05-04-2017, 05:48 AM
(05-04-2017, 12:18 AM)Benjamin Wrote:Quote:-Procrastination/motivation, big problems here still often. To be "the best version of ourselves", personal development, which could be interpreted as "sexy" etc. these need to be at the forefront I feel. They BOTH need to be extremely aggressively dealt with through the script as most of the time, you tend to just veg, and this "IDGAF" thing can actually backfire and almost become a type of laziness or aloofness way beyond what you need in life. It's doubly true on Version A's of these programs, you tend to be almost half-stoned often, not really up to doing a lot of stuff and chilling out etc. Things need to get done, you have to press forward in life and always better yourself, so these two I feel are vital to truly becoming the best version of yourself, and sexually attractive and valuable.
I'm with you on that part. For some reason when I first started 3.0.1 I had MASSIVE drive and motivation for a week or two maybe, and I also went on a massive cleaning spree and threw out tons of crap that I was hoarding that I didn't need. Then it went and occasionally i've had 'some' motivation to work more on things but it comes and goes and doesn't last long. If it continued consistently how it was when I started 3.0.1 that would have been amazing and I would have got so much done by now. But it hasn't. I have seen some 'opening' in the ultra success front but it's not a huge amount.
I don't know why it come on so strongly and hasn't come back since.
Same here, albeit on 3.1verA. I had quite the drive for the first three weeks, then it kinda went away for a month (deep healing, probably, and fierce resistance. Things began changing, my subconscious must have gotten cold feet lol). Now it's regaining momentum.
Also, interestingly, I have experienced the sensation of "falling down" that CatMan's reported on inwardly, despite standing on good hard solid ground, but yesterday. Funny. If it's related to a sense of "losing control", then I must be made to understand by myself that the only thing I would be giving up is the illusion of control, heh.
It's kinda annoying how I grasp things intellectually faster than my subconscious is willing to adapt, but progress is progress, I guess.