04-30-2012, 11:22 AM
Day 113 on ASC and Day 12 on AOS. I'm confronting my fears now. The moment I notice that I'm fearful of doing something there is a strong urge to simply do it anyway which of course eliminates the fear. AOS is not producing much in the way of noticeable self-effects but the number of looks and the amount of attention seems to be slightly increasing. I swear I had a woman simply stare at me as I was driving by in my car. WTF to that...
Noticing a strange phenomenon...I'm getting taller. Even my parents have noticed (both of whom I have surpassed). I'm not sure whether Ultra Success may have a hand in this or wether my body is still naturally growing but it's still incredible to say the least. With this in my, sooner or later I have to drop ASC
and utilize Grow Taller which I'll be purchasing either today or tomorrow. I'll then either use AOS for the full 32 days or simply switch to a more school oriented sub for 90 days in preparation for my difficult Fall Semester.
Noticing a strange phenomenon...I'm getting taller. Even my parents have noticed (both of whom I have surpassed). I'm not sure whether Ultra Success may have a hand in this or wether my body is still naturally growing but it's still incredible to say the least. With this in my, sooner or later I have to drop ASC