Something has changed. Big time. I feel... I can't even put it into words. Dominant. Sexy. Aggressive. There's still this hint of anxiety cycling beneath the feeling, but whatever passed last night brought me a huge leap closer to MSI.
Tonight's date semi-flaked. Threw out this stupid shit test that I would've fell for in the past.
Me: Still on for tonight?
* NOTE: Yes, the PUAs say to never confirm a date, but I'm a fucking businessman, I need to schedule my day.*
Her: I think so
* Silence. I'm not responding to that shit. Ten minutes passes... *
Her: My friend wants to go out with me tonight and I never get to, can we reschedule or you can still meet us there!
* A bunch of dudes here are gonna have wet dreams that I missed a chance for a threesome or some shit, but guys, THIS IS A SHIT TEST. It's basically to see what your options are (if you have none, you'll accept her divided attention) and how you'll react to her flaking. If you get mad, she'll know that she was your only option. Trust me on this. Sicko will back me up. Steven was once asking how to handle this situation. Well, the secret is... HAVE OTHER OPTIONS. I've got so many other things I can do tonight, including going to boxing class, that I honestly don't give a shit. Plus, I have a Tinder full of potentials and another date Saturday.*
Me: No. We'll reschedule.
Her: You sure?
Me: If we meet, I have every intention on seducing you and sweeping you off your feet. Your girl friend will be jealous. And guys will hate. I'll pass.
Her: Haha, I really like that. I really want that.
You shouldn't have flaked, fuck face. Now, since she flaked, I'm going silent. If she wants to go out, she'll text me when she's free. If not, I'll go out with one of the other 20 women I'm having to entertain right now.
I'm thinking of writing a short online dating guide, showing how a normal guy like myself is able to attract so many prospects online. There's a science to it. Just like Wolverine is learning all the nuances of approaching, I've been working this online dating circuit for like 10 years. It's NOT as bad as the PUAs make it out to be. Most men just play the game incorrectly and get frustrated.
Online dating is about SYSTEMS. It's about minimizing the amount of effort you expend in order to get a date. That means everything is systematized. I treat my profile like I'm writing marketing copy. That means, I conduct conversion studies to see how I can increase conversions. In regards to OkCupud, there's a little trick that works very well for me. You add a "call to action" at the end. OkCupid has a "like" button that notifies you if someone presses it. I tell the woman to hit the "like" button and I'll message them. Works EXTREMELY well. I get a ton of likes a day, and the best thing is: those are pre-qualified leads! Ask Sarge -- who does door to door sales -- how much more awesome his job would be if every person he spoke to had already called his company and expressed interest in buying new windows.
The cold calling game is rough -- ESPECIALLY with online dating, since even the ugliest women are getting an insane amount of messages. So, pre-qualify, pre-qualify, PRE-QUALIFY. My profile literally says:
"I'm very protective of my time. I have little intention of spending tons of time chatting online, so message me if... You're a great conversationalist + You're ready to grab a drink. Hit the like button and I'll message you."
And then, everything is templated. Your responses to her? Templated. I don't mean a rigid template. I mean, a gambit that you know reallllllly well. Like, I love to do this gambit where I ask them to give me their favorite mixed drink and I'll tell them about their personality. It's a stupid gambit because the answers are always the same, lol.
And I always close with: "Perfect, because I see cocktails, fun conversation and much flirting in your near future. Soon as you send me your number."
Always works. ALWAYS works. But, at the end of the game, remember it's a numbers game. For every 10 chicks I talk to, I get about 7 numbers and 2 conversions to dates.
Tonight's date semi-flaked. Threw out this stupid shit test that I would've fell for in the past.
Me: Still on for tonight?
* NOTE: Yes, the PUAs say to never confirm a date, but I'm a fucking businessman, I need to schedule my day.*
Her: I think so
* Silence. I'm not responding to that shit. Ten minutes passes... *
Her: My friend wants to go out with me tonight and I never get to, can we reschedule or you can still meet us there!
* A bunch of dudes here are gonna have wet dreams that I missed a chance for a threesome or some shit, but guys, THIS IS A SHIT TEST. It's basically to see what your options are (if you have none, you'll accept her divided attention) and how you'll react to her flaking. If you get mad, she'll know that she was your only option. Trust me on this. Sicko will back me up. Steven was once asking how to handle this situation. Well, the secret is... HAVE OTHER OPTIONS. I've got so many other things I can do tonight, including going to boxing class, that I honestly don't give a shit. Plus, I have a Tinder full of potentials and another date Saturday.*
Me: No. We'll reschedule.
Her: You sure?
Me: If we meet, I have every intention on seducing you and sweeping you off your feet. Your girl friend will be jealous. And guys will hate. I'll pass.
Her: Haha, I really like that. I really want that.

You shouldn't have flaked, fuck face. Now, since she flaked, I'm going silent. If she wants to go out, she'll text me when she's free. If not, I'll go out with one of the other 20 women I'm having to entertain right now.
I'm thinking of writing a short online dating guide, showing how a normal guy like myself is able to attract so many prospects online. There's a science to it. Just like Wolverine is learning all the nuances of approaching, I've been working this online dating circuit for like 10 years. It's NOT as bad as the PUAs make it out to be. Most men just play the game incorrectly and get frustrated.
Online dating is about SYSTEMS. It's about minimizing the amount of effort you expend in order to get a date. That means everything is systematized. I treat my profile like I'm writing marketing copy. That means, I conduct conversion studies to see how I can increase conversions. In regards to OkCupud, there's a little trick that works very well for me. You add a "call to action" at the end. OkCupid has a "like" button that notifies you if someone presses it. I tell the woman to hit the "like" button and I'll message them. Works EXTREMELY well. I get a ton of likes a day, and the best thing is: those are pre-qualified leads! Ask Sarge -- who does door to door sales -- how much more awesome his job would be if every person he spoke to had already called his company and expressed interest in buying new windows.
The cold calling game is rough -- ESPECIALLY with online dating, since even the ugliest women are getting an insane amount of messages. So, pre-qualify, pre-qualify, PRE-QUALIFY. My profile literally says:
"I'm very protective of my time. I have little intention of spending tons of time chatting online, so message me if... You're a great conversationalist + You're ready to grab a drink. Hit the like button and I'll message you."
And then, everything is templated. Your responses to her? Templated. I don't mean a rigid template. I mean, a gambit that you know reallllllly well. Like, I love to do this gambit where I ask them to give me their favorite mixed drink and I'll tell them about their personality. It's a stupid gambit because the answers are always the same, lol.
And I always close with: "Perfect, because I see cocktails, fun conversation and much flirting in your near future. Soon as you send me your number."
Always works. ALWAYS works. But, at the end of the game, remember it's a numbers game. For every 10 chicks I talk to, I get about 7 numbers and 2 conversions to dates.