09-23-2016, 06:39 AM
In line with the "women can and do go for loser guys" I have the PERFECT story for you:
I was once in the hospital (having a panic attack lol) and there were 2, VERY cute white nurses catering to me. I was very much interested in them and was doing either AM 6 or SM 3 at the time (so of course I was monitoring the interactions).
Anyhow, they went around the corner and I hear the sluttier looking one say "Ohhh... he's CUTE! Isn't he?" to which the other (more glamourous/high-class seeming type) said "Yeah, not really my type tho." in a very bored sounding voice.
Later, there was a black (yes chaos, a BLACK MAN!!) guy sitting in the same area as me.
He was slumped over, had terrible style (ball cap and baggy clothes, you know, typical ghetto) and from what I could gather from overhearing him with the doctor, he had been beaten and mugged. When the police came, they didn't even take a statement and he thinks the cops took his wallet (noit the guys who attacked him!).
So I'm thinking to myself "wow, what a low life" (not vbecause of his color, but how victim mentality he was and how helpless he was and the very situation he was in that could easily have been avoided, just everything).
Anyhow, the hot glamorous nurse goes over to him, starts talking to him and rubbing her hands all over him. Saying she'll help him get justice with the police (she believed it apparently).
Now the guy just keeps whining about the police and how they stole his wallet and the injustice of the world etc. And the girl is just eating it up. I'm pretty sure she took him home after that and they probably banged.
SO, take from that what you will.
I was once in the hospital (having a panic attack lol) and there were 2, VERY cute white nurses catering to me. I was very much interested in them and was doing either AM 6 or SM 3 at the time (so of course I was monitoring the interactions).
Anyhow, they went around the corner and I hear the sluttier looking one say "Ohhh... he's CUTE! Isn't he?" to which the other (more glamourous/high-class seeming type) said "Yeah, not really my type tho." in a very bored sounding voice.
Later, there was a black (yes chaos, a BLACK MAN!!) guy sitting in the same area as me.
He was slumped over, had terrible style (ball cap and baggy clothes, you know, typical ghetto) and from what I could gather from overhearing him with the doctor, he had been beaten and mugged. When the police came, they didn't even take a statement and he thinks the cops took his wallet (noit the guys who attacked him!).
So I'm thinking to myself "wow, what a low life" (not vbecause of his color, but how victim mentality he was and how helpless he was and the very situation he was in that could easily have been avoided, just everything).
Anyhow, the hot glamorous nurse goes over to him, starts talking to him and rubbing her hands all over him. Saying she'll help him get justice with the police (she believed it apparently).
Now the guy just keeps whining about the police and how they stole his wallet and the injustice of the world etc. And the girl is just eating it up. I'm pretty sure she took him home after that and they probably banged.
SO, take from that what you will.