05-11-2017, 10:34 PM
(05-11-2017, 09:38 AM)ReeZoX Wrote: Hey, Catman! Was reading a PDF from Mark Manson, where this came up. You popped up in my mind, so I'm sharing this here
This is a small part of the PDF, but it's regarding the confirmation bias
There were numerous times where a client would hire me, I’d fly out to his city and meet him at the airport, and there he’d be: tall, chiseled chin, good physique, well dressed. He’d stand up tall and shake my hand firmly. He’d be a software engineer or a lawyer or a financial analyst or some other impressive profession.
My immediate reaction would be “What problem does this guy have with women?”
But I would soon find out. We’d go out and meet some women together and within minutes you could see it, he believed he was unattractive.
From my perspective, women would be all over him, flirting with him, eyeing him from across the room, smiling at him.
To me the signals were obvious. But in his mind, he was ugly, unattractive and undesirable, so all he saw were women being polite, tolerating his presence and showing no interest in him.
As a result, not only would he not act on the opportunities he had with women, but also his attitude would actually become negative and turn women off.
I saw this time and time again.
It was an amazing lesson in confirmation bias that I was exposed to over and over again.
I’ve run into similar debilitating biases in men when it comes to race, height, money and even their personalities. In all cases, they sabotage themselves with their poor beliefs.
Hello ReeZoX!
Thank you so much for thinking of me.
I like Mark Manson, actually. I've read some of his book, I think it was called Models, something like that? Was interesting. It was some time ago, you can quickly reach information overload in that genre, so that may have been why I didn't finish it. I do remember it being something I enjoyed reading, though.
I have to say, at the risk of sounding arrogant, I do have a lot going for myself. I SHOULD have zero issues with women at all. Remember how all 3 women who know about me being a virgin are/were shocked to hear that, and I'm still certain none actually believe me and think it's some line, lol.
I've had a terrible past, building very bad beliefs, both about myself and women. I know that full well, I knew that would be a big stumbling block when trying subs. I won't go into the details of any of the stories again, they aren't important, or relevant, and this isn't a pity party anyway. Without being able to change that past, but breaking away from it, seems to require real solid results in the opposite direction to be able to consider that past inaccurate and able to dislodge from. I'm not sure how to do that, besides DMSI executing for me. For now, maybe the clearing and healing will continue burrowing and getting me to that point. Which is why I want to stick with Version A until I fully execute for at least 6 months straight, as I originally planned. I switched to Version B for Shannon to evaluate for 1 week, then went back to Version A happily.
The resistance won't last forever I feel, eventually, the sub should run out of roadblocks, as long as it is potent enough, and scripted in a fashion to not get bogged down or circumvented etc. as is gradually more and more becoming the case with releases. Given the fact I've had internal benefits, something on some level at an absolute minimum is happening. So for me, it must be a case of either time, or power, or both. Maybe Shannon is right about the likelihood of me getting a FLOOD of execution once the power hits a certain level in a future release. I understand that logic, similar to a dam, and the water eventually overflowing the dam if the water is poured in in enough of a quantity and long enough. His comment about "celibacy" triggered me a bit, and I worried about whether it does work or not and what I would do. But, that was likely to just make a point. I don't think in my situation, given that I've at LEAST seen some internal benefits, that I could somehow stonewall, as by definition, based on the internal changes, I'm NOT stonewalling. Otherwise, the internal stuff wouldn't have happened. Even Swisston is seeing benefits, even from his GF openly telling him clear words that the program is working and women are reacting to it. I don't have that kind of rapport with a woman to hear that kind of stuff now directly from her. But if Swisston can hit that level, I must be capable of it as I've gotten internal effects.
Sometimes, I feel it's close to getting results and more realistic, then it seems to be a false alarm and distant again. Then, it feels far away. Then, it feels close again, then far. It's odd to describe. I will say it maybe "FEELS" more realistic and more often on V3.1 than before somehow I think. I'm still disappointed it'll be months until we see V3.2, as this one has already been out for months. It makes the process seem so drawn out, and it feels like it will never get done in a way. I have no problem with other subs being made, but if V3.2 was made THEN others given that this has been out for months now, and I'd have no problem with that whatsoever. Maybe he will release it sooner than the 2-2.5 months figure, I hope so. I had hopes of using V3.2 over the summer, with the stuff I mentioned about it, and the tweaks Shannon is adding like the ASS/ART improvement I read about that seems tailor made for me lmao, all together, this V3.2 could be a VERY big step forward for me. So to be able to enjoy it over the summer would be amazing, we'll see if that happens.
It's likely just a matter of time/power for me, given all this.
Thank you again for thinking of me.