10-14-2018, 10:52 PM
First round of 6 loops done yesterday - 5 under headphones, then the last one immediately afterwards via speakers in my bedroom. Listening to the loops felt surprisingly smooth, very relaxed. Something I've noticed was that I was starting to clean my apartment (and that was about time!) - was wondering for a sec if Shannon didnt mix up the subs and put OP in there instead 
During the night then I had trouble sleeping, because my mind was racing - nothing consciously tangible but I very much felt that my subc was damn busy. And slightly strange: For about an hour or so I felt my body heating up significantly, especially my legs.
So I did not have enough sleep last night, but I'm feeling surprisingly fine and awake this morning.
Tonight's loops will most likely be divided again - probably 3 over hps and 3 via speakers at night then.

During the night then I had trouble sleeping, because my mind was racing - nothing consciously tangible but I very much felt that my subc was damn busy. And slightly strange: For about an hour or so I felt my body heating up significantly, especially my legs.
So I did not have enough sleep last night, but I'm feeling surprisingly fine and awake this morning.
Tonight's loops will most likely be divided again - probably 3 over hps and 3 via speakers at night then.