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hey everyone,

I have started to listen to biabtws 3g

the thread is in mens journal.

I just wanted to mention that I have been journaling about a girlfriend (not my crush) and think I might have met her.

I met a girl at my new job. she is beautiful, cute, and makes me feel good.

the most important thing is that I dont care about my crush anymore. there are remnants of emotion but 75% of me has not feelings for her anymore and the new girl I met is awesome.

I don't even care if the new girl works out or not...I just care that I moved on from the other girl.

thank you for following my life tune up journey and pm me if you have questions
follow up

life tune up is great.
again, things that used to make me happy are amplified. Meaning now they bring me almost to tears of joy. I think I posted this before but I was listening to music from my youth and found myself singing along and enjoying it a lot more than when I first heard the songs years ago.

seriously, if you are not happy at all with anything in life, get this sub.

I feel like my life is good again. got a job, losing weight, making friends easily, and I am getting female truly is good.
post follow up

that girl I used to like who is my team mate and also works there has been very nasty to me and I don't blame her. I have been getting drunk and doing stupid things while drunk.
I am not needy with her anymore and just want to be friends by my choice now.
she said something that I didn't like and I kept my cool.
In fact when ever I feel bad it doesn't last long at all...I have been going through the motions and then something good comes along to make me happy. Life tune up is the cat's meow.

If you are thinking about it. I promise you'll be happy.
I stopped listening for a week now and the effects of life tune up are showing.

I have been getting up early to go to the gym. today I was on the treadmill and they have movies on the screen. the blindside was playing and I found myself laughing at all the funny parts and tearing up at the touching scenes...I was trying to hold back as there were people all around me. lol.

I have been on the phone all day trying to schedule a service repair appointment with verizon and my security system. two service call technicians to meet at the same time, whew. also scheduling it on my day off. the first call went well, scheduled and set. the second hung up on me after 20 min hold time. the third hung up on me during the conversation ( should've got his name). the fourth hung up on me during the transfer. I was getting frustrated but that didn't last long because all I kept thinking was gotta get this done. finally I got connected with someone who spoke english as a first language and understood my situation and helped me out and guess what? I scheduled two service calls to meet at the same time. before ltu I would've been flipping out on everyone and riding the rage train and get emotional but that's not the case. I stayed focused, I did get frustrated but only a little, and got it done. I do find myself stopping to take deep breaths as a kind of reset when I things get rough but other than that, life is good.

its funny how I notice all these results after I stop using the sub.
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