(03-15-2018, 07:44 AM)MrBoogieMan_HD Wrote: Tesla I heard some things from a mutual friend, mainly that you pull like this without DMSI. Would you account these experiences to DMSI or “just a regular day”
A combination of both so far- It's a bit too early for me to say, but I am finding the usual 'approach anxiety' I have has gone away. I do have an elevated sense of momentum, and a bit more confidence than I had before I started. Not yet sure if this is a placebo effect because I'm putting trust into DMSI, or if it's actually working.
I did get into a minor disagreement with the former plate that night, but it was quickly diffused and she actually started apologizing, almost crying and afraid I was going to leave her, haha. And, I mean...although I would receive regular invitations, it feels like more and more is just coming out of nowhere since starting. Also got into my first ever threesome soon after starting DMSI? Might be a coincidence? Might not be? Again, not sure at the moment.
I finished a full loop today. Will see what happens next!

EDIT: Also, this bears worth mentioning, last night (March 14th) was literally the first night off I've had since beginning DMSI on March 8th where I didn't go out and get laid. I felt like I actually needed to 'chill' at home and rest for once, haha. I had been going out every day for almost a week straight, it was getting exhausting.
"A man who loves women is loved by women."