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I'm glad you're getting a lot out of Mode One. You're getting me keen on listening to the audiobook again. Smile

K-Train recommended me to his 2nd book "The Possibility of Sex", and I still needa get around to that!

But I'm still finishing his 3rd book and it's some amazing stuff in there.

I'm definitely gonna re-listen to all three audiobooks.
Upon finishing Mode One, Kindle did suggest me his other book: Upfront and Straightforward...

No idea if that was the second or third book in the serie. I will certainly look for the possibility of sex too..

I went to check in Rom Wills book that ARC recommends at the end of Mode One...
His third book is called....ooooh say it again.
then the Upfront and Straightforward is the fourth one??
I started reading "mode one" thanks to your recommendation. I actually like it. Usually i find those kind of books ti simplified and not taking in a bigger picture of complexity of life, as they are trying to engineer social interactions based on their own theories, but this book take off from yourself being honest. I like that and I get the feeling that it's so far consistent. Thanks.

My own reflections so far is that when you move towards fear, and do what you fear, you are moving towards being honest. And in being honest is no real fear. Because when you are being honest and say something, the worst thing that can happen is that your values are being challenged, and becoming more firm from that. We are afraid of being "caught being fake people" - really, that's probably the biggest fear we men hold imo. Girls will challenge you, and this is to see if you are true with your words. If you aren't, you are playing a charade. If you are, you are a real person, a real guy, someone who trust himself and who she can trust. Trust is at it's core. And when we are honest, we challenge our own trust, and build it from the bottom up. Just good things can come from being honest.

E2 have helped me to start behaving in a mode-one behavior in my life own life towards myself . I don't do stuff that I don't want. I don't say things I don't want. Right now I want, and need to spend time with myself. I have become better to listen to my needs and understand what i want.

When the need to be with a women will be there, I will listen to that need. Right now I would say that I work on "mode 2" towards women, so this will be an interesting read on that point.
(01-13-2019, 01:43 PM)lano1106 Wrote: [ -> ]then the Upfront and Straightforward is the fourth one??

That's strange. I wasn't aware of that title.

Maybe Alan was referring to the ordering of the audiobook titles. That's why the kindle formats seemed to be of a different order.

According to the audiobook formats:
1. Mode One (goes into the overview)
2. Possibility of Sex (talks about the time waster types of women that you should avoid)
3. Ooohh Say It Again (goes into more detail about gaming the WP type chicks, includes many convo dialogues of how it goes down so you get the idea how he brings up sex so quickly and holds his frame till he gets sex with the women)

I'll have to look into the Upfront and Straightforward title later on. And the other title of the gigolo guy I think it was you who recommended it to me.
oh man. It is even trickier than that. I found out that there was 2 versions of Mode One book

Mode One: Let the Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking Feb 28, 2006
MODE ONE: Whisper Into a Woman's Ear What Is REALLY On Your Mind Apr 1, 2017

Apparently the new version is more succinct and significantly different. I didn't know when I bought the book and I did bought the 2006 version....

And technically, the Upfront and StraightForward book is in fact the SECOND book in the serie since it has been published in 2009....

Gigolo guy book is still recommended but definitely less good than Mode One book. It does talk about a slightly different topic. man/woman relationships.
(01-13-2019, 03:33 PM)Greenduck Wrote: [ -> ]I started reading "mode one" thanks to your recommendation. I actually like it. Usually i find those kind of books ti simplified and not taking in a bigger picture of complexity of life, as they are trying to engineer social interactions based on their own theories, but this book take off from yourself being honest. I like that and I get the feeling that it's so far consistent. Thanks.

My own reflections so far is that when you move towards fear, and do what you fear, you are moving towards being honest. And in being honest is no real fear. Because when you are being honest and say something, the worst thing that can happen is that your values are being challenged, and becoming more firm from that. We are afraid of being "caught being fake people" - really, that's probably the biggest fear we men hold imo. Girls will challenge you, and this is to see if you are true with your words. If you aren't, you are playing a charade. If you are, you are a real person, a real guy, someone who trust himself and who she can trust. Trust is at it's core. And when we are honest, we challenge our own trust, and build it from the bottom up. Just good things can come from being honest.

E2 have helped me to start behaving in a mode-one behavior in my life own life towards myself . I don't do stuff that I don't want. I don't say things I don't want. Right now I want, and need to spend time with myself. I have become better to listen to my needs and understand what i want.

When the need to be with a women will be there, I will listen to that need. Right now I would say that I work on "mode 2" towards women, so this will be an interesting read on that point.

Thx for the nice comment greenduck... Yeah the more I think about it, the more I realize that I operate under mode 2...

A good mode 2 if such thing exist...

I have zero fear approaching/open women. I am a very social and likable guy... BUT I am NOT taking risks to express my sexual desires or inviting the new girl out with me.

The reason why I am censoring myself is FEAR. Fear of having my invitation declined. Fear of been judged or criticized for my feelings and expressing them openly due to crappy social rules.

I say good mode 2 because I have never ever felt resentment or anger torward women. I am just self-sufficient, happy with myself....

but definitely I could reap some nice and fun rewards by taking risks with women by operating under mode 1.

I think that since I have started using DMSI and AM6, I was just putting myself out there, talking to girls, then expecting some magic to happen by itself... That didn't happen and I suspect that the fear that I have just identified is the main cause...

Major victory just there for me... When the problem is acknowledged, it is already half fixed...
Concerning AM6 results... Few other benefits that the program advertise as providing that did not materialise for me are:

Take good care of yourself, your hygiene and your appearance, not just because you want to be attractive to beautiful women, but because it makes you feel good about yourself.

If I exclude doing Crossfit 3-5 times per week... I didn't purchase new clothes, dress better than usual. When you work from home, you can get very very lazy about the clothes that you put on. I feel that when the time will come to invest more time in social events, this could be different.

but definitely something very minor as I pretty much feel like I'm getting a lot of positive changes.
I have been drifting in my readings. In Mode One book, there is a recommended books section at the end.

I did pick one from a guy named Rom Wills: Nice Guys And Players... It is good but really not as good as Mode One. There is a lot of basic stuff but I got few good points out of it.

First, he classify the types of men in 2 categories (each having 2 sub-categories) Those that attracts women and those who don't. Of course, there is the dreaded nice guy. And the one who literally gets all the women with no effort at all.

He has a funny name for the type that all women lust for. It is the Mr. Goodbar. Whatever that means but he gaves many scenarios and stories. The principal takeaway is that he never ever chase women. Quite the opposite, and this his challenge, he has a hard time to settle down in a monogamous relation since women keep throwing themselves at him... He emanates some sexual charisma that is irresistible. Poor thing!!! ;-)

Hopefully, this is going to be my cup of tea during/after going through SM3. One of the question that I did wonder about the Mr. Goodbar is if he operates under Mode One. Living in a reality of sexual abundance, he certainly DONT fear to hurt a girl's feeling by saying what he thinks... And that may be part of his magnetism. OTOH, would that change anything if he express his desires or not (mode 2 like I am operating...)... I feel that even if he doesn't express his mind... he just basks in sexual energy around him... he plays with sexual tension with his non-verbal communication... and then the verbal mode doesn't really matter....

Like a new girl that I started to notice at the gym monday... We did chat a little bit during the workout... At the end, I ended up in the locker area with 3 girls. I was talking with one of them and the cute new girl for whom, I'm feeling something, she interrupted my conversation to contradict something that I just said. She seemed happy to create some tension. She was maybe 4 inches away from me.... I did look into her cute blue eyes and I did smirk... and I felt something... I didn't tell her what I had in mind about us... but if I did feel it... She probably felt it too.... beside... telling her that I want to have her in my bed in front of the 2 other girls would have been obnoxious... not mode 1...

That is some situation that I find myself often in... feeling things when interating with a woman. I guess that my job as a man is to escalate... Or I wonder if a Mr. Goodbar would have to do anything for the girl to make a move... Maybe he just continue to increase the sexual tension until the poor thing cannot take it anymore....

One possible scenario when I look back with the girls for whom I felt something for some time and then things seems wane out... Possibly like they were attracted but since I didn't escalate, make a move or create some situation... Their interest just dropped and they did move to something else...

I like journaling... You know when it starts, but you never know when it stops. The previous anecdote was totally unplanned. It just went of my head automatically.

Back to my post plan. The other thing that I did like about Nice guys and players book is this idea:
Women choose the man

Before approaching her. She already made her choice whether she is attracted or not to you and there is pretty much nothing you can do to change that. I wasn't sure at first. Like, it is conceivable that a woman may, at first, be neutral about you and as the interaction progress, she either gets a positive or a negative impression about how she would like to be with you. Lets stop thinking if it is true or not. I do find the idea useful. It kinda remove a lot of pressure out of you. You are not giving a performance anymore... There is nothing you can do to influence her choice. You have to say hello and move things forward if you find out that she choose you... Not sure that this is how it works for real, but that sounds like a very useful frame of mind to operate in... So, I'm going to adopt that new belief and see what good happens with it....
My new product is launching Thursday... I had so many things to complete to make the launch a success. I feel it will be. and I feel AM6 did help me. I used to be more in artisan mode where I do delegate some tasks but not as much as I did this time.

I did supervise, plan, synchronize the work of about 7 persons. I felt that AM6 new found skills did help me to manage all these people. Oh boy that was a little bit more expensive. Dev expenses must go up to $6.5K... but oh boy that things went much faster. The whole thing got developped in about 3 months. In the best situation, my funnel would have been ready since a month so that I had the time to test and tweak it before offering it affiliates.

Idk, what I should have done? When I am more under pressure, I am more productive... Maybe I sometimes procrastinate... but not that much... It is just that with deadlines, you have to take shortcut because there is no other choices. The day is the day, ready or not.... I feel that if you allocate an extra month, you are going to fill it with a bunch of stuff but you just don't focus on the essential...

Deadlines are good. BUT, I haven't sleep a lot in the last 2 weeks... Like last week. I didn't go at all at the gym because I was too busy...
I have been wondering how I would try out Mode One ideas...

Yeah, I found something that could interesting to try out... Like having a normal conversation with a chick and out of the blue throw totally uncalibrated but said in a confident and assumed way some impression I have about her sexual preferences such as:

you look like you like to get choked in bed! ;-)
(01-16-2019, 01:39 PM)lano1106 Wrote: [ -> ]I have been wondering how I would try out Mode One ideas...

Yeah, I found something that could interesting to try out... Like having a normal conversation with a chick and out of the blue throw totally uncalibrated but said in a confident and assumed way some impression I have about her sexual preferences such as:

you look like you like to get choked in bed! ;-)

How about saying "If we were alone together.." or even better "When we're alone together..."

When she displays curiosity/interest whisper into her ear as ARC describes "I'm going to..."
sure this is good as well...

I love the secret whispering technique too... professional deformation working here...

I love to spark women's curiosity with:

There are 3 things that I like about you...

and then you don't say what it is... or

Are good at keeping secrets?

then you let them work to get the info out of you... This is the best social dynamic jutjitsu moves in my toolset...
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