08-25-2016, 11:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2019, 08:43 AM by hsindermann.)
... but more like a sporadically updated log of my observations on DMSI. 
I've been running DMSI for a good three weeks consistently now - first V2.2 (mostly 3 loops back to back as suggested, sometimes only managed 2 loops) and then jumped on V2.3 (mostly 4 loops as indicated by Shannon to be 2nd place in effectiveness) when it came out some days ago. Most of the time I've used the masked tracks, running the loops in the evening before jumping off into bed.
As for my observations:
- As others have reported before my porn use has dropped to almost zero. This is pretty awesome, as I was watching porn pretty much on a daily basis for many years. Tried a sub by a different company before, but that did not do much. DMSI helped without it even advertising so.
- Masturbation has also dropped a lot - not as much as porn use, but to maybe once or twice a week now. And hey, emptying the balls every now and then has actually been proven to be very healthy (I've read it's the only thing known to definitely drop the likelyhood of getting prostate cancer - 'taking the old trash out' apparently helps).
- I've held a grudge towards a certain woman for quite a long time now - over a year. This has cleared up pretty much completely - all negative feelings towards her are gone. Very liberating, as she's a colleague and I'm seeing her almost daily. Also, the negative feelings very actually very unjust from my side, but that's a different story...
- Overall I feel it has improved my confidence and 'forwardness'. I feel my voice is clearer and louder. Also it seems to have helped me socialising a bit more - I'm more likely to start conversations or to keep them going than I have before.
Most of the above I guess can be attributed to the parts in V2.2 that have been taken out in V2.3 again - not entirely sure though. But overall in terms of internal changes DMSI has helped me improve nicely. Certainly still room for more improvement, but it's a great start.
As for the more outward experiences in terms of IOIs and the likes... Both versions were delivering very inconsistent results. Over the three or so weeks of using them, I've had 2 days when I've seen very obvious results that it's working (once with V2.2, once with V2.3) - extremely clear IOIs, strange women in the subway even touching me repeatedly (which is very much out of the ordinary), nice displays of cleavage, biiiig smiles and stares (pretty much never happened to me before), strange women just randomly saying hi on the streets. These days were truely awesome and what I'd want DMSI to deliver every day pretty please!
Maybe as a comparison: I've been playing around with pheromones for over 10 years now, and I have never once seen results like this with any of the 20+ products I've tried (maybe AV came near, but that is even more inconsistent).
Then there were a few more days when it kinda seemed to work, but in a way more subtle way - maybe here or there a bit longer look or a little smile. Nothing to go crazy about.
On most days though it seemed to not do anything unfortunately. Actually it sometimes rather felt like being invisible - at least to strangers - much like the ghosting effect that sometimes happens on mones. But honestly that might also have to do with me experiencing those 2 awesome days, and internally comparing my days now to those when it worked very nicely. These days just hyped up my expectations a lot. Maybe the contrast just makes it seem like ghosting, while things are as they would have been normally without any DMSI at all (I'm living in a big city - ca. 4 million people here. In crowded places like these most people are like ghosts in a way).
I've had a couple of ideas of where the difference might come from, but most of these ideas I've dropped already again:
- First idea was number of loops listened to, but this was actually very consistent over the whole time - awesome days had the same number of loops the night before as dud days.
- Time since last masturbation (thought the 'sexual energy' might play a role in aura building): Haven't touched Johnny since Saturday. Had one of the awesome days on monday (since when are mondays awesome?
), so 2-3 days without masturbating, now it's thursday, and all days since monday have been mostly duds. So this theory went out the window as well.
- Food intake: Pretty consistent eating of too much food here, so seems very unlikely.
The only thing I noticed is that the awesome days were both times pretty early in. For V2.3 it was the first day after my very first run, before which I had taken 2 days break (between V2.2 and V2.3 - I know, not enough to be a truely valid tester here). The awesome day on V2.2 was also pretty early in. It seems the whole aura thing for me does not seem to work anymore with repeated use!? Question is why - is it aura overload, can there be too much of that? Does it need a break and cannot be kept up all the time? *shrugs*
I think I'll experiment a bit with taking a break from the sub. Maybe again a 2 day break, then running 4 loops again and will see how it works that day then. If it works fine then, I'll see if I can keep it up by limiting the number of loops to one or two per day, instead of continuing with 4. Or will see if a day on, a day off will work.
Almost forgot: As mentioned I mostly listen to the sub in the late evening before going to bed. Best results I always got I'd say 16 to 20 hours later, so next day's early to late afternoon. In the mornings I've rarely seen much, but that might just be other people being in a different mode in the morning mostly on the way to work, than they are later in the day.
For me the perfect DMSI would be one that would continue to work on my internals as apparently V2.2 has done. And at the same time delivers outward results as those 2 awesome days in a consistent way.
I know the promise of the sub was that women would approach me, which in the male interpretation of the word 'approaching' doesn't really seem to be happening. I doubt it ever will though, as most women's social programming simply will not make them do that. Also - honestly - it's still the man's job to do the real approaching, and that's fine IMO. As far as I can see it, very obvious IOIs as witnessed a few times by me is pretty much the maximum of what most women will do (of course there's a few exceptions out there).
Also - and not sure if the ones hoping for 'real approaching' have thought of that - the aura will attract pretty much everyone who's got an interest in your gender. That includes women who I find decidedly unattractive, way too old, way too young and also homosexual men (I've had very clear IOIs from all of those). Seeing that I'd only be interested in a very small fraction of all those that would potentially be attracted to the aura... would I really want to be approached by all those people, having to batch-reject them continuously? Personally I'd rather get nice invitations instead and then act on those of girls that I like.
Anyways, so much for my experiences so far. DMSI has shown that it can do what it's supposed to - it just needs to get that consistency thing going...
Thanks a lot Shannon for all the effort in developing this! I hope you keep improving it
PS: Only noticed after posting that this is like 3 miles long...

I've been running DMSI for a good three weeks consistently now - first V2.2 (mostly 3 loops back to back as suggested, sometimes only managed 2 loops) and then jumped on V2.3 (mostly 4 loops as indicated by Shannon to be 2nd place in effectiveness) when it came out some days ago. Most of the time I've used the masked tracks, running the loops in the evening before jumping off into bed.
As for my observations:
- As others have reported before my porn use has dropped to almost zero. This is pretty awesome, as I was watching porn pretty much on a daily basis for many years. Tried a sub by a different company before, but that did not do much. DMSI helped without it even advertising so.

- Masturbation has also dropped a lot - not as much as porn use, but to maybe once or twice a week now. And hey, emptying the balls every now and then has actually been proven to be very healthy (I've read it's the only thing known to definitely drop the likelyhood of getting prostate cancer - 'taking the old trash out' apparently helps).
- I've held a grudge towards a certain woman for quite a long time now - over a year. This has cleared up pretty much completely - all negative feelings towards her are gone. Very liberating, as she's a colleague and I'm seeing her almost daily. Also, the negative feelings very actually very unjust from my side, but that's a different story...
- Overall I feel it has improved my confidence and 'forwardness'. I feel my voice is clearer and louder. Also it seems to have helped me socialising a bit more - I'm more likely to start conversations or to keep them going than I have before.
Most of the above I guess can be attributed to the parts in V2.2 that have been taken out in V2.3 again - not entirely sure though. But overall in terms of internal changes DMSI has helped me improve nicely. Certainly still room for more improvement, but it's a great start.
As for the more outward experiences in terms of IOIs and the likes... Both versions were delivering very inconsistent results. Over the three or so weeks of using them, I've had 2 days when I've seen very obvious results that it's working (once with V2.2, once with V2.3) - extremely clear IOIs, strange women in the subway even touching me repeatedly (which is very much out of the ordinary), nice displays of cleavage, biiiig smiles and stares (pretty much never happened to me before), strange women just randomly saying hi on the streets. These days were truely awesome and what I'd want DMSI to deliver every day pretty please!

Then there were a few more days when it kinda seemed to work, but in a way more subtle way - maybe here or there a bit longer look or a little smile. Nothing to go crazy about.
On most days though it seemed to not do anything unfortunately. Actually it sometimes rather felt like being invisible - at least to strangers - much like the ghosting effect that sometimes happens on mones. But honestly that might also have to do with me experiencing those 2 awesome days, and internally comparing my days now to those when it worked very nicely. These days just hyped up my expectations a lot. Maybe the contrast just makes it seem like ghosting, while things are as they would have been normally without any DMSI at all (I'm living in a big city - ca. 4 million people here. In crowded places like these most people are like ghosts in a way).
I've had a couple of ideas of where the difference might come from, but most of these ideas I've dropped already again:
- First idea was number of loops listened to, but this was actually very consistent over the whole time - awesome days had the same number of loops the night before as dud days.
- Time since last masturbation (thought the 'sexual energy' might play a role in aura building): Haven't touched Johnny since Saturday. Had one of the awesome days on monday (since when are mondays awesome?

- Food intake: Pretty consistent eating of too much food here, so seems very unlikely.
The only thing I noticed is that the awesome days were both times pretty early in. For V2.3 it was the first day after my very first run, before which I had taken 2 days break (between V2.2 and V2.3 - I know, not enough to be a truely valid tester here). The awesome day on V2.2 was also pretty early in. It seems the whole aura thing for me does not seem to work anymore with repeated use!? Question is why - is it aura overload, can there be too much of that? Does it need a break and cannot be kept up all the time? *shrugs*
I think I'll experiment a bit with taking a break from the sub. Maybe again a 2 day break, then running 4 loops again and will see how it works that day then. If it works fine then, I'll see if I can keep it up by limiting the number of loops to one or two per day, instead of continuing with 4. Or will see if a day on, a day off will work.
Almost forgot: As mentioned I mostly listen to the sub in the late evening before going to bed. Best results I always got I'd say 16 to 20 hours later, so next day's early to late afternoon. In the mornings I've rarely seen much, but that might just be other people being in a different mode in the morning mostly on the way to work, than they are later in the day.
For me the perfect DMSI would be one that would continue to work on my internals as apparently V2.2 has done. And at the same time delivers outward results as those 2 awesome days in a consistent way.
I know the promise of the sub was that women would approach me, which in the male interpretation of the word 'approaching' doesn't really seem to be happening. I doubt it ever will though, as most women's social programming simply will not make them do that. Also - honestly - it's still the man's job to do the real approaching, and that's fine IMO. As far as I can see it, very obvious IOIs as witnessed a few times by me is pretty much the maximum of what most women will do (of course there's a few exceptions out there).
Also - and not sure if the ones hoping for 'real approaching' have thought of that - the aura will attract pretty much everyone who's got an interest in your gender. That includes women who I find decidedly unattractive, way too old, way too young and also homosexual men (I've had very clear IOIs from all of those). Seeing that I'd only be interested in a very small fraction of all those that would potentially be attracted to the aura... would I really want to be approached by all those people, having to batch-reject them continuously? Personally I'd rather get nice invitations instead and then act on those of girls that I like.
Anyways, so much for my experiences so far. DMSI has shown that it can do what it's supposed to - it just needs to get that consistency thing going...

Thanks a lot Shannon for all the effort in developing this! I hope you keep improving it

PS: Only noticed after posting that this is like 3 miles long...