02-08-2019, 11:45 AM
ok, been waiting to give this report because frankly I had no idea how to put what has been happening into words. Still really don't know how to really but I will try. Needless to say I will keep on DMSI for a while even though it would seem its done quite a lot already. I did buy LTU for preparation for later on but like I said I will stay on this for a while longer (probably 2 weeks). Mind you I'm doing this for a very specific reason which I will lay out below and will become very apparent. Short of it do to what has been happening I "need" to graduate in March. No if, ands, or buts about it. I need to get that piece of paper and start making money.
Ok, for the long of it. Essentially I have 2 women that in the coming months I will be getting married to and they have both spoken to each other and are ok with the arrangement. First I should explain about the chick who I had mentioned in my previous post. She is from Indonesia and is very traditional. Wants to basically have a bunch of kids and stay home for the most part along with serving her man. She is 27 currently and working in Bali, Indonesia at the moment. This is after 8 years of working in Hong Kong basically taking care of elderly people and sending money back home. Even now while she is in Bali she is still sending money back home (like 75% of her paycheck). Apparently, her mother has poor health and her younger brother got in an accident that has left him permanently crippled (I did verify this as well). Also in case your wondering, nope she didn't ask me for money. I know that type of scam all too well so whenever a women would try that I just block them. I have no time dealing with that bullshit.
Anyway, she comes from a more traditional culture where they literally still have a dowry type thing. She has already talked to both her parents about me (a show of serious intention) and they have both given their approval. Mind you this only went so fast because her culture doesn't really date, though that's starting to change, but talk for a bit and if things seem in order there is an offer made. Anyway, despite something that did happen with her mother's health getting worst and her brother getting kicked out of school (once again, still didn't ask for money which is a good sign) that made her think about going back to Hong Kong to make more money to send back she realized she couldn't give me up and apparently wrote me a long text saying this and was literally crying for hours (what she said anyway). Mind you I did kind of push her in the direction of her just going to Hong Kong if she really needed to take care of her family and hence when she realized we would have to break contact she just couldn't go through with it.
Anyway, She is pretty much in the bag. So I just need to go visit her once then after that go again for the marriage and everything. Now for the second women who is actually from the Philippines. I had actually been talking to this one for weeks even before the other girl. After 3 days of cooling off because she was getting a bit too clingy I told her about the other girl and the whole thing. We had made an agreement if things didn't work out or I found someone else we would remain friends but my intuition told me something about this situation. So I kind of left little hints here and there and eventually she caught on to what I was suggesting. I came out and ask if she wouldn't mind being a second wife and she said she had no problem with it.
A little bit on this women. She is 28 and just really wants to settle down and have a family already. She had only one previous guy before for a couple of years who did become her fiance but they never got married due to what your about to read. Apparently this guy had real anger issues and was a drunk. She got beat regularly but stayed in the relationship for quite a long time. The final straw though was when she was pregnant then he beat her and she lost the baby. That was finally it for her and she just left. I really think this one was a manifestation based on what she has said. She says she had been on the site for years but ever since her last relationship she has basically been single for like 5 years and stayed at home helping take care of her mother and nephews (her sister is currently working in Lebanon at the moment). She has just been so afraid of being in a relationship since that she has barely talked to anyone on the site (she mentioned she had talked to maybe one foreigner on facebook but really wasn't as interested). Then one day a few weeks ago she said she was browsing the site and came across my profile. She said she saw me and what I read and just fell for me. I kind of wasn't paying attention really but she was persistent. She sent 2 other messages after the initial one to really get my attention so I gave in.
She's easy to talk to though she says she lives a very boring life. She just is mostly a home body and just wants to get married, take of the home, take care of any kids, and really take care of her man. I admit I was kind of freaked out a bit just because I think this was a shattering of my previous "reality" as it were. Before my reality was nothing but like women but them not liking me in return and just trying to "use" me like some orbiter. To have a women actually take a genuine interest in me and actually really, really seem devoted to me to the point of maybe even being obsessive sort of scared a part of me I think. I just wasn't used to it and it was something that didn't fit in that narrow reality I had always experienced. As a side note, Shannon is this common? That maybe someone comes across something that doesn't fit their preconceptions of how "reality" should be for them and then they get frightened by that?
Either way, this women is really devoted and knows she just wants a quite life at home. She made her devotion so clear that at one point she said that even if I wanted to her have 15 children she would do it for me. I will agree with her that she probably lives a boring life by other people's standards though she isn't boring to talk to at all really. I do have this feeling that after that horrible last relationship she sort of just closed herself off to the world and became a home body. The fact that I'm the only person she has really had any contact with (or had any desire to contact) outside her little "world" probably means she sees this relationship as very important to her so she doesn't want to lose me under any circumstances. So she is totally fine if I have other women and she has talked to the other girl and they seem to get along just fine for now.
As far as looks for the two girls they are decent. The Indonesian chick seems to be relatively decent in the looks department and has a nice body. Also, if she starts to notice herself gaining weight she actually starts monitoring her eating to keep herself good looking for her own health and to have her man still appreciate her. The Filipina chick has a relatively decent body. Is a little bit chubby but from what I've seen has nice thighs and a nice ass. Her facial looks aren't that great however but I guess she makes up for that with her personality and willingness to please her man. Anyway, those are the 2 women so far anyway. I could get other women which they both are fine with but I will hold off on that for probably a year or 2. I already have 2 potential meetings and weddings to plan.
With that said this has made me realize, as I mentioned above, that I definitely need to graduate in March. I need to do that so I can get a good job then start saving money up for all these expenses. Everything as far as meetings, etc should be done by mid Summer. Though I should say after I get my Bachelors I will be going straight to get my Master's as well. Will be getting a Master's in English so that I can get a high paying job in either Saudi Arabia or Dubai by this fall. Those places actually recognize these type of relationships so it wouldn't be hard to get a visa for them to join me as dependents when I go to work over there. Also, the pay is high and accommodations are usually provide. As far as subs, will keep with this a bit longer then I will switch to LTU because I need to graduate if any of this is going to come to fruition. Once I have my first degree, I will switch to UMS when it comes out.
I'm hoping in between doing all these things that I will maybe do some stock option investing once again. If UMS can help me emulate my previous success where I got up to 40k USD within 2 months that will be a big help. I also plan on finally using my VA home loan that I'm entitled to before I leave so I can buy some multi unit property that will help generate some additional income while I'm in Dubai or Saudi Arabia. Either way this is the plan for now and hopefully I execute it in a timely fashion. I did have one other quesiton as well @Shannon. Do you plan on doing further research on improving the FRM before UMS comes out? I just wonder because I feel like 4.4 is just at that point for me where I am seeing small progress every time I wake up though it seems very minimal each time. I have this feeling that whenever the next big upgrade will be that that might just push me to seeing a lot more rapid improvement. Granted, that is just an intuition I have at the moment so take it with a grain of salt. Though I also realize that you can only progress FRM as you come up with new ideas that might help improve it.
Anyway, thanks for everyone who was able to read through this wall of text. Sorry for any typos as well just really tired. Either way, looks like I have 2 permanent relationships in the bag for now so things have seemed to have been a success. With the improving relationship thing Shannon will be putting in LTU I think that will help me maintain what I have accomplished once have switched over. Either way, a lot of crazy stuff that has been going on that I would have never thought would happen. Hope I explained this all well enough.
Ok, for the long of it. Essentially I have 2 women that in the coming months I will be getting married to and they have both spoken to each other and are ok with the arrangement. First I should explain about the chick who I had mentioned in my previous post. She is from Indonesia and is very traditional. Wants to basically have a bunch of kids and stay home for the most part along with serving her man. She is 27 currently and working in Bali, Indonesia at the moment. This is after 8 years of working in Hong Kong basically taking care of elderly people and sending money back home. Even now while she is in Bali she is still sending money back home (like 75% of her paycheck). Apparently, her mother has poor health and her younger brother got in an accident that has left him permanently crippled (I did verify this as well). Also in case your wondering, nope she didn't ask me for money. I know that type of scam all too well so whenever a women would try that I just block them. I have no time dealing with that bullshit.
Anyway, she comes from a more traditional culture where they literally still have a dowry type thing. She has already talked to both her parents about me (a show of serious intention) and they have both given their approval. Mind you this only went so fast because her culture doesn't really date, though that's starting to change, but talk for a bit and if things seem in order there is an offer made. Anyway, despite something that did happen with her mother's health getting worst and her brother getting kicked out of school (once again, still didn't ask for money which is a good sign) that made her think about going back to Hong Kong to make more money to send back she realized she couldn't give me up and apparently wrote me a long text saying this and was literally crying for hours (what she said anyway). Mind you I did kind of push her in the direction of her just going to Hong Kong if she really needed to take care of her family and hence when she realized we would have to break contact she just couldn't go through with it.
Anyway, She is pretty much in the bag. So I just need to go visit her once then after that go again for the marriage and everything. Now for the second women who is actually from the Philippines. I had actually been talking to this one for weeks even before the other girl. After 3 days of cooling off because she was getting a bit too clingy I told her about the other girl and the whole thing. We had made an agreement if things didn't work out or I found someone else we would remain friends but my intuition told me something about this situation. So I kind of left little hints here and there and eventually she caught on to what I was suggesting. I came out and ask if she wouldn't mind being a second wife and she said she had no problem with it.
A little bit on this women. She is 28 and just really wants to settle down and have a family already. She had only one previous guy before for a couple of years who did become her fiance but they never got married due to what your about to read. Apparently this guy had real anger issues and was a drunk. She got beat regularly but stayed in the relationship for quite a long time. The final straw though was when she was pregnant then he beat her and she lost the baby. That was finally it for her and she just left. I really think this one was a manifestation based on what she has said. She says she had been on the site for years but ever since her last relationship she has basically been single for like 5 years and stayed at home helping take care of her mother and nephews (her sister is currently working in Lebanon at the moment). She has just been so afraid of being in a relationship since that she has barely talked to anyone on the site (she mentioned she had talked to maybe one foreigner on facebook but really wasn't as interested). Then one day a few weeks ago she said she was browsing the site and came across my profile. She said she saw me and what I read and just fell for me. I kind of wasn't paying attention really but she was persistent. She sent 2 other messages after the initial one to really get my attention so I gave in.
She's easy to talk to though she says she lives a very boring life. She just is mostly a home body and just wants to get married, take of the home, take care of any kids, and really take care of her man. I admit I was kind of freaked out a bit just because I think this was a shattering of my previous "reality" as it were. Before my reality was nothing but like women but them not liking me in return and just trying to "use" me like some orbiter. To have a women actually take a genuine interest in me and actually really, really seem devoted to me to the point of maybe even being obsessive sort of scared a part of me I think. I just wasn't used to it and it was something that didn't fit in that narrow reality I had always experienced. As a side note, Shannon is this common? That maybe someone comes across something that doesn't fit their preconceptions of how "reality" should be for them and then they get frightened by that?
Either way, this women is really devoted and knows she just wants a quite life at home. She made her devotion so clear that at one point she said that even if I wanted to her have 15 children she would do it for me. I will agree with her that she probably lives a boring life by other people's standards though she isn't boring to talk to at all really. I do have this feeling that after that horrible last relationship she sort of just closed herself off to the world and became a home body. The fact that I'm the only person she has really had any contact with (or had any desire to contact) outside her little "world" probably means she sees this relationship as very important to her so she doesn't want to lose me under any circumstances. So she is totally fine if I have other women and she has talked to the other girl and they seem to get along just fine for now.
As far as looks for the two girls they are decent. The Indonesian chick seems to be relatively decent in the looks department and has a nice body. Also, if she starts to notice herself gaining weight she actually starts monitoring her eating to keep herself good looking for her own health and to have her man still appreciate her. The Filipina chick has a relatively decent body. Is a little bit chubby but from what I've seen has nice thighs and a nice ass. Her facial looks aren't that great however but I guess she makes up for that with her personality and willingness to please her man. Anyway, those are the 2 women so far anyway. I could get other women which they both are fine with but I will hold off on that for probably a year or 2. I already have 2 potential meetings and weddings to plan.
With that said this has made me realize, as I mentioned above, that I definitely need to graduate in March. I need to do that so I can get a good job then start saving money up for all these expenses. Everything as far as meetings, etc should be done by mid Summer. Though I should say after I get my Bachelors I will be going straight to get my Master's as well. Will be getting a Master's in English so that I can get a high paying job in either Saudi Arabia or Dubai by this fall. Those places actually recognize these type of relationships so it wouldn't be hard to get a visa for them to join me as dependents when I go to work over there. Also, the pay is high and accommodations are usually provide. As far as subs, will keep with this a bit longer then I will switch to LTU because I need to graduate if any of this is going to come to fruition. Once I have my first degree, I will switch to UMS when it comes out.
I'm hoping in between doing all these things that I will maybe do some stock option investing once again. If UMS can help me emulate my previous success where I got up to 40k USD within 2 months that will be a big help. I also plan on finally using my VA home loan that I'm entitled to before I leave so I can buy some multi unit property that will help generate some additional income while I'm in Dubai or Saudi Arabia. Either way this is the plan for now and hopefully I execute it in a timely fashion. I did have one other quesiton as well @Shannon. Do you plan on doing further research on improving the FRM before UMS comes out? I just wonder because I feel like 4.4 is just at that point for me where I am seeing small progress every time I wake up though it seems very minimal each time. I have this feeling that whenever the next big upgrade will be that that might just push me to seeing a lot more rapid improvement. Granted, that is just an intuition I have at the moment so take it with a grain of salt. Though I also realize that you can only progress FRM as you come up with new ideas that might help improve it.
Anyway, thanks for everyone who was able to read through this wall of text. Sorry for any typos as well just really tired. Either way, looks like I have 2 permanent relationships in the bag for now so things have seemed to have been a success. With the improving relationship thing Shannon will be putting in LTU I think that will help me maintain what I have accomplished once have switched over. Either way, a lot of crazy stuff that has been going on that I would have never thought would happen. Hope I explained this all well enough.
"I have no use of disciples. Let everyone be their own true follower" - Nietzsche
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