05-31-2016, 04:30 PM
Awesome, it's all good.. it's a good record to keep playing

Subliminal Talk
by Indigo Mind Labs
05-31-2016, 04:30 PM
Awesome, it's all good.. it's a good record to keep playing
06-01-2016, 06:04 AM
EPRHA 2.0 Day 7
The insights just don’t stop coming… But this next bit of insight needs a bit of explanation, because it’s both odd and unusual. Or at least to me it is. When I was around the ages of 5 – 7 my brothers (I am the youngest of 5 children) would have me sit and watch various death documentaries. Maybe some of you are familiar with these. Stuff like Faces of Death, emergency room horror stories…pretty much anything that was either real or simulated death very realistically they put in front of my face. Now, they might have intended this as a joke (which was verified years later when I asked them, “Why did you show me that?!”) but those images stuck around with me deep in the caverns of my subconscious. Bottom line: I have a lot of dark memories of that stuff deep in my subconscious mind and I also have an abnormal tolerance of gore and nasty stuff. It just doesn’t faze me as it should others, so I don’t know what it feels like to be queasy in most situations of gut bursting gore that some movies offer. To me that’s entirely normal. During a sort of half awake / sleep moment this morning I had a vivid visualization of some sort of demon hiding out in my house’s attic. This is a metaphoric gesture; obviously, because I don’t even live in the same area or house that I grew up in. So there’s a creepy demon thing in the attic that sort of just waits around to be let out. Not let out to terrorize, mind you, but let out so he can be freed into non-existence, if that makes sense. His time in my subconscious is pretty much done, so I have to get ready for his departure, however that might come about. If it’s not clear already, apparently this thing is a manifestation of all of those grisly things I grew up watching. He’s a big beast because I was forced to watch that stuff for several years, so the memories have sort of stacked up. But it is clear that his release just means a clearing of old unwanted memories; that he just slips into non-being once I let him go, which is actually a pretty comforting thought for me. Obviously my subconscious mind is letting me know that it’s going to start healing that part of me from the past, and it chose to do so via the image of a big crazy looking demon being released. It makes sense to me. I just didn’t realize that was still an issue for me, which is why I’m so surprised my subconscious, as guided by E 2, is doing such aggressive house cleaning. The only part I don’t know about is *how* the memories will be released. Whether they’ll just be reconciled or whatever, I simply don’t know how all that is going down. But there you have it.
06-01-2016, 04:18 PM
Day 7 continued...
Rarely do i post twice on a single day, but a lot of good stuff has happened so i couldn't resist. Today was a $1,000 profit day from customers and orders that came out of the blue. This means that some of my manifestation experiments are working and that E 2 is also helping to crank out some serious results right now. This was coincidence / synchronicity, but one of my clients was asking to buy some traffic and he sent me the page he wanted to promote. I saw that the offer was decent but the sales page needed a bit of work. I then realized that this was an affiliate offer and the product creator was a guy i knew. So i message the product creator and now i have a gig to rewrite his sales page for an undetermined fee. If that goes well, he's going to give me a handful of his other sales pages to rewrite. I'm not going to put a money value on this project yet since I have no idea what to charge him, but if anything this is good for experience and the testimonial when everything is said and done. Today started a bit oddly yet delivered one firework display after another. What a show!
E 2.0 Day 12
No business thread is complete without actually enjoying the money that i make. So today I'm at the local Fair with my nephew. There's a lot going on but I'll update with detail later when i know definitively which results are long term rather than fleeting and temporary.
06-09-2016, 10:04 PM
E 2.0 Day 15
Things have been interesting lately. I found a particular way to hone in on my intuition and subconscious mind to in a question - answer format to get some really neat solutions to problems / challenges. The first question i asked was if one of my current relationships i had recently developed with a potential mate was going to work out long term. Universes answer: nope, far too much work for too little received in return. That's the short answer. The long answer is that she admittedly has a crap ton of emotional baggage of which I'd be like a therapist continually trying to help her get over issues regarding relationships, self esteem and family issues. I mean, it would be a serious amount of work, of which would likely leave me drained and not altogether satisfied that I'm really in a meaningful relationship where she and I are growing (ideally both of us are growing / evolving somewhat equally, if not in our own unique ways). So even though it was technically a love relation hit after a 3 year dry spell, I'm not remotely desperate so that's not happening. I am now clarifying my intentions and allowing the universe to answer back with another opportunity. It feels a little cool to be in this question - answer format right now and consciously know what's going on. I did this same process with a business rival who i felt was doing a little better than me, but i just couldn't figure out how. So I asked what secrets they might be hiding, and about 3 days later I got the answer. It wasn't what i expected, but the answer was clear enough that I literally smiled when the insight hit and thanked the universal consciousness for responding back. My intuitive process has nothing to do with religion, by the way. E 2 has sort of opened up my intuition in a way that I am able to ask specific questions and have the feeling of getting the question accepted by the universal field / consciousness / subconscious mind / whatever. I then just wait for the answer to come to me. This system appears to work outside of a question / answer format. I also projected that my ex girlfriend would ask me a question or reach out for guidance on something. The next day after several months of quiet, she reaches out to me asking what I'm doing in my business and how I am able to stay so focused. To me that's no coincidence. I didn't reach out to her or anything to illicit that response, so that was entirely her on the physical end of things. I allowed the response to be vague enough that her response would be plausibly connected to my attracting it, but specific enough that i could recognize the experiment had worked when it happened. Very cool stuff happening right now, seriously. Obviously over time as I am able to get bigger and clearer answers my questions will become more ambitious, as well as my manifested intentions. Money, relationships, ideas...they're all fair game now.
06-10-2016, 05:10 AM
Very interesting post and resonates strongly with me even tho I'm running AM6 currently.
Entrepreneurship has an special place in my heart aswell as gratitude.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus
06-10-2016, 04:03 PM
E 2.0 Day 16
A few more insights have occurred that are noteworthy... The first is that I am definitely going through resistance, but it's odd with E 2 because I don't feel like it I did with BASE or LTU. The resistance manifested itself as cuts on my hands and forearms (I'm a very careful person and I have no idea where those even came from). I also have a general sense of what i call "controlled apprehension". I know I'm growing and moving past old issues, but it's not happening in a purely uncomfortable way like how i did while on LTU. I can tell big things are coming, but somehow in the E 2 script i guess I'm only moving forward in a way that is deemed completely safe and non-discomfort causing. That, or i'm just not far enough into E 2 to really feel the discomfort. But I would think that listening for 16 days, 12 - 16 hours a day would bring me to that resistance-feeling level. In a way it's like seeing your car in the morning right before you're going to work and you notice a bunch of small scratches that weren't there a day ago. Initial reaction is "Wtf" but in a bigger way it's not so bad. It just catches you off guard for a moment. The second insight is related to my next partner. I'm pretty sure i got a universal sign of what my next partner will be like, and if this is true, hot damn this will be interesting. I was presented with a situation - sort of a friend of a friend type of deal - where i had lunch with a business related acquaintance and his wife. The guy doesn't know me well, and the situation was spur of the moment, but I like meeting new people and connecting with those with influence, so what the hell. The guy was nothing special, pretty much what i expected. Just a few years older than me but has his businesses churning out fire. He's very likely doing about $300 - 500k yearly, so i like to learn from higher performance people. The wife was something special though. I could understand why they are together, but she has hobbies that borderlines on the metaphysical, which is my neck of the woods. So after the business talk died down i learned that the wife wanted to become a holistic healer, but that was more of a lifetime dream but she hadn't been introduced to anything very spiritual BUT it was a burning desire for her to learn more about that whole ecosystem of knowledge. Bottom line: even though the wife is a few years older, she's pretty much how i'd like my next partner to be. Smart, ambitious...i mean sheesh, I couldn't find a single thing bad about her. But I took it as more of a sign of what my clarified intention would bring me, and if that's the case, I am excited for the results ![]() I have a lot more manifestation experiments to play with, but it seems the whole game as changed since starting E 2.
06-14-2016, 10:30 PM
(06-14-2016, 08:48 PM)AlphaReal Wrote: Funny, what got you started with this? Generally speaking I am very aware of my body energy and when i can or cannot get accurate hits from my intuition. Ever since E 2 my connection to intuition has been steadily growing to a point now that i can consciously ask stuff and the answer sort of bleeds into reality over time. Sometimes the signs are general, but they're still signs. Other times the signs are so pin point it's almost laughable. Almost like I'm having a conversation with the universe and my consciousness is the messenger. As a note, I've tried this previously with other non-sub experiments and the results were hit or miss. Now the results are predictable within a few days of asking / forming an intention. In the past it could take up to a month or more to receive insight, and now those flashes are happening very very quickly and with certainty that they are answers to my intended questions / projections of manifestation. My current experiment will be cranked to an entirely new level once I add in one more non-sub related component to the mix. ncbeareatingman has been kind enough to give me recommendations for things to play around with. One of those was the Rejuvenizer which is now firmly part of my life. The next has been the intrasound line of products which I've been trying. E 2, little stone around my neck, and intrasound's stuff have played a sort of tri-union role in accelerating manifestations for me. As a note, I am very aware of my body, energy and how others and events effect me (as stated earlier), so I am fortunate because i know which things added and subtracted from my life provide the most impact. I can literally feel my vibration kicking up or lowering depending on the results and efficiency of each experiment that i do.
06-15-2016, 06:31 AM
(06-14-2016, 10:30 PM)heavysm Wrote:(06-14-2016, 08:48 PM)AlphaReal Wrote: Funny, what got you started with this? I saw ncbeareatingman recommended it and then I saw you bought it and also recommended it so I bought the Rejuvenizer too, I am waiting for the delivery ![]() Which intrasound products have you been trying out? If you don`t mind me asking ![]()
E 2.0 Day 21
Ask and you shall receive... Through my little experiments I found that I should stay with E 2.0 for at least 3 months. This will help me get over past issues and likely attract my next partner. The next few years will be very interesting as far as my growth and business life is concerned. My next partner should be taking me to the "next level" energetically speaking and there's a good chance I'll either be moving to another state or country. This came about because I asked the universe where I am headed over the next few years and I am now seeing definite hits that I'll be traveling and be pushed to new limits by this new gal in my life (when she comes). There was no way that I could imagine myself in the same position as i am now several years into the future, and I am happy that I'll soon be pushed with new experiences and challenges. I just projected the questions out to the universe and the answers came pretty easily. This intuitive skill should only strengthen over time. I got another nasty cut across the knuckles of my hand, which i now understand to mean I'm going through a phase of resistance. Back on LTU and BASE i had random cuts over my legs, arms and hands which indicated heavy resistance toward both. I'm now asking the universe to increase my energy to unimaginable levels. This is more about manifesting power and influence, rather than that i just feel lively and energetic, though that might happen as a side effect. (06-15-2016, 06:31 AM)cataleya Wrote: I saw ncbeareatingman recommended it and then I saw you bought it and also recommended it so I bought the Rejuvenizer too, I am waiting for the delivery I have the powder for now. I put some under my bed and the darn thing turned into a freakin energy cloud. I feel like I'm on a low dose of morphine when i lay down on it now. That's not a bad thing, by the way. The energy is pretty strong. I'm also interested in getting their aloe vera liquid. Welcome to the Rejuvenizer family =)
06-15-2016, 03:49 PM
I will be getting my Rejuvenizer tomorrow, I can't wait to see what this thing does and how it can help with my manifestation process.
06-15-2016, 10:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-16-2016, 12:41 AM by ncbeareatingman.)
I saw ncbeareatingman recommended it and then I saw you bought it and also recommended it so I bought the Rejuvenizer too, I am waiting for the delivery Big Grin Which intrasound products have you been trying out? If you don`t mind me asking Blush spiritman I will be getting my Rejuvenizer tomorrow, I can't wait to see what this thing does and how it can help with my manifestation process. KEITH: Had to respond here...FIRST OF ALL IM THRILLED with ALL 3 of YOU AND HEAVYSM is kicking ass with E2 the intrasound,the PERSONAL REJUVENIER AND HIS OWN practices/intentions/experiements and related !! I cant wait for yawl to get the REJUVENIZER'S and to FEEL AND EXPEREINCE this stuff. its gonna smoothly blow yer socks off and surprise the heck outta ya... gotta hear ALL ABOUT IT once ya DO. PLEASE share your expereinces with Me/Us here ,on MY Journal Page,/Yer own ,of course! I Def' wanna hear and know yer expereinces. I've had MY P.R.(Personal Rejuvenizer ,one of them fer 25 yrs,yes fer 25 + I've been living in this kind of energy field!!) PLus the intrasound products that I've turned HeavySM on too,thank you Heavy Dude:-) I've Been utlizing since SPRING of 1999. I recommend starting out with the ORIGINAL 5oz POWDER which can last you fer months actually and can be used in a multitude of ways...I put some in my water jug/container shake it up and drink it thru-out the day. its awesome! you can put some in a spray bottle and spray it on your plants No shit,they love it !! its like giving your plants even mroe LIFE FORCE energy to thrive with and on..INTRASOUND amoung many many other things raises and strenghtens the body's abilites to HEAL ITSELF it fortifies the immune system,strenghtens the AURIC FIELD( for the left brain linare folk,your ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD:-) its wonderful stuff and if you place some on the the old shall we say " meat and potates" -'the boys" lets just say yer in fer a REAL FIRST CHAKRA surprise...this stuff will FOLLOW YOUR INTENTION. energy follows intention that is a KNOWN FACT...so set you intention and the intrasound will follow...hence greater amplification of manifestation possiblities and related !! Now one more piece about the REJUVENIZER'S... I have damn near ALL of them, the indoor rejuvenizer's and the circuit panel rejuv. the combo clears,smooths and uplifts your abode life a muther !! Understatement,if you've ever been in a place that REALLY FEELS CLEAN AND CLEAR energetically like really really positive vibes,like a place where kids have played at lot or a temple of prayer or meditation zen or buddist type setting,etc... the REJUVENIZER energy brings sort of a HYMALAYA' elevated kind of energy to your place! it brings in much more calm,holding creater LIGHT and GOODNESS in your place....clears out the old stale,dull, and/or stade energy.also if arguments have taken place and/or negative entites or the like have been there and/or the residule energies there of,usually all of that is CLEARED OUT in a matter of hours if not a few days. IM tellin' ya the shits da bomb dot com !! Yawl are gonna see including heavySM..with the indoor,circuit panel ones! I mean. I also have the cell phone,cubical,travel( I have two fo them)pet rejuvenizer's,the "luggage rejuvenizers" that also doubles as the "grocery clearing rejuenizers' thats what I use'um for! oh and the outdoor ones, out here on the land. it FEELS AMAZINGLING CLEAR OUT HERE ! understatement.this shits off da hook,but again you'll SEE thru your own eyes,feel it in your spirit and heart and your OWN EXPEREINCE...HEAVYSM can tell ya bout it too... I forgot to mention that not only does the intrasound help people theres also some specially made intrasound for your beloved animal companions,it works on ALL animals horses,cows,chickens,dawgs,cats,ferrits,whatever as does the pet rejuvenizer I tape it to my two outside black labs water bowl and it works like a muther ! E2 is changin my life along with the help and support of prayer,spirit team, intention,intrasound and the FAMILY of REJUVENIZER. Rock it fellas; and Gals,lemme know how it growzzzz! thanx and thanx HeavySM. Keith aka ncbeareatingman !
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"
06-16-2016, 04:01 PM
E 2.0 Day 22
Okay, today yielded a pretty interesting insight that will affect me for the next few years. In order to be ready for my next partner AND next level of business (whatever that even means) I have to clear out a lot of things. Upon waking I had the image of talking to my ex either over the phone or in person to clear up some matters related to our past. I was hoping LTU from last year cleared up most of the emotional turmoil that resulted from that relationship (the breakup wasn't good) but I definitely have a few loose ends to tie up in that direction. It appears that most if not all unfinished things in my life will be cleaned up / cleared up over the next few months to make way for the next wave of responsibility. If I'm interpreting things correctly - and I'm pretty sure I am - the next few years, namely the ages 28 - 30, will be particularly challenging and I'll need a resolute partner by my side to help me cope with things. Though I'm pretty sure the copywriting stuff is long term for me, I might end up doing something totally unexpected for business, so that will be exciting. You have to keep in mind that I don't like saving the harsh experiences for later. I charge at it like a damn rhino looking to blast through whatever bs is coming up. That's just how i am, because I know if i don't I'm just postponing the uncomfortable stuff for later. Makes sense, right? I'm really enjoying that my insights are coming fast and furious right now. My manifestation experiments are on fire and I feel like I'm in a huge transitional phase to form the foundation for the latter part of my life (age 30 and beyond). Also, I'm trying to hold out and use E 2 until ultimate writer comes out. If that doesn't happen in time I actually don't know which sub I would use after E 2.
06-16-2016, 08:29 PM
I wholeheartedly agree that it's better to take care of the uncomfortable now than postpone it. I learned it the hard way by procrastinating everything in my youth, and even "wishing situations away" lol, that didn't work. .
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