11-17-2016, 06:29 PM
1. Ultra Motivation: 5/10; substantial increase. It's a quiet hum in the background
2. Maximum Productivity: 7/10, getting everything I need done at work. Still need to optimize
3. Ultra Success: 6/10, my boss thinks I'm great, I'm crushing it at German, Jiu Jitsu, guitar, singing, writing, but still need improvement
5. Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear: 5/10 Much less of these. Feel like I could move out soon
6. Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude: Haven't had a negative thought in a long while
7. Maximum Sales Success:6/10; having new discoveries on persuasion
8. Optimus Engine 2.1: My problem solving skills have improved, if that relates to this
9. Improved Communication: 6/10 to 8/10; I've had some issues this past week; I was sick, and then the following week, I had brain fog
10. Action Orientation: 4/10; I make the phonecall when I need to; I used to push it back
11. Goal Orientation: 3/10; I have very general goals (like my book outline leading into a completed book), but I need to be more deliberate
12. Pragmatic & Practical: 6/10
13. Laser-Like Focus & Concentration: 6/10; with a new laptop, I have fewer distractions from the pop-ups and slow performance.
14. Fearlessly Transition To An Entrepreneurial Mindset: 4/10; wanting to do my own thing, confident that I could pull it off, but willing to sit back and let things figure themselves out a bit before making a move
15. Assertiveness Training: 8/10; easy to be assertive when you one's bs gets under your skin
18. Courageous: 5/10; It doesn't feel like courage; I think about doing a thing, I can do it with more psychological ease
19. Win-Win Mindset: 9/10, About the same, but realized that people are willing to do a lot for a person that wants to help them
21. Charismatic Presence: Unsure about improvement
22. Successful Negotiator: 5/10; I've had a few people come in for a quote. I dunno, it feels like a conversation, but I didn't talk people down on the price. Won a couple of internet debates
24. Better With Maths & Numbers: 8/10, working with Excel and learning new things
25. Balance Your Brain Hemispheres: 6/10; More realizations on 'emotional logic'; seeing things in a more synthetic way
26. Become A Money Magnet: 5/10, Making 41K a year from my new job. Low expenses.
27. Deservedness For Success As An Entrepreneur: 5/10; I'm beginning to see my value as a singer, writer
28. Polymorphic Aura: 7/10; sometimes, I act weaker and I don't know why. Then I realize that it's the best demeanor for the person in front of me.
29. Disconnect From Negativity Within: 9/10; virtually no negativity
30. Disconnect From Other People’s Negativity: 8/10; other people's anger still touches me a bit, but I can easily shake it off.
31. Ego Balancing: 8/10; much more stable
32. Maximum Sleep Quality: 9/10; Oh my gosh; huge improvement. Especially because I'm more consistent in my schedule, and I have new bed sheets
33. End Clutter & Get Organized: 6/10 on my new laptop to increase speed, and at my office so I can operate two laptops
34. Extreme Self Esteem: 8/10; I have 'Moderate Self Esteem'
35. Forgive Others & Let It Go: 10/10; I hold no grudges
36. Forgive Yourself & Move On: 9/10; I hold almost no grudges
37. Get Out Of Debt: 10/10 0.40$ left on my student loans. No outstanding debts
38. Psychic Ability To Get Ahead As A Successful Entrepreneur: No clue
40. Negative Stress Relief: 9/10 hardly any stress, except for some crunch time yesterday:
41. Seize The Day: 6/10; I'm more energized about getting more things done in a day
42. Stop Using Recreational Drugs & Alcohol: 9/10; drinking a beer right now. Besides that, I'll have 3-4 in a week
43. Prioritize Effectively: 8/10; Doing better. I'm actually writing a chapter in my book on priorities; more specifically the unconscious kinds
44. Seek The Challenge: 5/10; Committed to performing for a group. Not doing any competitions, but I'll do some for singing, but not for Jiu Jitsu
45. Powerful Personal Presence & Strength: 4/10; I think that there's an improvement
46. Emotional Healing & Pain Relief:
(a) Overcome The Victim Mentality:9/10
(b) Healing Emotionally: 8/10; fewer emotional bubbles
© Increasing Mental/Emotional Maturity: 9/10 huge breakthroughs
(d) Forgive Self & Others: 9/10 Great
(e) Let Go Of The Past: 9/10 Great
(f) Self Validation: 9/10 I think I'm great
47. Accept & Take Personal Responsibility For Your Choices, Actions, Results & Life: 9/10; actually thinking about doing all the things that would make me independent (get a car, rent an apartment, get new clothes, get insurance)
48. Dream Your Best Solution: 0/10 nothing
49. Maximum Learning Speed: 7/10 it declined during this month
50. Kill Excuses: 9/10 If I don't do a thing, it's because I don't want to. I started writing a book pretty much the moment I got my new laptop, just as I said I would. I get up at 5:25am to go to Jiu Jitsu some nights of the week. I don't bail out of commitments.
51. Persistence & Perseverance: 6/10; working at this book rather doggedly; attending my classes with no expectation of a result, but committed to the process
52. Wealth Ceiling Destruction: 4/10 Some tweaks to the possibilities, but nothing that will make me act
53. Self Discipline: 6/10 Big improvement
54. Refusal To Accept Anything But Success:5/10 It's inevitable, but I need to collect this feeling
55. Tempered Gratitude (Non-Motivation Destroying): 7/10
56. Find The Niche & Develop It (Know What People Need & Turn It Into Success): 3/10 meh
57. Paced Working & Entrepreneurial Efforts To Steady The Approach/Drive/Motivation & Prevent Burnout: No comment
58. Disconnect From Distractions: 6/10 Better, but I'm still a bit scattershot. I will, however, turn off a video in the background if it slows me down.
59. Believe In Yourself & Your Choices, Goals & Methods, Regardless Of What Others Say, As Long As You Have Verified The Validity For Yourself: 4/10 Better
60. Mindfulness Of How You Are Spending Your Time: 8/10 The day flies by at work; I set my internet radio to different channels during different times of the day. Much less of my time is spent towards bs reasons, until it's to motivate me to do what I must
61. Value Your Time Highly Enough To Refuse To Waste It: 7/10
62. Frame Your Path & Walking Your Path To Success As An Entrepreneur As Being Fun & Enjoyable: 7/10; it's generally pleasant stuff
63. Networking Skills: 2/10 reaching out socially a lot more. Able to jump into a convo much more easily (which was my sticking point)
64. Natural Socialization: 4/10
69. Always Let Your Market Be Your Guide: Listen To Them & What They Want/Need, & Fulfill Their Wants/Needs: 4/10 I guess I have my ear to the ground a little more when it comes to my job. There's an element that requires this
70. Always Seek & Find The Positive Opportunity That Every Challenge Brings With It & Put It To Its Best Possible Use: No examples
71. Select One Overarching Primary Goal/Purpose: 8/10; the book
72. Maintain Consistency In Everything You Do Towards Your Goal: 9/10; my days are beginning to look alike
73. Have The Courage To Ask For/Expect/Demand Fair Compensation For The Value You Bring To Market: No examples
74. Learn How To Reasonably & Objectively Determine Fair Value For Your Product/Service Value: 8/10 I'm better at this
75. Create An Inspiring Vision That Others Want To Join & Support: no examples
76. Always Improving Yourself As An Entrepreneur In All The Roles That Requires One To Take: sure?
77. Normalization Of/Comfort With/Acceptance Of The Changes To Oneself & One’s Situation & Finances That Is Required To Achieve High Success: Yes. 7/10
78. Effective & Successful Competition Where Necessary: 5/10 Jiu Jitsu, and some small elements at my job
79. Only Compete Where Necessary & Use The Competition Or Lack Thereof To Your Advantage: 5/10
80. Protect Your Assets: 4/10
81. Prevent Others From Taking Advantage Of You, Scamming You, Etc.: 7/10
82. Value The Customer Over The Money They Provide, & Seek A Stable, Long Term Approach To Business & Business Success: 8/10 I like customers; I've had a couple who've rented a room for a night. They sold themselves, however.
83. Become The Best Of The Best In Your Field: 4-8/10 Becoming a better singer; Ken Tamplin has been helping my out.
84. Spend Wisely & Always With An Eye To How It Will Enhance Your Success & Position In Your Field: Oh yeah; 8/10 I almost spent 5$ today on Gatorade; some mistake that was (my mind stopped me). I did spend 5000$ in one day, however, but 70% was to pay off debt.
85. Express Success In All Ways, Even Before You Have Achieved It: 5/10; I'm very sure about my success. Life is just fun when you feel that
86. Be Open To The Possibility Of Being Wrong, Recognize It & Make It Right ASAP When You Are: 10/10;
2. Maximum Productivity: 7/10, getting everything I need done at work. Still need to optimize
3. Ultra Success: 6/10, my boss thinks I'm great, I'm crushing it at German, Jiu Jitsu, guitar, singing, writing, but still need improvement
5. Overcoming Guilt, Shame & Fear: 5/10 Much less of these. Feel like I could move out soon
6. Positive Thinking, Positive Attitude: Haven't had a negative thought in a long while
7. Maximum Sales Success:6/10; having new discoveries on persuasion
8. Optimus Engine 2.1: My problem solving skills have improved, if that relates to this
9. Improved Communication: 6/10 to 8/10; I've had some issues this past week; I was sick, and then the following week, I had brain fog
10. Action Orientation: 4/10; I make the phonecall when I need to; I used to push it back
11. Goal Orientation: 3/10; I have very general goals (like my book outline leading into a completed book), but I need to be more deliberate
12. Pragmatic & Practical: 6/10
13. Laser-Like Focus & Concentration: 6/10; with a new laptop, I have fewer distractions from the pop-ups and slow performance.
14. Fearlessly Transition To An Entrepreneurial Mindset: 4/10; wanting to do my own thing, confident that I could pull it off, but willing to sit back and let things figure themselves out a bit before making a move
15. Assertiveness Training: 8/10; easy to be assertive when you one's bs gets under your skin
18. Courageous: 5/10; It doesn't feel like courage; I think about doing a thing, I can do it with more psychological ease
19. Win-Win Mindset: 9/10, About the same, but realized that people are willing to do a lot for a person that wants to help them
21. Charismatic Presence: Unsure about improvement
22. Successful Negotiator: 5/10; I've had a few people come in for a quote. I dunno, it feels like a conversation, but I didn't talk people down on the price. Won a couple of internet debates

24. Better With Maths & Numbers: 8/10, working with Excel and learning new things
25. Balance Your Brain Hemispheres: 6/10; More realizations on 'emotional logic'; seeing things in a more synthetic way
26. Become A Money Magnet: 5/10, Making 41K a year from my new job. Low expenses.
27. Deservedness For Success As An Entrepreneur: 5/10; I'm beginning to see my value as a singer, writer
28. Polymorphic Aura: 7/10; sometimes, I act weaker and I don't know why. Then I realize that it's the best demeanor for the person in front of me.
29. Disconnect From Negativity Within: 9/10; virtually no negativity
30. Disconnect From Other People’s Negativity: 8/10; other people's anger still touches me a bit, but I can easily shake it off.
31. Ego Balancing: 8/10; much more stable
32. Maximum Sleep Quality: 9/10; Oh my gosh; huge improvement. Especially because I'm more consistent in my schedule, and I have new bed sheets
33. End Clutter & Get Organized: 6/10 on my new laptop to increase speed, and at my office so I can operate two laptops
34. Extreme Self Esteem: 8/10; I have 'Moderate Self Esteem'
35. Forgive Others & Let It Go: 10/10; I hold no grudges
36. Forgive Yourself & Move On: 9/10; I hold almost no grudges
37. Get Out Of Debt: 10/10 0.40$ left on my student loans. No outstanding debts
38. Psychic Ability To Get Ahead As A Successful Entrepreneur: No clue
40. Negative Stress Relief: 9/10 hardly any stress, except for some crunch time yesterday:
41. Seize The Day: 6/10; I'm more energized about getting more things done in a day
42. Stop Using Recreational Drugs & Alcohol: 9/10; drinking a beer right now. Besides that, I'll have 3-4 in a week
43. Prioritize Effectively: 8/10; Doing better. I'm actually writing a chapter in my book on priorities; more specifically the unconscious kinds
44. Seek The Challenge: 5/10; Committed to performing for a group. Not doing any competitions, but I'll do some for singing, but not for Jiu Jitsu
45. Powerful Personal Presence & Strength: 4/10; I think that there's an improvement
46. Emotional Healing & Pain Relief:
(a) Overcome The Victim Mentality:9/10
(b) Healing Emotionally: 8/10; fewer emotional bubbles
© Increasing Mental/Emotional Maturity: 9/10 huge breakthroughs
(d) Forgive Self & Others: 9/10 Great
(e) Let Go Of The Past: 9/10 Great
(f) Self Validation: 9/10 I think I'm great
47. Accept & Take Personal Responsibility For Your Choices, Actions, Results & Life: 9/10; actually thinking about doing all the things that would make me independent (get a car, rent an apartment, get new clothes, get insurance)
48. Dream Your Best Solution: 0/10 nothing
49. Maximum Learning Speed: 7/10 it declined during this month
50. Kill Excuses: 9/10 If I don't do a thing, it's because I don't want to. I started writing a book pretty much the moment I got my new laptop, just as I said I would. I get up at 5:25am to go to Jiu Jitsu some nights of the week. I don't bail out of commitments.
51. Persistence & Perseverance: 6/10; working at this book rather doggedly; attending my classes with no expectation of a result, but committed to the process
52. Wealth Ceiling Destruction: 4/10 Some tweaks to the possibilities, but nothing that will make me act
53. Self Discipline: 6/10 Big improvement
54. Refusal To Accept Anything But Success:5/10 It's inevitable, but I need to collect this feeling
55. Tempered Gratitude (Non-Motivation Destroying): 7/10
56. Find The Niche & Develop It (Know What People Need & Turn It Into Success): 3/10 meh
57. Paced Working & Entrepreneurial Efforts To Steady The Approach/Drive/Motivation & Prevent Burnout: No comment
58. Disconnect From Distractions: 6/10 Better, but I'm still a bit scattershot. I will, however, turn off a video in the background if it slows me down.
59. Believe In Yourself & Your Choices, Goals & Methods, Regardless Of What Others Say, As Long As You Have Verified The Validity For Yourself: 4/10 Better
60. Mindfulness Of How You Are Spending Your Time: 8/10 The day flies by at work; I set my internet radio to different channels during different times of the day. Much less of my time is spent towards bs reasons, until it's to motivate me to do what I must
61. Value Your Time Highly Enough To Refuse To Waste It: 7/10
62. Frame Your Path & Walking Your Path To Success As An Entrepreneur As Being Fun & Enjoyable: 7/10; it's generally pleasant stuff
63. Networking Skills: 2/10 reaching out socially a lot more. Able to jump into a convo much more easily (which was my sticking point)
64. Natural Socialization: 4/10
69. Always Let Your Market Be Your Guide: Listen To Them & What They Want/Need, & Fulfill Their Wants/Needs: 4/10 I guess I have my ear to the ground a little more when it comes to my job. There's an element that requires this
70. Always Seek & Find The Positive Opportunity That Every Challenge Brings With It & Put It To Its Best Possible Use: No examples
71. Select One Overarching Primary Goal/Purpose: 8/10; the book
72. Maintain Consistency In Everything You Do Towards Your Goal: 9/10; my days are beginning to look alike
73. Have The Courage To Ask For/Expect/Demand Fair Compensation For The Value You Bring To Market: No examples
74. Learn How To Reasonably & Objectively Determine Fair Value For Your Product/Service Value: 8/10 I'm better at this
75. Create An Inspiring Vision That Others Want To Join & Support: no examples
76. Always Improving Yourself As An Entrepreneur In All The Roles That Requires One To Take: sure?
77. Normalization Of/Comfort With/Acceptance Of The Changes To Oneself & One’s Situation & Finances That Is Required To Achieve High Success: Yes. 7/10
78. Effective & Successful Competition Where Necessary: 5/10 Jiu Jitsu, and some small elements at my job
79. Only Compete Where Necessary & Use The Competition Or Lack Thereof To Your Advantage: 5/10
80. Protect Your Assets: 4/10
81. Prevent Others From Taking Advantage Of You, Scamming You, Etc.: 7/10
82. Value The Customer Over The Money They Provide, & Seek A Stable, Long Term Approach To Business & Business Success: 8/10 I like customers; I've had a couple who've rented a room for a night. They sold themselves, however.
83. Become The Best Of The Best In Your Field: 4-8/10 Becoming a better singer; Ken Tamplin has been helping my out.
84. Spend Wisely & Always With An Eye To How It Will Enhance Your Success & Position In Your Field: Oh yeah; 8/10 I almost spent 5$ today on Gatorade; some mistake that was (my mind stopped me). I did spend 5000$ in one day, however, but 70% was to pay off debt.
85. Express Success In All Ways, Even Before You Have Achieved It: 5/10; I'm very sure about my success. Life is just fun when you feel that
86. Be Open To The Possibility Of Being Wrong, Recognize It & Make It Right ASAP When You Are: 10/10;
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