(05-07-2017, 11:58 PM)Illumi Wrote: Hey man! first i would thank you for this awsome post and for sharing your experiances, you seem pretty solid and desicive from what i have seem. I want to give my two cents about love.
I have never had a real love for anyone beside my family members. Im not saying this in a bad way this is just who i am. I was always the quiet, smart and detached one since young age. All the women i "felt" i had a connection to was only because of i was beta and i wanted them to acknowlidge my existance. Im 23 and i have never been in a relationship, yet at the same time i don't think i will fall "in love" with someone because my standards are quite high or im just that detached.
Maybe this is an intj thing i don't know. Im not against it though in fact i think that those who want love the least are those who need it the most. I could just never see myself with someone. That part of myself scares me of how cold i can be. If nobody is there for me when i need them the most then why would they deserve me when im at my best?
Women are emotional. If i hit the right notes, i can get them. In that sense how is any of it real? Chaosvergn calls this "every interaction is a transaction"
Had i stayed beta i might have found love. Now i just know better. Even with people today most of my friendships are shallow. Im always there for them but in the end they just take me for granted. Maybe im just too mature for my age or just that im hangingout with the wrong crowd.
Maybe its because i have abandonment issues. Idk i just see people as chess pieces i can move around however i want when im in control. I like to think that im not that guy but at the same time i can't deny that part of myself. I just can't put myself out there and be vaulnrable. Nobody cares even if i do care about them.
When im weak i get ignored, when im strong they get chummy! That is especially true when it comes to women. They don't give a ####! It's all about what they can get. Everybody is like that.
Hey Illumi, so I wanted to give your post a reply, because there were several things you stated.
Before I do reply though, I want to state that my response to you is not meant as an attack, it is just my own opinions and observations.
Like you, I am an INTJ as well. I actually took the Myers-Briggs test several times throughout my twenties, and I took several variations of the test. My results were always the same, so I have come to accept that that is my personality archetype. That being said, I don't really think a test can be an all encompassing validation of this is who you are.
So you mentioned that had you still been beta, you would have found love already. So, as an alpha, love isn't a reality?
Also, you mentioned something that Chaos once said about how if you hit the right notes, you can get a girl. And, how you can play people like chess pieces.
Ultimately both statements say the same thing.
Here's the thing about all of that. I agree, with both of your statements.
But, let me ask you, what do you get out of living life like that?
The hitting the right notes, that's something that PUA material is built on isn't it. Say the right order of things in the right sequence and you've got yourself the girl.
There's another term for that. It's called running a con.
The problem with running a con is, you always have to run another one and another one after that. It's not something that you can maintain for an extended period of time.
Same thing with manipulating people. That's akin to mental masturbation. What does it prove. That people are gullible? That your intelligence is far greater than theirs?
With all that superiority though, at the end of the day, you're still alone. Now, granted, we're all alone in life. But, you only get one chance at this. There is no reboot.
I'm not sure if I would want to look back at my life and say, "yeah, I manipulated people into doing everything I wanted them to. I lived a really fulfilled life."
If you do have all of that ability and brain power, why not use it to manipulate a solution to a problem that is plaguing the world?
Going back to Chaos's every interaction is a transaction - if you want to know the core aspects of where that term comes from, I would read Eric Berne's Transactional Analysis. He's the father of Transactional Psychology.
I'll close out my post with a final thought. From what I have read from your posts, you're still a virgin. I have probably, at this point in my life, slept with about a 100 women.
Being on this side of it, my last few posts were there to tell folks, that sex for the sake of sex is an empty transaction. You gain nothing more from it. Sex with someone you love, will always be more meaningful, and everyone should allow themselves to experience that.
You're an adult, I'll let you figure the rest of it out.
Just don't wear a label of being a beta, alpha, or an INTJ as an identification badge. Let who you are and your actions define yourself.