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day 68 - the epiphany

My mother was in a car accident. She's fine, but the way she explained it, the car accelerated on its own when she hit the brakes. I wasn't there but my brother was. I'll find out from him. here's the thing, she said the cops had to impound the car...on memorial day weekend! that's like 500 in impound fees...
Now I gotta make cash fast.
The challenge: Attract/Manifest 1200 without gambling (500-impound, 200-for ticket, 500-lawyer fee)
The timeframe: 700 to get the car soonest day is Tuesday, 5 days
This doesn't even cover damage to the car which I have no clue how bad.
I'm putting it out there. You hear me universe! better do as you're told.

I know my vibration matches what I get and during resistance my confidence wanes which lets fear creep into my vibe, preventing my universal mail to get to me.
How do we fix this problem? Agoraphobia? No. We simply, until internally stable, set up as many fail safes as possible, but not too many as to clutter your life up.
I am still spring cleaning, I'm not a hoarder, but I still have attachment issues. Like my mountain of I'll get to it later project piles or just stuff I think is cool but really isn't.
I started reading a bunch of de-clutter your home books and feng shui books. so many schools of thought.

Self discipline of ltu is really showing in my life which I desperately need. been keeping tasks at around an hour as not to spend too much time on one thing, unless it needs more time. cuz time is the most valuable commodity, nes pas? (that means do you concur, right?)
More people should learn French; adding "n'est-ce pâs?" to the end of statements is a lot more effective than the English "right?" for some reason, also "savvy?" like Jack Sparrow which is broken French Wink
day 69 - lust

I went to the mall to return some shoes. There were soo many women. The hottest women were working in the high end stores. I was also hoping to meet some single bites.
I went to the gym and now I'm getting ready to go out. I'm going to meet someone today/night.
Here is the plan:
Get some food where the staff is cute.
Build a connection with a cutie and date her.
Contingency plan in case I don't make a connection there:
Ask the cuties where they would go tonight and go there.
Then find a connection there.
I will not give up until I meet at least one girl.

Man being single is a lot of work, lol!

All these beautiful babies! How does one choose?

Did I mention I will meet someone tonight?
She will be fun, beautiful, and intelligent.

One must not stop until one has dined with the grace of the lure.
or Ya gotta play the game to score my brothas and sistas!
day 70 - temptation

So last night was another stepping stone. The first bar was small. empty, about 15 or so 60% women and I got checked out by three and if I were to guess the age...30, 55, and 67ish. The avg age of everyone was like 50. so I left after a beer.
Second place...sausage fest. The hostesses were cute but like 19 and I'm not looking that young.
Third place was huge. The vibe was clicky and uninviting. The only girl there I found attractive didn't even look in my direction and I'm not an aggressive player type. I need some type of invitation. didn't seem like there were many single women. there were a lot of "dates" or couples.
Fourth place, yes I was quite determined to meet someone, another date place. mostly guys.
Fifth and final spot mostly couples and dudes. there were a few girls but I didn't find any of them attractive at all.

I spoke with the bouncers at all the spots, each recommending the next. They all had the same comment that everyone went to the shore. I live 45 minutes from the ocean. It was a beautiful day too. So, my success being limited was due to poor planning.

So did I give up? No. Did I meet a beautiful, fun, and intelligent woman. In my mind I did and that is all that I could do with what I had.

As for Ltu. It covers so much ground. I do miss asc 5g but I'm happier with ltu.
I'm burning out quicker lately, need more naps and stuff. There is so much more to say about life tune up in comparison to other subs I've listened to...but I got them droopy eyes not cuz I is Asian either... sleepy... gonna listen to power nap sub
day 71 - the pain

I am super sore. I either messed up my form or tried too much weight. I usually only increase the weight 10 - 30% max at a time. I've thrown my back out before and it feels similar but...OUCH! I definitely pulled something. I heard the actor Henry Cavil, who played superman recently, started deadlifts at 225 and by shooting was at 425lbs. The transformations that these actors go through for a role inspired me to really get in shape. Plus my chances for meeting a girl I like will increase the fitter I look.
Oh! I finally got someone to not only to reply to me positively, but she agreed to have dinner with me. She is looking for a potential husband and I'm ready to start a family. She's smart, fit, a financial consultant, so she's good with money, and an avid traveler. Sounds good, right?...I'm not sure. She seems to share common qualities of my recent ex who I was going to propose to. I am still going to go out with her and see what happens. She might surprise me. OH, this was from an online dating site that I didn't know was like 80% fake profiles. I had paid before I really checked the reviews. It was a fake review site that got me to sign up, didn't think I had to review the review.
anyways, there are some real girls on there and now I'm gonna date one.
Did I ask for a wife or potential wife from the universe? gotta check.

Why do things always work out for me?
(05-24-2016, 06:07 AM)kyng009 Wrote: [ -> ]wish me good thoughts fellas...I'm ordering a potential wife from the universe!

potential wife...hmm...what does the universe think that means?
day 73 - abundance

Whoa! I asked the universe for a potential wife, right? I have a date set up next week with the girl I met online. Went to pool hall and three beautiful women flirted with me. I got drunk with one of them who plays on my team. I think I'm slowly getting out of the friend zone with her which its my fault I'm there, but I think we're getting closer. I also got the hostess' phone number, she's cute too. Then at the bus station, some girl didn't have enough money to get some food so I paid for it and said oh look our first date. she laughed and asked if I had a girlfriend and then asked for my number!

I am attracting more female attention. I have been focusing on this if you have been following my journal. I am appreciating women and relationships daily as to attract what I want.

oh, I'm also talking to a girl in Russia I met online. I don't know how realistic this one is but the way she talks is so cute and adorable. I am just enjoying the pen pal.

Ltu is changing my attitude. which is changing my reality.
don't get me wrong...the emotional rollercoaster is a thrilling ride.
day 79 - momentum

OK...where to start? The date started out well with the online girl. mind you my goal with the online dating site was to get one date and I got two with 7 days left on the membership. the second date is brunch this sunday, with second girl. so the date started great and she was cute. skinny, 5'7 108 pounds. very drab and she kept rushing making sure everything went as fast as it could without being rude. she talked about her ex, who proposed to her, how controlling and angry he was. whatever. towards the end I asked for a hug and she said maybe next time. I sent her a follow up message on the dating site. I have a gut feeling she didn't like something about me which has her mind made up about me. again whatever. oh, she also wanted to give me back the roses that I gave her when I showed up. said I should send her a pic of them.
There were times I wanted to hold her hand and looked like she wanted me to do it but I didn't.

Look. when it comes to dating, I miss social cues constantly and I tend to crumble under shit tests, but I'm getting better.

Girl #2 I have set up for sunday. she seems nice with more personality. girl #1 was a programmer, very dry.

Girl #3 on my team. we lost in the semi finals because I was acting like a child. #3 was being friendly all night, even a little kino. she even told me the next day was her day off and she had nothing to do. (Help me here. was she hinting that I should ask her to hang out? cuz it felt that way) I still get nervous around her and I don't get nervous around girls like this. currently she is my favorite girl. but she gets hit on constantly, some are drunks and some are really good looking dudes. here's where I mess up: she comes outside while I'm having a cigarette with a few of the regulars. (this is why I'm so confused with her) she comes up, doesn't make eye contact with me and starts talking to the other two regulars about some tournament happening sunday ( I think she knows I like playing tournaments) and its a partners tournament meaning doubles matches. she looks at the dude next to me and says something like 'aren't WE going to be partners?' pointing at him and completely ignoring me.
This hurt my feelings and made me think of this girl who used to use me and pretend to like me. So I got mad. wtf. literally 15 minutes ago we were laughing and things were going great. Then she flirts with some ghetto player, actually the guy is pretty cool, but he's like a foot and a half shorter than her and I'm a better player than him. I'm the better player! so can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?!
So what did I do? I ordered a double macallan on the rocks. and played like shit. alienating my team. oh I couldn't even be near her. It was an intense de ja vu of the time I got cheated on. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I guess she noticed cause she was being comforting the rest of the night. I told her it was the pressure of the playoffs but I could care less about that. so I just drank and met another regular and we went to a strip club. when I said bye to #3 she suddenly gave me an attitude like why are you going to the strip club? this is what is confusing me.
I can't tell I am friend zoned or not. or if she's confused. whatever the case may be, it is putting me through the ringer.

There were 2 other women that were flirting with me. one was a waitress who was waiting for me to talk to her when she finished her shift but I'm only interested in #3 right now. I want something meaningful not some fling. I've actually been turning them down.

I'm supposed to go in tonight to tryout for team usa. I don't know if she'll be there.
what is going on with me? why do I care about her so much?

I want her so I will just continue assuming i'm in the friend zone and do my best to get out unless someone better shows up.

by the way, I haven't been to work in a week because of this. If you know women or are a woman, and you know what I should do here to better my situation, then please by all means speak, because I can't seem to focus at work obsessing about relationships.

I must be in a resistance wave right now.

I will keep you posted about how it turns out tonight.

I want to apologize to you readers, I try to keep my posts positive. to inspire. but sometimes I have to let you guys/girls know the hurdles I must overcome as well and if I get emotional it happens. I hope I'm overthinking #3. as I am a over thinker.
After you complete Day 96 of LTU. You should use EHPRA 2.0.

After EHPRA 2.0, you won't wear your heart on a sleeve and no more going through an emotional ringer!!
(06-05-2016, 12:07 PM)Athena Wrote: [ -> ]
Day 4: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind Effect? ZOMG!

Today it was a lovely, sunny day and it seemed to be a normal day overall but there was one thing I noticed this afternoon when I was walking in the park that really surprised me...

Basically, let's just say there's been a lot of emotional pain from certain things that happened between myself and the last man in my life, (even though that was over a year ago, by choice) not just when things ended but even at a couple points during. And although time has passed & I've worked on this, there's still been wounds there.

Anyway, today when I was walking in the park, I went to think about him, can't remember why but something made me think of him and what happened next startled me...

It's like all of a sudden, things are a little fuzzy. My brain is -- how do I explain this, even? It's like my brain is going, nope, NOT going THERE. Whereas before sometimes it was like picking a scab. The irritation causing me to try and dig deeper. Not always and I've been dealing but recently when I found a "portal" to him online if I wanted it all those questions were buzzing around my mind like angry bees.

Whereas all of a sudden my "don't give a F...-ness" around THAT subject has gone way up.

It feels the time-frame's expanded. I mean, it feels like it all happened even a few years before it actually did, like it's been moved further into my past and things are noticeably harder to remember about us but also it's like my brain is a little repulsed by the notion of thinking about him at all. Like that trauma - and yes, some of HAS been traumatic and I'm not someone to dramatize such things! - is beginning to heal on a deeper level. Giving my heart and brain a break from the intensity of what I went through.

I really hope these effects continue.
I don't know if it will but I'm loving these so much.
4kingdoms, I want to, I really do. unfortunately this sub was a 6 stage set and I want to give it the respect of 6 months. all this pain and suffering I am going through has to lead to something...its just gotta...I mean these lows can't keep digging deep...they just can't. I'm a positive dude. I only wish happiness for all. actually I joined a web group that has similar interests.

I'm pretty emotional lately. not cool. so instead of eprha i was gonna run asc again. even though there is confidence in ltu... nothing compares to my performance after a few months of asc...seriously. I feel like I have no confidence and my friends have noticed it to. I used to be able to a lot more instinctually rather than now where I theorize and fail. I hate doubting myself. it flipping sucks. Its 7am and Im drunk and alone because of my lack of social that right? worst stretch of resistance ever.

I'm a grown freaking man crying over some junior high drama.
oh my god...what the hell is going on with me? when did i lose my balls?

crisis will robinson!

I downloaded subliminal blaster. it flashes phrases on screen. I programed afformations hee hee

I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life. I love my life.
I was in the same situation you are in and I ran ASC and my feelings intensified. After 20 days I had to stop. Fortunately, EHPRA 2.0 was released and I never looked back!!

I didn't know LTU was a 6 stager??!! If you stop, you will have to start all over again... this you know.
The latest LTU is a single stage but is meant to be used 6 months, that's probably what he means. Unless he actually is using the 3g version.
day 80 - the victorious

I meant that the sub is the equivalent of the former 6 stage 3g so I must listen for 6 months or I should listen for 6 months if that logic makes any sense. I did 32 days ehpra, the free version and I was balling my eyes out at the littlest things. childhood stuff.

So I just came back from a horrible hang over.
last night I lost 4 out of seven games. 2 to my team mates who I help teach how to play pool. then the night was not fun for me...on top of that, I got drunk as you know from my previous post.

I took a day off from listening because, well I forgot because I was drunk. anyway today was glorious. I went in to practice, which was so so, before the matches. The first opponent was a 7 in skill level and I'm a 4. (oh last night I only played against 3's and 4's) He beat me by 2 points. Second opponent was a 4, who by the way was that ghetto kid that my crush spoke to while ignoring me, well I beat him, and then I continued to beat the next one and the next and the next...
Yes folks my score was 7 wins 1 loss against a field of mixed skill levels.
let me explain. these are qualifiers to play on team usa for a small event. its for bragging rights. team usa vs team europe. by the way there were 41 players trying out to play on usa and it only has 14 spots...I believe my 7-1 record will clinch me a spot.
Let me tell you something you true believers out there. If you are hitting resistance from a sub, take a day off. I listen almost 21 hours a day everyday. sometimes you need to recover.

I'M A WINNER AGAIN! I mean I was playing good, like I'm getting raised a skill level good.

I will let you guys know how the tournament goes. oh I heard one year team europe came out in kilts with one guy playing bagpipes. lol. I want usa to wear stetsons or even better native american style and we can play war drums!
What could the team wear that's american? country music?

so yes I was victorious. and it was glorious. oh, I forgot to mention all the female attention I got.
I guess when it rains (4kingdoms) it pours. oh, and another thing, I only spent 5 dollars because I didn't drink. I didn't need it, plus I was hungover. oh yeah, the women...everyone seemed like they were in the 19-30 range, which is what I am looking for. A few smiles, a few gently touched me, and 2 were flat out flirting hardcore.

and last but not least my crush. I talked to her friend/co worker when I was drunk last night and idiotically told her about it. she mentioned something about messing up my friendship with her. which I think she: a. was hinting that she already knows she's not into me or b. she has no clue either.
today I have accepted to stay friends unless opportunity arises. lol
Great time you have Smile Glad you got 7 wins Smile
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