Hi Mr. And Sarge,
Like everything else in the sub...
it's an issue, it should be dealt with. If not, then it's disregarded.
I have years of personal experience, and doctors telling me it's a serious problem for a lot of men. I never claimed "all", of course.
Shannon himself has commented on masturbation being a power leak for the program, so this is known and apparently will be fixed for sure for V3.2. Makes perfect sense that if you do that, your motivation for women goes down. So I won't go into that again, I only mentioned it initially to corroborate his view, as for a year I was good not doing it, then on this version, BOOM, lol. That power leak must be plugged, muwhahaha.
But, since porn/edging/masturbation are all very serious power leaks for many, and Shannon wants to close those leaks, and has stated the only way to get to the next level was to "do what's necessary" etc., that he seems to want to make sure it is able to enact the real change to make it work and "will be designed for those who are willing to do what it takes" etc. then for me that qualified as worth mentioning.
That website I mentioned, ran by two doctors that are the most well known in this field can help you learn more. I thought it was total nonsense myself, until someone here posted a video presentation from them. Finally...after years, I had a face to an enemy I didn't even understand. I'm far more educated on this issue now. Website again is: www.yourbrainonporn.com if you wish to learn about it all.
All I'm doing is mentioning serious power leaks for me that I've clearly identified over time that if removed would have a massive difference in results, and would likely for others as well as I'm sure many have at least ONE of those things mentioned. And any guy good with women wouldn't need or have use for artificial females through porn and would obviously rather have a real attractive woman with him for sex. So overall there's a degree of growth possible here if there's an underlying want for porn. However, I never claimed all men had this issue, to be clear. And if somehow there's absolutely ZERO damage caused on any level, known or unknown to you, which I doubt given how covert and insidious it is and that you generally only realise when you lose the ability to get erections, but anything is possible, then the sub could leave that alone. Most guys have no idea it's a problem until PIED starts, then it's a long road to recovery. I too thought it was a harmless indulgence until my penis stopped responding to normal women in real life, that's the last stage of it. Then when I got educated, my eyes were opened forever.
I just wanted to try to contribute and give constructive criticism as it's been awhile since I posted and hoped my words would be of use. If all of those were dealt with, I'd have a WAY different journal I'm sure, they'd make a big difference.
Hi Boss,
I had a test done for diabetes some time ago. Result was negative. Nothing for testosterone though. It's possible, I'd love to get jacked up lol, but here they're locked down hard so it doesn't seem possible for me. A bunch of us wanted testosterone maxed in DMSI, but I remember Shannon saying he wanted to cling to the "all gender and orientations can use it" clause, so it may not be possible within DMSI's framework. Other than that, I guess it's needles, pills, or the cream, all may be out of my reach and may be too much of a PITA for me long term. We'll see!
This is an issue that only started with porn. Nothing before that, and SINCE it has improved a lot, but I'm still not 100%. Sadly, it takes a LONG time to fix, and it's worse when you're a virgin because there's nothing else to retrain arousal and sensation to. This form of ED, PIED, is getting better documented over time and is a direct result of porn. Again, before anyone says this, I never said ALL men, I'm of course speaking from my personal experience in my own journal, but there's enough other guys dealing with it, and doctors recognising it that is is a legit thing now, unfortunately. And only became a problem with high speed porn.
I see no harm in statements for these things if they are problems for you and helping you execute. If they aren't, they are disregarded. Just like many other concepts in the sub.
Congrats on the Mrs. initiating, I saw that post hahah
Hi Darkness!
Great minds think alike, friend!
I bought one some time ago, indeed. I still have her...or IT...or whatever, lmao.
This is a NON-humblebrag, it's the truth...but I bought the Original I think it's called, thinking that it's size was most practical for me, personally. I had trouble fitting properly due to my girth, and the lube always went away quick. I remember on the forum for them, I explained the problem, and a female rep saw my size she said something like "OMG! MY vagina is hurting just READING that number! No wonder!" LMAO...high quality problem perhaps, but made using it difficult, lol. Then, over time, once the PIED set in, and due to my girth, I needed of course to have a solid, strong erection to be able to penetrate it properly. That wasn't possible anymore due to the PIED. So, I stored it until the PIED ever gets fixed 100%.
And you hit the nail on the head about the difference in attraction to flesh or digital. That's EXACTLY what porn does over time. Causes PIED because technically, you become sexually attracted to digitised women, and less attracted to REAL women. Exactly correct assessment of the problem. It's awful, and I never thought I'd say it, I'm hardly one of the neckbeard white knights for women in porn, or a feminazi. But I truly believe now due to all of this with me and so many others, that porn needs to be made illegal. It's ruining so many men and guys don't even realise until they get PIED, and get lucky to find something like I did to connect the dots and make changes to fix it. It's awful, serious killer of men nowadays. No guy would rather wack it to a screen of some stranger rando who'd never give them the time of day, then in bed with a hottie. I mean the lack of self worth when doing that, it's terrible too. Lots of guys think it's fine and a harmless indulgence, I did too, until I started getting these problems from it. I didn't know, just like many others I fear. I hope someday it's illegal to protect men from this.
Like everything else in the sub...
it's an issue, it should be dealt with. If not, then it's disregarded.
I have years of personal experience, and doctors telling me it's a serious problem for a lot of men. I never claimed "all", of course.
Shannon himself has commented on masturbation being a power leak for the program, so this is known and apparently will be fixed for sure for V3.2. Makes perfect sense that if you do that, your motivation for women goes down. So I won't go into that again, I only mentioned it initially to corroborate his view, as for a year I was good not doing it, then on this version, BOOM, lol. That power leak must be plugged, muwhahaha.
But, since porn/edging/masturbation are all very serious power leaks for many, and Shannon wants to close those leaks, and has stated the only way to get to the next level was to "do what's necessary" etc., that he seems to want to make sure it is able to enact the real change to make it work and "will be designed for those who are willing to do what it takes" etc. then for me that qualified as worth mentioning.
That website I mentioned, ran by two doctors that are the most well known in this field can help you learn more. I thought it was total nonsense myself, until someone here posted a video presentation from them. Finally...after years, I had a face to an enemy I didn't even understand. I'm far more educated on this issue now. Website again is: www.yourbrainonporn.com if you wish to learn about it all.
All I'm doing is mentioning serious power leaks for me that I've clearly identified over time that if removed would have a massive difference in results, and would likely for others as well as I'm sure many have at least ONE of those things mentioned. And any guy good with women wouldn't need or have use for artificial females through porn and would obviously rather have a real attractive woman with him for sex. So overall there's a degree of growth possible here if there's an underlying want for porn. However, I never claimed all men had this issue, to be clear. And if somehow there's absolutely ZERO damage caused on any level, known or unknown to you, which I doubt given how covert and insidious it is and that you generally only realise when you lose the ability to get erections, but anything is possible, then the sub could leave that alone. Most guys have no idea it's a problem until PIED starts, then it's a long road to recovery. I too thought it was a harmless indulgence until my penis stopped responding to normal women in real life, that's the last stage of it. Then when I got educated, my eyes were opened forever.
I just wanted to try to contribute and give constructive criticism as it's been awhile since I posted and hoped my words would be of use. If all of those were dealt with, I'd have a WAY different journal I'm sure, they'd make a big difference.
Hi Boss,
I had a test done for diabetes some time ago. Result was negative. Nothing for testosterone though. It's possible, I'd love to get jacked up lol, but here they're locked down hard so it doesn't seem possible for me. A bunch of us wanted testosterone maxed in DMSI, but I remember Shannon saying he wanted to cling to the "all gender and orientations can use it" clause, so it may not be possible within DMSI's framework. Other than that, I guess it's needles, pills, or the cream, all may be out of my reach and may be too much of a PITA for me long term. We'll see!
This is an issue that only started with porn. Nothing before that, and SINCE it has improved a lot, but I'm still not 100%. Sadly, it takes a LONG time to fix, and it's worse when you're a virgin because there's nothing else to retrain arousal and sensation to. This form of ED, PIED, is getting better documented over time and is a direct result of porn. Again, before anyone says this, I never said ALL men, I'm of course speaking from my personal experience in my own journal, but there's enough other guys dealing with it, and doctors recognising it that is is a legit thing now, unfortunately. And only became a problem with high speed porn.
I see no harm in statements for these things if they are problems for you and helping you execute. If they aren't, they are disregarded. Just like many other concepts in the sub.
Congrats on the Mrs. initiating, I saw that post hahah

Hi Darkness!
Great minds think alike, friend!

I bought one some time ago, indeed. I still have her...or IT...or whatever, lmao.
This is a NON-humblebrag, it's the truth...but I bought the Original I think it's called, thinking that it's size was most practical for me, personally. I had trouble fitting properly due to my girth, and the lube always went away quick. I remember on the forum for them, I explained the problem, and a female rep saw my size she said something like "OMG! MY vagina is hurting just READING that number! No wonder!" LMAO...high quality problem perhaps, but made using it difficult, lol. Then, over time, once the PIED set in, and due to my girth, I needed of course to have a solid, strong erection to be able to penetrate it properly. That wasn't possible anymore due to the PIED. So, I stored it until the PIED ever gets fixed 100%.
And you hit the nail on the head about the difference in attraction to flesh or digital. That's EXACTLY what porn does over time. Causes PIED because technically, you become sexually attracted to digitised women, and less attracted to REAL women. Exactly correct assessment of the problem. It's awful, and I never thought I'd say it, I'm hardly one of the neckbeard white knights for women in porn, or a feminazi. But I truly believe now due to all of this with me and so many others, that porn needs to be made illegal. It's ruining so many men and guys don't even realise until they get PIED, and get lucky to find something like I did to connect the dots and make changes to fix it. It's awful, serious killer of men nowadays. No guy would rather wack it to a screen of some stranger rando who'd never give them the time of day, then in bed with a hottie. I mean the lack of self worth when doing that, it's terrible too. Lots of guys think it's fine and a harmless indulgence, I did too, until I started getting these problems from it. I didn't know, just like many others I fear. I hope someday it's illegal to protect men from this.