herself. My online mentor says I am out of touch with and disconnected from my divine feminine energy, and that connecting with Mother Earth/Nature (or whatever name you want to give for groundig myself and connecting with nature) is a good step towards that reconnection and healthy balance between feminine and masculine energies. This may be the best current prescription for the current roadblocks I seem to be facing in the present, as best I can tell. Now to apply this prescription, patiently with myself. Baby steps. Glad I'm finding solutions and practical ways to move towards objective and subjective results. Things are looking a little bit more hopeful every day.
I love you all. Thank you ALL once again for your compassion, patience, guidance and support. It makes a real difference and means the world to me. You all are showing me just how powerful a difference one can make in even the smallest of ways. Thank you all so much. I love you all.
I love you all. Thank you ALL once again for your compassion, patience, guidance and support. It makes a real difference and means the world to me. You all are showing me just how powerful a difference one can make in even the smallest of ways. Thank you all so much. I love you all.