05-12-2017, 03:18 PM
(05-12-2017, 01:19 PM)CatMan Wrote: I will go back and dig up some of his material then, fair enough. I remember the name of the second book you referenced, maybe he was just releasing it at that time, I remember him talking about it in fact. I have some of his works I enjoyed in a folder on one of my drives still, I stored it as I found it more valuable than many others. I didn't want to have "too many cooks in the kitchen", so when I started DMSI, I unplugged from everything else that could possibly be considered mind programming, to allow myself to just "be", and soak in DMSI and let the chips fall where they may. To fall in line with the instructions, and also, more importantly, because ironically, since starting this program, I'm not nearly as interested in the whole "chase and get women thing". I've said before, I don't know if that's the program causing that "I am the prize, I don't chase", or if it's just thinking it isn't worth the aggravation anymore, I'm not sure. But it's there, and very real, and has only intensified as time has gone on. I looked back on how much time I spent buying PUA things, reading books, articles, downloading things, and to have nothing to show for it, I felt it was such a huge waste of time and money, and felt so silly being so tryhard for women, so I stopped bothering with all of that. Weird how this all happened because of a program like this, designed to attract women essentially, but it's what happened!
In V3.2 he will try to help get the conscious into the process to deal with resistance as much as possible. That will be great, because while I SEE the words and meaning, I haven't been sure how to get into the game, so to speak. It's weird, you tend to feel like an outsider, you consciously feel one way, you subconsciously feel another perhaps, and that overrules all. Especially since he says our subconscious is so much more powerful than the conscious, so I haven't even understood how to "get in touch" with a part of the mind, how that is actually done. I want to execute, but I may need more time on Version A, that's fine as long as forward progress happens I don't care, progress is all I want to see. I have extensive goals mapped out, and planning for my life already etc., as it was a big reason for my business/financial success. It's been useful, to drive forward and keep myself on target and accountable. But I will look at this other method you mentioned.
So, some of the changes to V3.2, both to help identify problem areas, and the revised ASS/ART for classifying all activity or inactivity as self sabotage or resistance, that isn't execution, as well as other strengthening, will allow me to step forward more I feel.
However, I think for me it's the other way around though. CONSCIOUSLY, I believe I have a ton to offer and am awesome, I have an incredible life and I know how rare it is and the value I bring to the table. SUBCONSCIOUSLY, I am operating on older programming, bad memories that really caused me a great deal of pain and embarrassment and humiliation. Caused me to think I am unattractive, undesired, mistreated, and women are so impossible to get or please or understand. Add in a lot of contempt for a rigged western system of gynocentrism, fanning those flames further. Lots of shame and fear, maybe some guilt, but I'm thinking a lot more shame and fear of the 3. So consciously, I am all aboard with the sub, and want it and have a lot of hope in it. Subconsciously, is where it's fallen apart, and has to work against a few decades of total cancer, basically!
I'm getting internal effects as I've documented, so SOMETHING is happening. Just not that much external, at least blatantly enough to notice and classify. But still, given the internal effects, by definition I am not stonewalling, so it's likely just a matter of more definite scripting to make sure the script isn't being subconsciously evaded anymore, as described above, and power, and time.
Thanks again man!
I like this post from your brother. There is a lot of hope in this post.