(12-15-2018, 12:49 PM)mat422 Wrote: Hey man don't beat yourself up about it. I really relate to what you've wrote here. One trap that I constantly fell into was me thinking "I should be better than this". A lot of us have built up defense mechanisms to keep us safe in life or what the subconscious perceived as safety. It takes a bit to remove these. Shannon's subs are fast, but it still takes time. During that time just know you'll improve and be easy with yourself. Despite how it feels, we didn't really choose a lot of this behavior so blaming ourselves for falling back to old ways and longstanding habits only causes us more stress that we don't need.
You're definitely making progress. I just think, like me, when a lot of this stuff is brought to the surface there's a tendency to get attached to it before you let it go. But you will let it go, sometimes it takes a slight detour before you get there.
I re-read this after just posting this morning's thoughts. You named my thinking patterns pretty spot on. I'm on a "detour" today. And thinking (out of habit) that being hard on myself will make things "better". (NOT!)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here Mat.
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