08-06-2016, 02:22 PM
(08-06-2016, 01:53 PM)WIP68 Wrote: With women, there are no hard and fast "rules" the way a man would think of them. They make them up and change them depending on their mood, how they feel at that moment, or what their PERSONAL goals are, or what their indiscretions have been.
Bits got it exactly right with his "IT'S A TRAP" post.
Now to take it a step further, and hopefully you are not too offended, but if it's OK for you to do certain things and keep it secret, what is ok for her to do, and keep it secret from you? And I mean this strictly from her perspective.
As men, we allow our egos to trick us into thinking that we are the smartest and the more clever one in the relationship. What we are capable of, or doing currently, we think that they would NEVER do that to us because either they love us too much, or they are not like us, or they are a good person, or whatever other reason we can think of to support our egos.
When you get right down to it, women are exactly the same as men in their base carnal desires. So the question I would ask myself is "Did she just give ME a free pass, or HERSELF one?"
No offense taken. The weird thing is, internally, I really have no issues with her doing things with other guys. I'm not saying I want her to, but it wouldn't cause some kind of end-of-the-world reaction from me.
This convo didn't crop up from her lead - it was my lead. I seriously think she just hates giving oral that much and a part of her feels guilty. I have thrown that in her face a lot in the past, about how her friends all diligently go down on their husbands, but I can't even get head on my birthday? I even stopped giving her oral, even though I enjoy it immensely, because I thought, "Well, if you're never going to again, I won't be either."
Anyway, yeah, I could see her saying after the fact, "I WASN'T SERIOUS!" Like Shannon said, if I was seriously considering taking her up on her offer, we'd have to sit down and go over a new set of rules, etc.