(04-02-2017, 08:23 AM)chaosvrgn Wrote: Yo, try v3.1b... Getting crazy, hard to believe results here. Should probably stick with A for the long term, but the ASS / ART may generate enough ass art for you to really believe it could happen.
You know, it's funny. I've sometimes thought about the massive amount of "meh" indifference about women, being even more intensified since V3.1-A. It feels REAL now, whereas before it may have been a defence mechanism towards them due to past rejection and what not, so it was "IDGAF (but I kinda do). And due to the literally ZERO exhaustion on this version, that maybe I am ready. Maybe that's why I've felt "what are these guys listening to for them to write such long winded deep very emotional things and seem to vacillate between extreme happiness and extreme sadness and be exhausted often like I was all through V3.0.1-A?". Meanwhile for me V3.1-A has been seamless like nothing is being listening to even. I don't feel any "resistance" at all on this. It feels "effortless" listening to it, so maybe I am actually ready to move on due to that. You'd think that if that was the case, I would've seen more, but maybe it's a lack of focus or something. I don't know. I'm also hesitant of switching prematurely, or if it's some kind of clever trick my mind convinces me to do when healing and clearing are really soaking in. But, to be honest, I haven't felt anything that "bad" on this at all to illustrate there's lots of clearing and healing still to do for example or that it's in the midst of purging big things or whatever, in fact quite the opposite.
I'll consider it more seriously now. Thanks bro, good to hear you're getting a good experience on it, I'm happy for you!