I woke up feeling freer this morning. I had 2 times in the first 10 minutes awake that my mind went to an image of a beautiful woman, and I felt desires to be with her. I felt lovable and desirable. Like my defenses are breaking down, maybe even some past trauma or fear.
Thinking back, I know E3 specifically deals with sexual trauma. Last night, before dropping, I was having some bodily sensations, and I even wondered then if some sexual memories were being healed, for the same sensations mirrored a past trauma. Wow..... Is this happening???
@Shannon: a consideration for future healing subs: in the stop smoking sub, you work on the biggest resistance factor for smokers: the social factor. I am not a smoker, but this feature is entirely unique among healing subs--handling outside pressures and acclimating to change easier.
I wrote "is this happening?" since in my experience, all we're taught to do is COPE with trauma. We could have spent 50K on healing, but mentally, we're still in chains. Could you imput messages where we see ourselves as free? Only when we believe we're free are we truly free. Thank you. My hat's off to you.
Edit: Every morning I make coffee for myself. The one main reason I've used it is to calm anxious thoughts creeping up, and I've noticed when I'm proactively going into emotionally stressful situations (mostly in recovery rooms and settings), I've looked for coffee to shut those fears down.
This morning......I had no emotional need for it. I almost left without it. But a guy I normally pick up didn't need a ride this morning. So I made it. Messages that we really don't need old crutches would be great. I've never seen that among recovery tools.
Thinking back, I know E3 specifically deals with sexual trauma. Last night, before dropping, I was having some bodily sensations, and I even wondered then if some sexual memories were being healed, for the same sensations mirrored a past trauma. Wow..... Is this happening???
@Shannon: a consideration for future healing subs: in the stop smoking sub, you work on the biggest resistance factor for smokers: the social factor. I am not a smoker, but this feature is entirely unique among healing subs--handling outside pressures and acclimating to change easier.
I wrote "is this happening?" since in my experience, all we're taught to do is COPE with trauma. We could have spent 50K on healing, but mentally, we're still in chains. Could you imput messages where we see ourselves as free? Only when we believe we're free are we truly free. Thank you. My hat's off to you.
Edit: Every morning I make coffee for myself. The one main reason I've used it is to calm anxious thoughts creeping up, and I've noticed when I'm proactively going into emotionally stressful situations (mostly in recovery rooms and settings), I've looked for coffee to shut those fears down.
This morning......I had no emotional need for it. I almost left without it. But a guy I normally pick up didn't need a ride this morning. So I made it. Messages that we really don't need old crutches would be great. I've never seen that among recovery tools.
I want to be FREE!