After that post I wrote, I got up - did the dishes, cleaned the litter boxes, did some other stuff. I don't mind any of it, as long as I feel there's some kind of team effort. She's of the mind that going to work out of the house earns her some kind of reprieve from other household chores. Not in my mind. In my mind, I made a sacrifice not having a career outside of the home, and it's that sacrifice I feel I'm not appreciated for. She thinks I'm on a vacation here, or something. Work was always my outlet for socializing and a lot of my self-identity. Now I just have the same people, much older than myself, coming to my home. The 1-on-1 becomes pretty monotonous. At least with my son getting older, I can get out of the house more to do some stuff.
Eh, I'm rambling.
Trained a client, then came right back to the "I do this, you don't do that," argument. Once again, boiling down to gender roles and workload in the home. I heard, "You don't appreciate me," multiple times. It just went back and forth so much, I got fed up and tuned out. This reminds me of the crap I put up with from her on V1. <--------This observation was the whole point of the above rambling session, lol.
Eh, I'm rambling.
Trained a client, then came right back to the "I do this, you don't do that," argument. Once again, boiling down to gender roles and workload in the home. I heard, "You don't appreciate me," multiple times. It just went back and forth so much, I got fed up and tuned out. This reminds me of the crap I put up with from her on V1. <--------This observation was the whole point of the above rambling session, lol.