09-16-2017, 08:45 AM
So I struggled with making a journal for MLS. The main reason is that I realized AM6 was not what I wanted to run the most and I flaked on it. Second is because after my last post I ran MHS because I had a few cavities and I wanted to see if they would heal. MHS actually healed a lot of other things but it did not, in the 2 month time period heal my cavities, and I'm not sure if it would have or not if I kept running it. It wasn't specifically designed to heal cavities. I had a moment where I came to a realization that MLS is what I wanted to run, and the reason is in the title. I want financial independence. What that means to me is that I have enough money to support me independent of bosses, jobs, and parents. The reason I have chosen MLS over BASE is my method of achievement of this goal. I learned how to trade stocks and futures a few years back but got destroyed in the futures market when I stepped in to trade live. There are a few reasons for that which will be outlined in this journal at some point in time. But for now I am trying to keep this post as short as possible, which isn't going to be short at all (Sorry Ben
I decided to switch over from MHS to MLS for a very specific reason. While on MHS I had a very unwanted behavior. I was sitting around playing video games during all my free time waiting to see if MHS would work for cavities or not. This actually bothered me to the point of switching. While my body WAS healing, I was suffering from the continuation of my bad habits. 5.5g subs feel very specific and have a specific flow to them, attempting to flow in a different direction is difficult and I chose not to flow against it. My eating habits and exercise habits changed, but my mentality about myself and life didn't so I made the difficult choice to go off of MHS, which healed a lot of scar tissue in my wrists and forearms as well as the injury to my neck and shoulders from getting rear ended last year and a few other things.
So let's jump into the recap of the first 11 days of MLS.
Physical Changes
Early into the very first loop of MLS I felt the energy flooding shift from all over my body to just in my head. That was a VERY interesting sensation being able to feel the switch of flow from my whole body to just my head. The temperature of my head seems to be higher since day 1. I have yet to have any feelings of detox, this may be due to MHS giving me a week and a half detox period, where I had a borderline headache for that period. I sometimes get very tired and nap, my sleep schedule is being shifted towards an early waking time of around 5am, and this is important for trading futures or stocks. Random bouts of hunger. MORE ENERGY. This one is so important to me because my mind would always give out before my body and now it's the opposite. Increase in water intake. I don't take melatonin to sleep anymore. Somewhat disturbed sleep from MLS, no idea why.
Mental/Belief Changes
Mood and confidence are very high. I believe I can do anything I set my mind to. I stay much more in the present moment and bring to bear my metal abilities much better now. I realize that MLS is a PROCESS and not a night and day swtich, although since starting MLS I have had some night and day things happen. I'm in MLS for the long haul and I'm willing to embrace the imperfection of the current moment for the sake of the advancement of the overall process. THIS IS HUGE FOR ME!!!!! Historically, I would scrap the process if any imperfections would show up or I made a mistake. This was rooted in a belief that I was incapable/not good enough to do something so why bother putting in the effort of doing something if I was ultimately going to fail at it anyways. I now realize this is a excuse and encourage myself to push through, which leads me to another change. Around the same time another forum member(who it was I forgot) started talking to another part of himself, I also started that too. I talk to my illogical/belief side to make resistance much easier to bear. As of now I have not had any major resistance bouts because I catch them before they get bad. I converse with my beliefs side and because I am an INFP I introduce new feelings to my, for lack of a better term, heart to encourage it to change as well as words. So I blend my feelings and words together to encourage myself to change my beliefs and it's been working well for me. I am very patient because getting upset at myself causes a disconnect between the 2 parts of myself and the process shuts down.
Some dreams but I forget the contents of them. The balance between thinking and feeling is starting to even out more and more. I thought I was pretty even until MLS, now I realize I can be even more balanced. The desire to learn is super strong and my reward system is being recalibrated. It feels very rewarding to learn now instead of feeling like a chore. I am embracing and willing to change, THIS IS HUGE!! My creative side is coming out. One day a coworker and I were in conversation and we were talking about instruments and this passion rose up in me and I said "how awesome would it be to make your own guitars?!" Since then I have a backburner project to make guitars, because that sounds so fun to me. Well I have several backburner projects but that one is added to the list, which brings me to my next point. I'm making lists in my head and on paper. There is a whiteboard at work and I am starting to use it more often. I have a list for what makes a good trader.
1. Good trade ideas (this one is huge and most retail traders dont do enough of it)
2. Fundamental analysis (Also very huge. Most non-professional traders try to skip out on this step or don't do enough. Professional traders do at least 12 hours a week of fundamental analysis.)
3.Technical analysis (most non-professional traders attempt to compensate lack of fundamental analysis with an increase in technical analysis. Use this step to generate good entry and exit points as well as risk management and profit taking, not as your end all analysis.)
4. Rule based system for entry and exit into the markets, and follow those rules religiously. (the reason that patterns emerge on the charts is because the guys making all the money get a good rule based system and exectue it with machine like consistency. This cuts down on and should eliminate emotional based trading i.e. feeling like you are missing out on opportunity so you trade just to try to capture some of the move.
5. RISK MANAGEMENT (If you loose all your money you can't enter the next trade even if you want to. Limit your losses to at max 5% of your overall capital and let your winners run. A 3:1 reward to risk ratio is a good place to start. Once you get good and finding exit points and using trailing stops you can let those winners run for longer than that and let those profits pile up.
I cannot stress this enough!! I'll give an example. If you are a contrarian and you
don't think you need rules and can trade however you want, you WILL donate all
your funds to a winning/rule-based trader. Also if you are a contrarian, you may
be predisposed to attempting to find a counter-trend trade. This will cause you to
skew how you look at charts and info to justify your contrarian view instead of
looking at the market data objectively. Conversely, if you know that you are
contrarian you can hone that skill and become better at spotting trend reversal
points. Striking a balance is best in this example and can be summed up by the
phrase, "The trend is your friend, until the bend at the end.". Also, If I'm having
a bad emotional day, that can skew the data I'm looking at and can cause me to
take bad trades as well. It's a good idea to not trade on days your emotions
aren't fully under control.Understanding your own psycology is one of the most
important factors in consistency, because YOU are your biggest enemy in the
markets. This also spills over into everyday life, and for me personally
understanding myself better helps me flow with subliminals better. MLS has also
helped me increase my awareness of my own psyclology and emotions in the
moment, which has helped me increase my self control and my ability to stay in
process and not disconnect due to hardships and mistakes.
8. Have fun
If trading isn't fun for you don't do it. There are much better ways to spend your
time if you aren't enjoying yourself.
That is my list for trading as of now. I use to suck at making list and avoided making them, but now I realize lists are important and help quite a bit. Not only that but as new information becomes available to you, you have the ability to update a list because they are not set in stone once written.
I am better at making evaluating the risk that comes with opportunity. In life most opportunity comes with inherent risk, because opportunity and risk are 2 sides of the same coin. I was more in tune with opportunity and risk wasn't taken into account and I have taken what I thought to be opportunites and they turned out to be based on deception and I shouldered the manifestation of the risk. Long story short I was taken advantege of and most of the time it was my fault for not realizing the risk that was plain to see in retrospect.
I barely play video games now. Most of my time is focused on work, exercise, sleep (because MLS is still very much in process of healing my brain and optimizing and probably detoxing as well.) and researching and creating the plan that will bring me to financial independence that comes from making a living trading futures by Dec. 2018. I am not bothered or frustrated by the fact that I don't get as much research in right now as I'd like becase I'M ONLY 11 DAYS INTO MLS!!!! MHS isn't even fully out of my subconscious yet so how do I even have the right to expect 100% results when it's not even at full power. Not only that but H/C is still going on as I have negative beliefs still to work through. All in all MLS has enabled me to go through the process and that willingness to go through the process will enable H/C, 100% execution of the sub, and ultimately the goal I had in mind when starting MLS, to be able to learn and thereby do anything that I wish.
That's my summary of shifts I have noticed in the first 11 days of MLS, also no percievable turbulence from a no break switch.
In all honesty I haven't been this excited for where my life is heading since I learned how to trade futures. I knew that was a life changing event and MLS really feels like it will top that level of excitement.
I'm so happy I decided on MLS.

I decided to switch over from MHS to MLS for a very specific reason. While on MHS I had a very unwanted behavior. I was sitting around playing video games during all my free time waiting to see if MHS would work for cavities or not. This actually bothered me to the point of switching. While my body WAS healing, I was suffering from the continuation of my bad habits. 5.5g subs feel very specific and have a specific flow to them, attempting to flow in a different direction is difficult and I chose not to flow against it. My eating habits and exercise habits changed, but my mentality about myself and life didn't so I made the difficult choice to go off of MHS, which healed a lot of scar tissue in my wrists and forearms as well as the injury to my neck and shoulders from getting rear ended last year and a few other things.
So let's jump into the recap of the first 11 days of MLS.
Physical Changes
Early into the very first loop of MLS I felt the energy flooding shift from all over my body to just in my head. That was a VERY interesting sensation being able to feel the switch of flow from my whole body to just my head. The temperature of my head seems to be higher since day 1. I have yet to have any feelings of detox, this may be due to MHS giving me a week and a half detox period, where I had a borderline headache for that period. I sometimes get very tired and nap, my sleep schedule is being shifted towards an early waking time of around 5am, and this is important for trading futures or stocks. Random bouts of hunger. MORE ENERGY. This one is so important to me because my mind would always give out before my body and now it's the opposite. Increase in water intake. I don't take melatonin to sleep anymore. Somewhat disturbed sleep from MLS, no idea why.
Mental/Belief Changes
Mood and confidence are very high. I believe I can do anything I set my mind to. I stay much more in the present moment and bring to bear my metal abilities much better now. I realize that MLS is a PROCESS and not a night and day swtich, although since starting MLS I have had some night and day things happen. I'm in MLS for the long haul and I'm willing to embrace the imperfection of the current moment for the sake of the advancement of the overall process. THIS IS HUGE FOR ME!!!!! Historically, I would scrap the process if any imperfections would show up or I made a mistake. This was rooted in a belief that I was incapable/not good enough to do something so why bother putting in the effort of doing something if I was ultimately going to fail at it anyways. I now realize this is a excuse and encourage myself to push through, which leads me to another change. Around the same time another forum member(who it was I forgot) started talking to another part of himself, I also started that too. I talk to my illogical/belief side to make resistance much easier to bear. As of now I have not had any major resistance bouts because I catch them before they get bad. I converse with my beliefs side and because I am an INFP I introduce new feelings to my, for lack of a better term, heart to encourage it to change as well as words. So I blend my feelings and words together to encourage myself to change my beliefs and it's been working well for me. I am very patient because getting upset at myself causes a disconnect between the 2 parts of myself and the process shuts down.
Some dreams but I forget the contents of them. The balance between thinking and feeling is starting to even out more and more. I thought I was pretty even until MLS, now I realize I can be even more balanced. The desire to learn is super strong and my reward system is being recalibrated. It feels very rewarding to learn now instead of feeling like a chore. I am embracing and willing to change, THIS IS HUGE!! My creative side is coming out. One day a coworker and I were in conversation and we were talking about instruments and this passion rose up in me and I said "how awesome would it be to make your own guitars?!" Since then I have a backburner project to make guitars, because that sounds so fun to me. Well I have several backburner projects but that one is added to the list, which brings me to my next point. I'm making lists in my head and on paper. There is a whiteboard at work and I am starting to use it more often. I have a list for what makes a good trader.
1. Good trade ideas (this one is huge and most retail traders dont do enough of it)
2. Fundamental analysis (Also very huge. Most non-professional traders try to skip out on this step or don't do enough. Professional traders do at least 12 hours a week of fundamental analysis.)
3.Technical analysis (most non-professional traders attempt to compensate lack of fundamental analysis with an increase in technical analysis. Use this step to generate good entry and exit points as well as risk management and profit taking, not as your end all analysis.)
4. Rule based system for entry and exit into the markets, and follow those rules religiously. (the reason that patterns emerge on the charts is because the guys making all the money get a good rule based system and exectue it with machine like consistency. This cuts down on and should eliminate emotional based trading i.e. feeling like you are missing out on opportunity so you trade just to try to capture some of the move.
5. RISK MANAGEMENT (If you loose all your money you can't enter the next trade even if you want to. Limit your losses to at max 5% of your overall capital and let your winners run. A 3:1 reward to risk ratio is a good place to start. Once you get good and finding exit points and using trailing stops you can let those winners run for longer than that and let those profits pile up.
I cannot stress this enough!! I'll give an example. If you are a contrarian and you
don't think you need rules and can trade however you want, you WILL donate all
your funds to a winning/rule-based trader. Also if you are a contrarian, you may
be predisposed to attempting to find a counter-trend trade. This will cause you to
skew how you look at charts and info to justify your contrarian view instead of
looking at the market data objectively. Conversely, if you know that you are
contrarian you can hone that skill and become better at spotting trend reversal
points. Striking a balance is best in this example and can be summed up by the
phrase, "The trend is your friend, until the bend at the end.". Also, If I'm having
a bad emotional day, that can skew the data I'm looking at and can cause me to
take bad trades as well. It's a good idea to not trade on days your emotions
aren't fully under control.Understanding your own psycology is one of the most
important factors in consistency, because YOU are your biggest enemy in the
markets. This also spills over into everyday life, and for me personally
understanding myself better helps me flow with subliminals better. MLS has also
helped me increase my awareness of my own psyclology and emotions in the
moment, which has helped me increase my self control and my ability to stay in
process and not disconnect due to hardships and mistakes.
8. Have fun

If trading isn't fun for you don't do it. There are much better ways to spend your
time if you aren't enjoying yourself.
That is my list for trading as of now. I use to suck at making list and avoided making them, but now I realize lists are important and help quite a bit. Not only that but as new information becomes available to you, you have the ability to update a list because they are not set in stone once written.
I am better at making evaluating the risk that comes with opportunity. In life most opportunity comes with inherent risk, because opportunity and risk are 2 sides of the same coin. I was more in tune with opportunity and risk wasn't taken into account and I have taken what I thought to be opportunites and they turned out to be based on deception and I shouldered the manifestation of the risk. Long story short I was taken advantege of and most of the time it was my fault for not realizing the risk that was plain to see in retrospect.
I barely play video games now. Most of my time is focused on work, exercise, sleep (because MLS is still very much in process of healing my brain and optimizing and probably detoxing as well.) and researching and creating the plan that will bring me to financial independence that comes from making a living trading futures by Dec. 2018. I am not bothered or frustrated by the fact that I don't get as much research in right now as I'd like becase I'M ONLY 11 DAYS INTO MLS!!!! MHS isn't even fully out of my subconscious yet so how do I even have the right to expect 100% results when it's not even at full power. Not only that but H/C is still going on as I have negative beliefs still to work through. All in all MLS has enabled me to go through the process and that willingness to go through the process will enable H/C, 100% execution of the sub, and ultimately the goal I had in mind when starting MLS, to be able to learn and thereby do anything that I wish.
That's my summary of shifts I have noticed in the first 11 days of MLS, also no percievable turbulence from a no break switch.
In all honesty I haven't been this excited for where my life is heading since I learned how to trade futures. I knew that was a life changing event and MLS really feels like it will top that level of excitement.
I'm so happy I decided on MLS.