(04-21-2017, 02:51 PM)CatMan Wrote: Hey Chaos, it's all good man. That's not an attack at all, I haven't had anything like that for awhile, thankfully. All love.
He didn't elaborate on why he said I would disregard it, or what "it" meant exactly. So I tried to interpret that phrasing as best I could, and he thought I was moving the goal posts for the program and doing "conscious resistance" which I never have. I've always said I'm only looking for one instance of something happening with a girl that wouldn't have happened before to prove to me beyond doubt it works is all. That's all I am realistically looking for now, a date request, a number request, a small kiss, not even sex! Anything else beyond something small but clear from a girl is too far away to consider, I prefer small steps, to show me it's legit and does actually work in reality. Based on that, you can say I have set the lowest bar for the program throughout the entire forum! And have given it chance after chance after chance and several different versions and a year's worth of listening. And I've been very clear of that often, many times. So I resented the implication a bit. I clarified as best I could, I guess I got triggered, I don't like being invalidated just because I'm not singing the praises of the program, I can't write about what's not happening, and I'm hardly the only one not getting the design goal, so it's weird to me that one update can spawn a 3 page journal extension, lol. You made me lol when you were like "Bruh I thought you were a whiner but you weren't kidding rofl!" "Dude's posted like 3 posts and we have like 79 posts already, lol!" Lmao! I feel the updates can be denigrated, but then used to strengthen the program and I'm told to continue posting despite the invalidations because they can help the program. So it's annoying at times to me, feels like posting and arguing which I don't find constructive, and I wonder what I get out of it. I mean, at the end of the day, due to my drought with women, I don't see my "reality" of a hot girl approaching me for sex or dating or what not. Doesn't happen, hasn't happened, so believing it is imminent feels like delusion/teasing myself and being unrealistic is all. I know it is other guy's realities, good for them, not for me. If the program can change that with "reality bending", we'll see. I mean, we're taking about two different "realities" here, but they're both *reality*. So, I don't see how mine is "wrong" if it's been true all my life and it's BEEN my reality. Change the reality to where I attract them, and I won't believe I can't attract those women anymore. I only believe I can't because I haven't been able to, if I was able to naturally I wouldn't have these issues and I wouldn't be using subs to change them. Both realities are true to the respective people. I guess I don't see why it ends up being the "I'm right, you're wrong" due to that kind of thought process is all. In time, maybe the program can "bend" reality and it can work, we'll see if that's possible. I'm not sure, but we'll have to see I guess.
If guys believe in aura stuff etc., that's awesome, they've obviously seen things happen to them to show them it's legit. I've never experienced the things some of you write about, both on DMSI or before it. So to me, it's something I've never experienced in my life. I think some guys on the forum don't understand the drought I'm in here, so they don't understand the level of disconnect with females, and they think I'm contrary or negative or what have you. I mean if I was, I wouldn't be here applying myself and putting the time in with these subs etc. Due to that almost complete drought for my life, aside from hugging which is the furthest I've ever gotten with a girl which people may forget about often here, I just can't believe in it, as there has been a lifetime of the opposite. Be that auras, or manifestations, body language, or attraction working out somehow, due to not experiencing it working out ever. This goes beyond DMSI, it isn't a hater rant on DMSI or anything. If I ever do see it happen to me, I'll happily be able to talk about it and believe that it can happen to me etc. But at this point for me, seeing is believing. I don't believe any of it is legit until it's proven, there's too much precedent of the opposite and too many scams in the past making me skeptical it can deliver, but I'm still giving it a chance to make me a believer. I don't know what else to say, that I haven't talked about before, without repeating myself and becoming redundant. I'll need to see it happen to me to know it CAN happen, be that a number request, date request, a small kiss, a threeway or whatever else.
Hi Blink!
Thank you. It's just funny how I'm told to keep posting to make the program better, but then it's "you're wrong, amog, logical fallacy" lol (that was a fun tongue-in-cheek joke, not that I actually take it that serious, haha). So I wonder what the point is then. It's similar to what I wrote above.
My updates have become more and more rare, either way. I don't have much to post often, and I don't want posts to come across as needless or a rant or pity party. That's not constructive. So when I have nothing relevant to talk about with the program, I go through periods where I don't post. Helps cut down on derails and stuff too, which frustrate and irritate me a lot more than they probably should but they do, so I like that a lot.
Appreciate it man. I hope the program comes through for you someday, all the best.
I don't get how the fact that you've never gone further than hugging a girl doesn't make you believe in the law of attraction

It happened for me. Rather than having the belief I couldn't attract women, I believed I couldn't attract HOT women. Girls who I find an 8+. And that belief changed before I ever attracted a hot woman.
Turning super saiyan.