06-02-2016, 10:10 AM
(05-31-2016, 03:39 PM)FrostedFake Wrote: Updated post to include what you said in the first paragraph MoI forgot to add more emphasis on bedroom sex powers lol. I can't emphasis that enough because women will never tell you that you suck in bed but will try to make you feel good but in the end you end up alone. Like my friend always hooks up with hot girls but never keeps them after sex. The women are intrigued by his confidence his vibe but every time he does it with a girl they dissapear and un satisfied lol. I don't even think it's because of just performing but I think knowing a woman's body in general. Like other women are more inclined to fuck another women if they are open to the idea than a man who is equally attractive because women know each other's body so well that an orgasm or orgasms is almost guaranteed..
-so have sexual instinctive powers that lets you know how to touch a woman, when, at what time, and how to continue to amaze her in every way possible.
-make her orgasm multiple times in multiple ways every time with no effort but with passion and expertise
-How to feel connected and passionate during sex so in the end she experiences euphoric and love for you
-make her orgasm from her breasts alone( it's possible just look it up lol)
-how to touch her, tease her and seduce her before sex so she feels comfortable, aroused and horny as hell to jump on you instead of the other way around
-be selfless in bed, but instead feel as one (you and her)
-How to use you're tongue, fingers, lips, eyes, words etc to make her climax every time
-emotional connection
-have women so you not only as a close friend but a superhero in bed
-fore play fore play fore play ???
-how to adjust to her sexual appetite and her sexual kinks so it fits her needs and the way she wants to be pleased
-ability to read a woman's body language so you know when she is attracted, horns ir not interested and how to use that body language to take things to new heights if she is initially attracted
My take is what's the point of being woman magnet if one you're not getting laid, not just once but like all the time. Doesn't have to be with every girl but like maybe 2 or 3 very close girls that only want you and are cool with sharing with you but at the same time are hot beautiful girls with great personalities.
But not as SM but much softer and more playful then SM
Then add all the other things said on this thread and we have a kick ass sub