Subliminal Talk

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Two funny things that happened this week;

Last Thursday (the 15th); this girl from my work (who is not attractive to me, but is into me, chats me up). Asks me flat out if I want to go have coffee with her. I weasel out of it by saying that I keep pretty busy, and that we could talk about it later.

Just today (the 20th), this guy who I see at work at one of my sites comes into my shared office. I thought he'd ask about some resident, or a technical question. He apologizes in advance and says that he has two questions for me. 1) if I'm in a relationship. I say 'no'. 2) If I'm into older men. I also say 'no'. He excuses himself.

Both these instances were surreal.
Ran BASE for 8 days, stopped last night d/t new sub coming out (i.e. DMSI)

My shower filter came in the mail today. I drove home and showered with it; I feel like a million bucks. My hair is already noticeably different in feel and in appearance (how it falls off my head).
Probably one of my top 10 purchases this past year.

EDIT: Had a really good night's sleep last night too. Very productive day. I hope this my detoxing snowballing.
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