My entire family voted for Trump. We're all black. We all possess degrees from higher education. My brothers and sisters all have Master's degrees. I take that back. Technically I'm a "Master's Candidate" until February -- THEN, I'll be awarded a Master's degree. My best friend is black, and he voted for Trump. He holds two Master's degrees -- an MBA and Masters in Economics. Their "everyone who voted for Trump is uneducated" bullshit narrative is bullshit.
While it's true that Trump attracts the racist alt-right crowd, and they're going to get emboldened at first, the fact of the matter is that the black community (which, sorry guys, I care more about than anything else) will never get out of the rut it's in as long as the Democrats keeps poisoning the black youth's minds with this pussification, feminization and victimization shit. Everyone benefits when there's a strong, and stable economic base. Everyone, regardless of race or gender.
While it's true that Trump attracts the racist alt-right crowd, and they're going to get emboldened at first, the fact of the matter is that the black community (which, sorry guys, I care more about than anything else) will never get out of the rut it's in as long as the Democrats keeps poisoning the black youth's minds with this pussification, feminization and victimization shit. Everyone benefits when there's a strong, and stable economic base. Everyone, regardless of race or gender.