Journal Update
So, I managed to turned a chick who was originally completely disgusted and turned off by me, into obsessed with me and calling me daddy.
This is in reference to Ivory, the “Gossiping” chick I had spoken about on my journal update from March 23rd. She evidently had a fun time with me at the Casino and Bowling. She was attracted and I left a good impression enough to have her see me again, and that we did, last night. I’ll put my employed and deliberate techniques in bold for easy reading/viewing. There were a bunch, and so there will be some that I inevitably missed but I’ll try to put the most notable ones in. Throughout all this, assume there was flirtatious bant and gradual kino escalation as the night went on. I can’t be assed to describe it all in literotica-level detail.
She came over to my place. We stopped at my apartment so I could get my jacket. This was intentional, I wanted her to visit my abode and ‘induct’ her into my Frame from the very onset.
After that, we went to the local Irish Pub that is one of the hot-spots in my close vicinity. Her being Irish, I thought she’d appreciate that- Plus, I had never been there before myself, and thought it would be a fun adventure for the both of us. When were getting our drinks, she asked for water. I rose a brow because you don’t go to an Irish pub to not have a drink. Low-key, I knew she was fairly broke because of a convention coming up this weekend, and with bills to pay, and her two jobs (She didn’t make very much), she probably wanted to keep the spending as light as possible. Since she had made the effort to drive 20 minutes to my place, I decided to treat her this time around since it was cheap, and hell, they had Irish cider on offer that we had both never even heard of before.
It was here, I told her what the plan was. We were going to have our drinks, then go across the street to buy a bottle of mead at my favorite meadery (And one of the spots I frequent), shoot some pool, and then head back to my place to hang out after and enjoy the mead. She was cool with this.
When we left the pub, I saw the Meadery was closed- I thought, Shit, I forgot they’re closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, Oh well. I just said we’ll get it some other time, let’s just head to the Billiards bar to shoot some pool. It was fine.
We played and, man, I just did terrible. We played three games, but I ended up winning the first and last game because she hit the 8 ball in by mistake. Whoops! Each game I won was because of her mess ups. She made some remark about it being my job to get my balls into the hole. I retorted back to her something to the effect of, ”Why put in the effort to do that when you’re getting the job done for me? Make sexual innuendos out of everything. Don’t be overt and direct about it.
There was another point too where she had her ass on the pool table to try and make a shot. I joked that she had done that on purpose to put on a show for me. She smiled saying that was exactly what she was going for anyway.
Again, whew, I was doing really bad tonight. Like, getting dominated in Pool…But regardless, I still won the set. We decided it was time to get back to my place to play some games and hang out.
When we got into my car, I made a move that looked like I was about to kiss her- She started to close her eyes and pucked her lips. Instead of kissing her, I moved to her ear with a sheepish smile and whispered softly, ”I still beat you.” I then turned back to the wheel, looking back to her a bit with a smirk as I knowingly defied her expectation for the a-typical kiss.
When we got back to my place, and into the elevator- She was isolated, so this was a perfect opportunity. I took her by her shoulders, and basically slammed her into the wall of the elevator with dominative (Not overly strong, but strong enough) force. She let out a very turned on gasp. Here, you would normally expect a voracious make-out session… But rather, I denied her of that too. In contrast to the dominative force of pushing her against the side of the elevator, I gave her a soft and gentle, tender kiss on the lips, and then pulled away with a smile- biting my lip some as I looked up to see what floor we were on. She brushed her hair to the side and just looked dazed in awe. After a few more moments, I chuckled and then pushed her up against the side of the elevator again and we made out until we finally reached our floor.
When we got to my living room, I turned the TV and game console on, and she sat on the couch and started to get comfortable. I went to use the bathroom. When I got back, I noticed she had her legs out a bit open for me. I took this opportunity to spread them out a bit more for me and made out with her, while grinding on her on the crotch area. Things were definitely getting heated up.
I pulled away as if to speak with my body language ”Whew this is moving too fast, I need to regain my composure” and let out a bit of a breath as I returned to the game; and so, we started to play a fighting game.
So, I was beating her pretty badly in this game. She was commenting how I was basically paying her back for getting owned in Pool (Even though I technically won our set, haha). She was getting increasingly flustered and pissy at me. When she’d deny me of a kiss due to being upset, I’d say ”Oooh feisty, I like it.
I noticed she was becoming more stand-offish towards me due to not being able to do much against me, blaming the controllers and so forth. At one point, I sniffed the air, like…Wait. Wtf is that smell? I sniffed again, and she was like ”What?” I started to sniff again saying “What is that smell?” and moved towards her, she started to back away a tiny bit like she would because she was being sassy- I said, hold on… Sniff… I moved towards the side of her head and neck and gave her a slight gentle sniff and said, Oh, it’s you… and sniffed a little bit more, tenderly, before moving away and returning to the TV set. ”You smell good.. This, giving me an excuse to get close to her again, disarmed her ‘standoffish’ behavior. She reacted positively to this funny little trick.
(I didn’t actually smell anything at all lmao)
We played one more game, and I was starting to get bored, so I decided to just pull her in after the last fight and we started making out. We made out more and more passionately and she started to move to get comfortable, resting her legs over mine. After a few more seconds of us making out, I positioned my arms behind her back and under her legs and lifted her up and carried her to my bedroom without saying anything, and then slammed her onto my bed and closed the doors.
We continued making out on the bed, undressed, I took off my belt and tied her wrists up with them (It’s a double grommet belt, one of my favorite maneuvers to display dominance) and had her hold her hands up while we continued. Long story short, we fucked (She’d refer to me as “Daddy” because she knew I liked being called that), snuggled for a bit and had pillow talk. She expressed concern that initially she didn’t want to do anything with me at first and had only just planned to meet with me (At the Casino) to become friends. She didn’t want to be ‘the next in line’ chick, after I had already banged two of her friends, but basically said “Fuck it” when she realized how great of a time we were having and how ‘well we connected.’ (In other words, my game was just extremely sharp and I pressed all the right buttons.
She asked me at one point, ”So I have to ask, how many have you been with? What’s your count?
My response to this question was: “Like today? Just one. Wait- Hold on…” I looked at my watch to check what time it was, to see if it was past midnight and confirm. ”Yeah, just one."
She was like, Lol you dick, I meant in general. I replied, ”You really going to ask me that? Haha. Why do you want to know?”
She then responded, Because I’m curious and just have to know.
I then said, ”Well I’ve got FOIA Freedom of Information Act forms in my car- You could fill one of them out and maybe receive a response back in 20 or so years.”
She laughed in reaction to this. This line is one of my favorite shit-test disarmers to use. You never ever, under penalty of death, reveal your N-Count, no matter how low or high it is.
We got our clothes on, I put on some lounge pants that she complimented on (Hint: The design on them says “It’s over 9000!”). When we snuggled again on the couch afterwards watching TierZoo on Youtube (That shit is FIRE by the way!), she smelled my shirt and remarked how I smelled so good. Also throughout all this, she was completely enamored with the way I looked, commenting on how cute I was. Every time she did this, it was in response to me silently looking deeply into her eyes, almost past them and into her conscious, with a mental frame thinking I own your pussy. It’s amazing how subtle yet powerful this works.
It was getting late so she went home, I more or less kicked her out but it was about that time for her to leave anyway since it was almost 1 or 2 AM and I had to wake up early in the morning. She sent me a text message this morning with pictures of a couple of bruises I had left on her neck from hickeys. I texted her back saying, “That was me being gentle.”
She responded with, ”I know lol. I liked being marked by daddy
I am on NoFap Day 184
Cold Showers Day 5
DMSI 3.2b Day 14:1:13 (Tomorrow will be day 14, then I’ll take rest day for ASRB)
TL;DR (But please read): I made a chick who was originally completely disgusted by me do a complete 180, and had her calling me daddy by the end of the night.
So, I managed to turned a chick who was originally completely disgusted and turned off by me, into obsessed with me and calling me daddy.
This is in reference to Ivory, the “Gossiping” chick I had spoken about on my journal update from March 23rd. She evidently had a fun time with me at the Casino and Bowling. She was attracted and I left a good impression enough to have her see me again, and that we did, last night. I’ll put my employed and deliberate techniques in bold for easy reading/viewing. There were a bunch, and so there will be some that I inevitably missed but I’ll try to put the most notable ones in. Throughout all this, assume there was flirtatious bant and gradual kino escalation as the night went on. I can’t be assed to describe it all in literotica-level detail.
She came over to my place. We stopped at my apartment so I could get my jacket. This was intentional, I wanted her to visit my abode and ‘induct’ her into my Frame from the very onset.
After that, we went to the local Irish Pub that is one of the hot-spots in my close vicinity. Her being Irish, I thought she’d appreciate that- Plus, I had never been there before myself, and thought it would be a fun adventure for the both of us. When were getting our drinks, she asked for water. I rose a brow because you don’t go to an Irish pub to not have a drink. Low-key, I knew she was fairly broke because of a convention coming up this weekend, and with bills to pay, and her two jobs (She didn’t make very much), she probably wanted to keep the spending as light as possible. Since she had made the effort to drive 20 minutes to my place, I decided to treat her this time around since it was cheap, and hell, they had Irish cider on offer that we had both never even heard of before.
It was here, I told her what the plan was. We were going to have our drinks, then go across the street to buy a bottle of mead at my favorite meadery (And one of the spots I frequent), shoot some pool, and then head back to my place to hang out after and enjoy the mead. She was cool with this.
When we left the pub, I saw the Meadery was closed- I thought, Shit, I forgot they’re closed on Mondays and Tuesdays, Oh well. I just said we’ll get it some other time, let’s just head to the Billiards bar to shoot some pool. It was fine.
We played and, man, I just did terrible. We played three games, but I ended up winning the first and last game because she hit the 8 ball in by mistake. Whoops! Each game I won was because of her mess ups. She made some remark about it being my job to get my balls into the hole. I retorted back to her something to the effect of, ”Why put in the effort to do that when you’re getting the job done for me? Make sexual innuendos out of everything. Don’t be overt and direct about it.
There was another point too where she had her ass on the pool table to try and make a shot. I joked that she had done that on purpose to put on a show for me. She smiled saying that was exactly what she was going for anyway.
Again, whew, I was doing really bad tonight. Like, getting dominated in Pool…But regardless, I still won the set. We decided it was time to get back to my place to play some games and hang out.
When we got into my car, I made a move that looked like I was about to kiss her- She started to close her eyes and pucked her lips. Instead of kissing her, I moved to her ear with a sheepish smile and whispered softly, ”I still beat you.” I then turned back to the wheel, looking back to her a bit with a smirk as I knowingly defied her expectation for the a-typical kiss.
When we got back to my place, and into the elevator- She was isolated, so this was a perfect opportunity. I took her by her shoulders, and basically slammed her into the wall of the elevator with dominative (Not overly strong, but strong enough) force. She let out a very turned on gasp. Here, you would normally expect a voracious make-out session… But rather, I denied her of that too. In contrast to the dominative force of pushing her against the side of the elevator, I gave her a soft and gentle, tender kiss on the lips, and then pulled away with a smile- biting my lip some as I looked up to see what floor we were on. She brushed her hair to the side and just looked dazed in awe. After a few more moments, I chuckled and then pushed her up against the side of the elevator again and we made out until we finally reached our floor.
When we got to my living room, I turned the TV and game console on, and she sat on the couch and started to get comfortable. I went to use the bathroom. When I got back, I noticed she had her legs out a bit open for me. I took this opportunity to spread them out a bit more for me and made out with her, while grinding on her on the crotch area. Things were definitely getting heated up.
I pulled away as if to speak with my body language ”Whew this is moving too fast, I need to regain my composure” and let out a bit of a breath as I returned to the game; and so, we started to play a fighting game.
So, I was beating her pretty badly in this game. She was commenting how I was basically paying her back for getting owned in Pool (Even though I technically won our set, haha). She was getting increasingly flustered and pissy at me. When she’d deny me of a kiss due to being upset, I’d say ”Oooh feisty, I like it.
I noticed she was becoming more stand-offish towards me due to not being able to do much against me, blaming the controllers and so forth. At one point, I sniffed the air, like…Wait. Wtf is that smell? I sniffed again, and she was like ”What?” I started to sniff again saying “What is that smell?” and moved towards her, she started to back away a tiny bit like she would because she was being sassy- I said, hold on… Sniff… I moved towards the side of her head and neck and gave her a slight gentle sniff and said, Oh, it’s you… and sniffed a little bit more, tenderly, before moving away and returning to the TV set. ”You smell good.. This, giving me an excuse to get close to her again, disarmed her ‘standoffish’ behavior. She reacted positively to this funny little trick.

We played one more game, and I was starting to get bored, so I decided to just pull her in after the last fight and we started making out. We made out more and more passionately and she started to move to get comfortable, resting her legs over mine. After a few more seconds of us making out, I positioned my arms behind her back and under her legs and lifted her up and carried her to my bedroom without saying anything, and then slammed her onto my bed and closed the doors.
We continued making out on the bed, undressed, I took off my belt and tied her wrists up with them (It’s a double grommet belt, one of my favorite maneuvers to display dominance) and had her hold her hands up while we continued. Long story short, we fucked (She’d refer to me as “Daddy” because she knew I liked being called that), snuggled for a bit and had pillow talk. She expressed concern that initially she didn’t want to do anything with me at first and had only just planned to meet with me (At the Casino) to become friends. She didn’t want to be ‘the next in line’ chick, after I had already banged two of her friends, but basically said “Fuck it” when she realized how great of a time we were having and how ‘well we connected.’ (In other words, my game was just extremely sharp and I pressed all the right buttons.
She asked me at one point, ”So I have to ask, how many have you been with? What’s your count?
My response to this question was: “Like today? Just one. Wait- Hold on…” I looked at my watch to check what time it was, to see if it was past midnight and confirm. ”Yeah, just one."
She was like, Lol you dick, I meant in general. I replied, ”You really going to ask me that? Haha. Why do you want to know?”
She then responded, Because I’m curious and just have to know.
I then said, ”Well I’ve got FOIA Freedom of Information Act forms in my car- You could fill one of them out and maybe receive a response back in 20 or so years.”
She laughed in reaction to this. This line is one of my favorite shit-test disarmers to use. You never ever, under penalty of death, reveal your N-Count, no matter how low or high it is.
We got our clothes on, I put on some lounge pants that she complimented on (Hint: The design on them says “It’s over 9000!”). When we snuggled again on the couch afterwards watching TierZoo on Youtube (That shit is FIRE by the way!), she smelled my shirt and remarked how I smelled so good. Also throughout all this, she was completely enamored with the way I looked, commenting on how cute I was. Every time she did this, it was in response to me silently looking deeply into her eyes, almost past them and into her conscious, with a mental frame thinking I own your pussy. It’s amazing how subtle yet powerful this works.
It was getting late so she went home, I more or less kicked her out but it was about that time for her to leave anyway since it was almost 1 or 2 AM and I had to wake up early in the morning. She sent me a text message this morning with pictures of a couple of bruises I had left on her neck from hickeys. I texted her back saying, “That was me being gentle.”
She responded with, ”I know lol. I liked being marked by daddy

I am on NoFap Day 184
Cold Showers Day 5
DMSI 3.2b Day 14:1:13 (Tomorrow will be day 14, then I’ll take rest day for ASRB)
TL;DR (But please read): I made a chick who was originally completely disgusted by me do a complete 180, and had her calling me daddy by the end of the night.
"A man who loves women is loved by women."