12-28-2016, 12:08 PM
(12-27-2016, 11:08 PM)D77 Wrote: @eternity
" I have been automatically and naturally destroying women's shit tests and women's attempts at (re)friendzoning me."
..can you give examples and conversations you had regarding this. I'm just curious, what do you mean by destroy? I'm still in my healing phase btw. I don't have this yet, hopefully asap.
conversation 1 via text, abridged version
girl1: what's up?
me: just being sexy. u? *sends pic of self with my cat in my lap*
girl1: look at my new jacket that i got for free *sends pic of self wearing new jacket*
girl1: i'm beautiful
me: no, i'm beautiful. stop ignoring me and my pussy cat!
what i found out about this conversation was that she was fishing for a compliment, and i refused to give it to her. she bought me dinner that night lol.
conversation 2 via text, abridged version
me: i'll be at the club tomorrow from 3 to 10
girl2: omg i was like what club. okay why? christmas stuf going on?
me: the strib club down town, i work there every sunday now.
girl2: shuddup
me: jk ahahahahaha
girl2: you think you're funny
me: yassss, don't you too?
girl2: yes i do haha and oh okay i'll probably come
this is one of the girls that broke up with her bf after a year.
these are just the shit tests from text messages. i've been passing shit tests without even realizing it lately in person, too. well, i've been passing the easy ones at least.
the ones L gives me seem to be very difficult to pass. She's got skill, cuz she's been dealing with men trying to get into her pants her whole life (she's a 47yr old 10/10, petite/athletic blonde) plus she's a really intelligent ENTP and is one of my mirror soulmates, according to the way Shannon describes mirror souls. With that being the case, the tests have been ramping up lately and are difficult.. and instead of seeing them as difficult or ridiculous, i'm actually having fun in learning what her tests look like, which will give me a lot of training for future shit tests