08-17-2017, 05:33 PM
MLS day 17, no willy wankin day 9, dieting day 7...
No Bjj this week. Too busy. Almost got a new apartment after searching.
Very productive at work besides for today... was burnt from previous days of hustling.
Pieces of the puzzle are putting themselves together.
Insanely difficult time with not slapping the worm. I want to, but I know its better for me if I dont. I tease myself with, oh just a little.. I wont watch anything or nut, butt still... I feel the pull and the urge. I just gotta run it off or workout or work. Plenty of work to do...
Some moments of bliss though...
No Bjj this week. Too busy. Almost got a new apartment after searching.
Very productive at work besides for today... was burnt from previous days of hustling.
Pieces of the puzzle are putting themselves together.
Insanely difficult time with not slapping the worm. I want to, but I know its better for me if I dont. I tease myself with, oh just a little.. I wont watch anything or nut, butt still... I feel the pull and the urge. I just gotta run it off or workout or work. Plenty of work to do...
Some moments of bliss though...