10-01-2016, 12:22 PM
That phone call went better than I could've ever imagined. Crazy business deals and I'm going to be interviewed as an eCom and entrepreneurship expert for a radio show.
Ask me why I feel so... down right now? Resistance? Fear of success? All the momentum I had this morning is gone. I just want to shut down and not do anything. Canceled my date for tonight. Just not in the mood. I'm worn out and quite tired of women right now.
Urge to run AM6 or BASE 4G + UM is so strong. Growing weary of this oscillation between high and low. Results and no results. It feels like the modules are hitting something really deep, but it's REALLY WEIRD. I can't quite explain how this feels.
Ask me why I feel so... down right now? Resistance? Fear of success? All the momentum I had this morning is gone. I just want to shut down and not do anything. Canceled my date for tonight. Just not in the mood. I'm worn out and quite tired of women right now.
Urge to run AM6 or BASE 4G + UM is so strong. Growing weary of this oscillation between high and low. Results and no results. It feels like the modules are hitting something really deep, but it's REALLY WEIRD. I can't quite explain how this feels.