(07-23-2016, 10:39 AM)bits Wrote: ...
This idea that women like dangerous criminals is very outdated and flawed and based mostly on the concept that women like "bad boys" because most guys who started PUA in the 90s were shy "nerds" who were frustrated that women weren't making the moves. A little bad boy is fine and fun, but the idea that you need to treat women like shit is coming from a group of guys who were talking about the frustration of their dating lives in the early 90s on newsgroup forums. I work in software, pretty geeky, but to be using newsgroups in the early 90s required some next level geekdom. To them a bad boy was any guy who was relaxed, care free, and had 0 approach anxiety. To them playfully teasing a woman was being "an asshole" even though the woman is laughing and having fun.
Is this your version of a "primal" male? If it is so, then, my friend, no wonder that you aren't in full support.
To be a primal male that a woman so wants to f*ck and wants to have kids with don't have to treat women like shit or be a criminal or whatever.
The primal part is better not put it words. It's just the mindset, the attitude of a man, or let's simply say the aura he carries around himself no matter what his profession is, how he looks, how much money is in his bank account, or how fast does he drives his car.
You can be a geek and be a primal male. You can be a whoever you want to be, and not have tattoos, and not take steroids and be a primal male.