04-10-2016, 05:55 AM
I'm reading a lot of red pill/alpha male materials nowadays and I'm almost worried. You see, most men (I'll be talking only on the male side of things here) in those communities (as well as this one) are much older than I am. I'm 22 and most of them seem to be in their late 20s or 30s. It pains me to see their anger and disappointment with women and life, but at the same time I'm so much younger and I may have dogged a bullet. It's true that I've waster circa 7 years of my high school and uni years on computer games and webshites, but I can still revert it with almost nothing lost. I might have started late, but nothing really will miss me. Unless I will give up and keep on my beta existence, which would be a shame.
For not by numbers of men, nor by measure of body, but by valor of soul is war to be decided.
~Belisarius, the last Roman
Certitude is for the puzzle-box logicians and girls of white glamour [...]. I am a letter written in uncertainty.
~36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 4
~Belisarius, the last Roman
Certitude is for the puzzle-box logicians and girls of white glamour [...]. I am a letter written in uncertainty.
~36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 4