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Full Version: I Ain't Happy Unless EVERYBODY'S F*CKIN'!!! -- DMSI v2.3
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Oh, and I forgot to mention! MY KNEE PAIN IS GONE!!! One of the reasons I was doing so well in boxing class tonight.
chaos, which version do you like better so far? 2.2 or 2.3?
I haven't used v2.2 enough to make a decision. And while the healing sounds awesome... I have to point out that I feel REALLY good on v2.3... and that's only after two days. Honestly, I think v3.0 should be a two-stage set, like Shannon suggests. It'll raise the price, but it's definitely worth it.

Like... I can't believe I only paid $114.95 to feel the way I feel right now. Over the past few years, I've spent thousands on racetams and pheromones and all kinds of crap. $500 for AM6 and $114.95 for DMSI and I feel like a new person. It's kinda one of those things you just can't explain, but I'm so optimistic about my life, my future romantic prospects, my future business prospects...

It's very possible that I may cross the $10k/month line within six months and have an amazing, crazy active sex life.
IMO, V2.2 is like -- F*ck man, I need to do this and that to be sexually irresistible. Maybe I am not a man enough, or maybe it's something else, I don't know.

On the other hand, V2.3 is like -- F*CK YEAH! I am the MAN. I am sexy. Give me 5 good reasons I should let ya date me, girl.
Damn.. 2.3 sounds awesome so far. Seems to be getting better reports than 2.2 within a few days.

E2.. keep.. going...

The kissing the neck thing.. man.. I love it.. just the pure expression and adventurousness of it..
Day 3:

Did 7 loops last night. Masked. Right now, I feel... normal. Motivated, but a little tired. That's cool. though. Yesterday, I didn't get the "superpowers" until I did an extra loop right before boxing class. Gonna see what happens when I push myself to 9 loops.

Just number closed #3 (see here). Gonna push for a Thursday date and cancel the one I already had planned for Thursday. #3 is much more attractive and I can't stop fantasizing about having those chocolate-y legs wrapped around my head. Thursday's kinda close, so if she refuses, gonna swap Saturday's date with "A" to Thursday. Don't wanna push "A" around too much. She's guaranteed to put out. Wanna see how v2.3's aura affects her.

I'm going to the first person to bring solid proof of a DMSI fuck. I wanna record the audio, and try to get the chick to call me Captain Chaos right at the height of her ecstasy.

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh man I thought about this guy right here:

I will literally bust a gut if you get her to say that. Tongue
The sub is having the effect of making me outright ignore ugly girls. Like, if they try to come on to me, I'm thinking, "ew, no" and just completely shutdown. Happened twice now. Went to the store to grab some washing detergent. Super ugly clerk was trying to chat me up about something she said to an earlier customer. I wouldn't even look at her. My mind was just like, don't think so. She kept trying to suck up to me. All I could say was, "chip or swipe," referring to the debit card.

Although, I hate people that are outright rude to service staff. So, I did smile at her and wish her a very happy day. Which made her really happy and she referred to me as "sir." I'm pretty sure we're the same age.
Protip: Eat while listening to a loop. Looking at my notes, this is the only time I've felt the immolation -- eating WHILE listening. Seems to send the aura into overdrive. May be a way to cope with the extra caloric intake needed to sustain the aura.

Listening to two more loops before boxing, bringing my total for the day up to 9. I'm 15 minutes in with a full stomach, and I can full myself becoming energized and hyper-motivated again.

Note: While others have reported hyper-motivation, I do have to point out that I just finished AM6 a few days ago and could be experiencing "the bloom".
Was not a good idea to try and do 9 loops, roflmao. In fact, I didn't even make it. 8.5 and I had to stop. I don't think it's the aura generation that's causing how I feel, I think it's the amount of data.

So uhhh...

listen to Shannon Wink

Shoutout to Wolverine, who also warned us not to do it.
I told you guys lol. I wasn't doing it intentionally, but lost track of time and did 9 loops on the first day. It was overload and uncomfortable to the point that it felt like my head was about to explode.
This aura is odd. I'm getting ghosted a lot. And, the sub is turning me into a narcissist. An angry narcissist. I'm feeling like I'm "better" than most people, while at the same time, resisting that I'm as sexy as I feel. On one front, I'm absolutely fearless. On the other hand, that fearlessness doesn't feel real. It's like I'm...

rofl, I was really about to put, "running on autopilot," before I remembered the autopilot tech.

Honestly, I feel like f*cking Patrick Bateman tonight after hearing this stupid f*ck say something totally unnecessary to a group of Mexicans that were minding their business, enjoying their meal. I can't go into it because it's political, and honestly, I know I'd end up banishing someone to shut the f*ck up corner and force feeding them a logic cookie, so let's just avoid that whole debacle tonight.

Manifestations are crazy. My Tinder account is LIT THE HELL up. Like, I'm getting match after match of women that I'm actually interested in. Weird thing is: I keep number closing, then when I go to plan the logistics of the date, they never respond. It's not like I've changed my routine. I do the same thing over and over: Once they send the number, I say -- "Hey, [x], this is chaos from [insert dating app]. What's your schedule looking like?" In the v1 dating age, they'd just give me a time and I'd invite them to the Gatsby Bar. This method yielded crazy conversions. I was turning down dates left and right because I had so many.

Now? Nothing. Number close, go for the date, nothing. I would say coincidence, but I don't believe in them. 5.5g is reality bending / shifting technology -- these matches are CLEARLY manifestations.

As of right now, no confirmed dates other than Saturday night with "A," which WAS a guaranteed lay. Everything's in the air with v2.3. The goal is for me to record her calling me "Captain Chaos," preferably while she's lost in a wave of ecstasy.

Three days. Total shifts in reality. TOTAL SHIFTS IN REALITY. Like, I dunno even know who I am anymore. My life is definitely not on the same trajectory as it was.
Just ate. Feeling a lot better. Like... a lot better. Resistance pretty much gone.


Weird, because I ate SO much earlier. So. EAT!

I think I'm just gonna listen to Fleetwood Mac and go to sleep.

rock on gold dust woman...

now i'm rocking the f out to terry reid:

music is like, 20 times better on DMSI 2.3
Ultrasonic about 70% of the time. Switching to masked tonight to see if it makes a difference.
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