1-10 still have 9ish stop and start again 23:00
Sitting on the couch with a girl and we were talking. I ended up fucking her, she did not like it because I had no stamina. Afterwards she got.up and wanted to leave, I wondered and then asked for why she wanted to leave and she told me I had to be more muscular from the legs up and more stamina... The doorbell rang and my mother was there. She was a bit shocked / surprised however the girl introduced her self also to my younger sister and told she had to go
Sitting on the couch with a girl and we were talking. I ended up fucking her, she did not like it because I had no stamina. Afterwards she got.up and wanted to leave, I wondered and then asked for why she wanted to leave and she told me I had to be more muscular from the legs up and more stamina... The doorbell rang and my mother was there. She was a bit shocked / surprised however the girl introduced her self also to my younger sister and told she had to go