08-14-2011, 01:59 PM
Went to the supermarket today. Everyone was checking me out.. I even gave a slight smirk to almost all the people I made eye contact with. And this one really hot pregnant woman eyed me for a good few seconds but I was caught up in it and just kept a straight face. Anyways I know if I really want to I can start a conversation with someone by just saying hi.. but I'm timid when I have that feeling I know something could happen. I think once sex magnet covers some of the stuff about "pulling the trigger" this will be dealt with and plus I won't have to get used to working to get women to want to have sex with me; by the end of Sex Magnet anyways. It's wierd too because I just had these feelings of disgust and I'm not going to get where I wanna go etc. but I was able to let those thoughts go within 30 seconds and this was 10 minutes ago. I realized how far I've come already and I'm never gonna stop.

"To love completely and hold onto nothing-that is the only freedom." -David Deida
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.
"If at first glance it may appear too hard, look again. Always look again." - Unknown
If you would like to get in touch with me, please send me an email.