I got the "Attract your perfect boyfriend" subliminal on December the 10th and started using it and although at first I wasn't listening for that long I built it up quite quickly to listening for about 8 hours, sometimes more, once or twice it's been less but vast majority of the time 8 hours plus - first time I've listened to a sub this much BTW - with most of this time being during sleep. (Not allowed to listen to things at work, but I play the sub in the background at home too.)
Anyway, after some thought about whether to journal about my experiences with this subliminal or not I've decided I will, but it will probably be a matter of an entry every two months, and additional entries when things happen. I've decided I'm committed to listening to this sub daily for up and an including 9 months and see how things go.
It's been 3 years since I've had an actual boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, though I HAVE had dates and some lovers along the way, but not a boyfriend. I haven't always wanted that though these last 3 years, haven't always felt ready (I went through a divorce a little over three years ago, had a boyfriend right after (NOT a factor in the divorce!) but after a period of time trying to get him back, I've had times when I've been really curious about what it's like to be single and dating in my city and some other things I wanted to explore and did. And I don't think I would have been ready to have had a strong relationship right away straight after my divorce without a breather. In fact, I'm nearly done with a year off online dating and no sex allowed! Taking time out, but going back to online dating late April, and open to meeting someone offline. Since April last year, when I fell in love with someone, I've wanted a boyfriend, a romantic relationship very much.
Anyway, I want to share what I've experienced so far in terms of what I'm going to call "Inner Life" and "Outer Life."
While "Outer Life" is about things that happen regarding mostly men (because of the sub I'm using) but also other things that might be related, "Inner Life" will refer to attitude changes in myself, changes in my thoughts, feelings and so on.
Without further ado...I'm going to start with Outer Life.
Outer Life: OK, so I'm normally someone who doesn't encounter many men out there OFFline who I fancy so even for THIS to happen seems pretty damn cool. There is a guy at a part time job I have been going to and will be hopefully going to for a few more weeks. He started about two weeks ago, I think. I knew about the new person but when I saw him I thought mmmm! I find him really attractive and he's also very musical, which I love. So I enjoy the eye candy, even though I only see him very briefly. However, initially I sort of dismissed it cos he seemed to be checking out my colleague so I assumed he's not interested in me.
Anyway, I needed to talk to him about something (professionally-related) & I was telling a guy in a chatroom about this guy and how he made time to chat even though he was swamped with paper work and how he seemed very interested in a follow up conversation about that matter later and the guy said he thinks this guy might be attracted back.
What was embarrassing though is when I sat next to him to talk, I got to see him up close and yes he IS exactly my type and at one point I felt my cheeks go hot and I'm a bit paranoid that I might have been blushing!
Plus I found myself interrupting him a bit. THAT I can change, the blushing, not so sure!
Anyway, whether anything ever happens with him, it's very nice
Inner Life: I think my attitude is changing back to how it was BEFORE I fell in love with that guy from my past...I mean I've been so "I REALLY want a boyfriend" and having a LOT of resistance that it won't happen for me and feeling discouraged and listening to negative things people say about it. ANYWAY, I fell like I'm going back to being more relaxed about the process on the whole than I WAS being, though I have my moments. Like I got some dating books and got excited about seeing what happens on dates if I try things from there - you know, when I'm not emotionally invested because I'm only just meeting the dates for the first time! There's a lot of changes I decided to make, before I even started the sub and I used my man break to reflect on that...including setting better boundaries. But now I'm quite excited about becoming this new me....also excited that in late April I will be getting back to online dating and meeting guys again, going on dates (which I enjoy in their own right) after having time out from all that...as in back to feeling excited about the journey not just hung up on the results. And my point is, I think the subliminal has definitely been a factor in me putting this in perspective.
I was going to write an entry on the 10th of Feb as that will be the 2 month mark, but I wanted to write this one now. (And will do a 10th of Feb one too.)
Soooo at this point, that's all I have to say about THAT!
I got the "Attract your perfect boyfriend" subliminal on December the 10th and started using it and although at first I wasn't listening for that long I built it up quite quickly to listening for about 8 hours, sometimes more, once or twice it's been less but vast majority of the time 8 hours plus - first time I've listened to a sub this much BTW - with most of this time being during sleep. (Not allowed to listen to things at work, but I play the sub in the background at home too.)
Anyway, after some thought about whether to journal about my experiences with this subliminal or not I've decided I will, but it will probably be a matter of an entry every two months, and additional entries when things happen. I've decided I'm committed to listening to this sub daily for up and an including 9 months and see how things go.
It's been 3 years since I've had an actual boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, though I HAVE had dates and some lovers along the way, but not a boyfriend. I haven't always wanted that though these last 3 years, haven't always felt ready (I went through a divorce a little over three years ago, had a boyfriend right after (NOT a factor in the divorce!) but after a period of time trying to get him back, I've had times when I've been really curious about what it's like to be single and dating in my city and some other things I wanted to explore and did. And I don't think I would have been ready to have had a strong relationship right away straight after my divorce without a breather. In fact, I'm nearly done with a year off online dating and no sex allowed! Taking time out, but going back to online dating late April, and open to meeting someone offline. Since April last year, when I fell in love with someone, I've wanted a boyfriend, a romantic relationship very much.
Anyway, I want to share what I've experienced so far in terms of what I'm going to call "Inner Life" and "Outer Life."
While "Outer Life" is about things that happen regarding mostly men (because of the sub I'm using) but also other things that might be related, "Inner Life" will refer to attitude changes in myself, changes in my thoughts, feelings and so on.
Without further ado...I'm going to start with Outer Life.
Outer Life: OK, so I'm normally someone who doesn't encounter many men out there OFFline who I fancy so even for THIS to happen seems pretty damn cool. There is a guy at a part time job I have been going to and will be hopefully going to for a few more weeks. He started about two weeks ago, I think. I knew about the new person but when I saw him I thought mmmm! I find him really attractive and he's also very musical, which I love. So I enjoy the eye candy, even though I only see him very briefly. However, initially I sort of dismissed it cos he seemed to be checking out my colleague so I assumed he's not interested in me.
Anyway, I needed to talk to him about something (professionally-related) & I was telling a guy in a chatroom about this guy and how he made time to chat even though he was swamped with paper work and how he seemed very interested in a follow up conversation about that matter later and the guy said he thinks this guy might be attracted back.
What was embarrassing though is when I sat next to him to talk, I got to see him up close and yes he IS exactly my type and at one point I felt my cheeks go hot and I'm a bit paranoid that I might have been blushing!

Anyway, whether anything ever happens with him, it's very nice

Inner Life: I think my attitude is changing back to how it was BEFORE I fell in love with that guy from my past...I mean I've been so "I REALLY want a boyfriend" and having a LOT of resistance that it won't happen for me and feeling discouraged and listening to negative things people say about it. ANYWAY, I fell like I'm going back to being more relaxed about the process on the whole than I WAS being, though I have my moments. Like I got some dating books and got excited about seeing what happens on dates if I try things from there - you know, when I'm not emotionally invested because I'm only just meeting the dates for the first time! There's a lot of changes I decided to make, before I even started the sub and I used my man break to reflect on that...including setting better boundaries. But now I'm quite excited about becoming this new me....also excited that in late April I will be getting back to online dating and meeting guys again, going on dates (which I enjoy in their own right) after having time out from all that...as in back to feeling excited about the journey not just hung up on the results. And my point is, I think the subliminal has definitely been a factor in me putting this in perspective.
I was going to write an entry on the 10th of Feb as that will be the 2 month mark, but I wanted to write this one now. (And will do a 10th of Feb one too.)
Soooo at this point, that's all I have to say about THAT!