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From what I've read I guess you can say I've been seeing my shadow a lot lately, but I try not to fight it, thanks for the suggestions, they will really help out!
(07-15-2010, 02:55 PM)spiralout1988 Wrote: [ -> ]hey wildflower what is the best mix of pheromone scents for men? don't give me exactly what you use.. or do.. either way could you give me some suggestions?

Exclusively Androtics pheromones. If you go over to their forum and search WildFlower you'll find out more how and what I use. As to follow the rules I don't want to mention other companies too much here on Shannon's site.

Quote:From what I've read I guess you can say I've been seeing my shadow a lot lately, but I try not to fight it, thanks for the suggestions, they will really help out!

Bringing your shadow into conciousness and accepting it as part of yourself - as appose to something other than yourself - is definitely the way forward. The shadow is simply an irrational part of your personal unconscious psyche. the feelings you are now consciously having are feelings you have previously 'disowned', the up shot of listening to Women Magnet is that these thoughts will be replaced making you stronger. The amount of resistance you seem to have encountered suggests that you've probably been carrying around a pretty dense shadow, the good news is that it should be very much replaced by the women magnet script.

A similar thing happened to me with the Alpha set. It taught me to 'know' my Anima more than usual and it has definitely without doubt taught me to operate from the 'hero' and 'wise old man' archetypes more than usual. Ultimately I want to use Subliminals for complete individuation, which the Alpha set alone has brought me very close to.
Thanks! I appreciate it WildFlower!
(07-16-2010, 06:52 AM)spiralout1988 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks! I appreciate it WildFlower!

No problem. If you want any advice where to get started and that just contact me over there and I'll help you out. I understand you're using both Women Magnet and Self confidence now, how is that going for you so far?
WildFlower-I'm assuming this resistance was due to my previous use of affirmations doing the Magnetic Mindset program. The disadvantage with doing affirmations is once you stop, you eventually revert back to your old self, rather quickly actually. I was doing the set for about a month before starting the program, several other affirmations for about 3 months or so, so it's no surprise once I stopped them completely, I 'reverted back'. I started questioning what happened to all the progress I made and I was fighting against it all trying to get back what I had before I started Woman Magnet consciously. Combine that with my 'previous self' and all the social anxiety, self-esteem issues I had. Then combine that with Woman Magnet fighting those negative beliefs and bringing them back up with greater magnitude, that's a pretty scary situation haha. The good news, it's going away and I'm feeling better and stronger on a daily basis Smile

Here are some books I'd recommend, haven't had a chance to read them yet but I heard good things:

7 Habits of Highly Effective People -

The Power Principle -

And of course How to Win Friends & Influence People -

Books I have read that I recommend:

Of course, The Secret -

The Power of Now -

A good e-book: Code of the Natural - helps improve your walk to an alpha, high quality guy with confidence -
The trouble with affirmations is they first talk to the ego rather than the self. Subliminals off course work the other way round, talking directly to the self. By talking directly to the self I believe (and this is my opinion, Shannon might see it differently) Subliminals will actually change, benefit and strengthen the shadow, the ego and what the ego 'believes' (i.e; it believes the sub script), and the archetypes the ego 'runs' from, all whilst brining the ego in to alignment with the 'self'. Strengthening the ego alone through affirmations will likely cause the Shadow to counterbalance by going in the opposite direction.


My old boss was big on "culture", you know the Japanese business model type of culture and he recommend everyone at work to read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. It was OK far what it was I guess. I personally didn't benefit to much from it, I found it very dry, repetitive and ponderous. I barely made it half way through. I know others rate it Highly though. I have't read the 'Power principle', I'll have to keep my eyes out for it.

It's good to see another Eckahrt Tolle fan. The power of Now was the first book I read that introduced me to the philosophy and self-realization of eastern religions (and if you go back in time far enough, western religions too). The practice of spiritual meditation has been a big part of my life over the last few years. I used to recommend the power of now to everyone but too many people I know gave me the "it's nonsense, what's he on about?" line. They just didn't 'get it' or practice it, which I can understand now looking back.
The thing with Power of Now is that it's extremely difficult to apply if you have a lot of issues. When I first read it I went into that state, I was using some natural depression herb and had more of a placebo effect that died off after a few days. I find that by using subliminals I naturally go into a state of nowness and being in the moment because I'm no longer having negative thoughts by the pain body/ego. You can't necessarily shut the ego up if it's constantly trying to bring you down. But it is a good read with teaching you that the ego isn't really who you are, it's a false identity.
(07-16-2010, 07:48 AM)Ryan Wrote: [ -> ]The thing with Power of Now is that it's extremely difficult to apply if you have a lot of issues. When I first read it I went into that state, I was using some natural depression herb and had more of a placebo effect that died off after a few days. I find that by using subliminals I naturally go into a state of nowness and being in the moment because I'm no longer having negative thoughts by the pain body/ego. You can't necessarily shut the ego up if it's constantly trying to bring you down. But it is a good read with teaching you that the ego isn't really who you are, it's a false identity.

Pain body is just another word for 'shadow'. Jesus called it the 'devil'. You can't tempt yourself can you? It's take a separate entity to tempt. This is the shadow. It is generally dark as it is all the stuff which occurred within us during childhood which we didn't want to identify with. So we suppressed it and it became a separate entity to us. What Eckahrt is saying is that all identities are false and to see through them become aware of the present moment. It is classic nonduality. It isn't about 'living for the moment' it becoming aware of 'now' as a means to transcending the very idea of 'self' and directly realizing (as a direrct experience, rather than as intellectual knowledge) that you - and everything else, physical and nonpyhsical in this universe - is nondual conciousness. I recommend you check some Adyashanti out on YouTube if you like Eckahrt. He is also a nondual teacher. I can't live full in a nondual state all the time like Eckahrt and others, but meditating to reach it every now and then has a massive impact on my well being.
I actually think the Shannons 'Gamma' track could really help you Ryan. It brings the mind to a ridiculous state of awareness and focus that you can concentrate on any thought you want with sheer lucidity. If you want to take control of a unruly mind full of incessant thoughts the Gamma track is for you. I find it great for meditating power of now style. It really clears my mind. Listening to it also 'trains' my brain enough to be able to stay concious during the low theta tracks to, which also calm the mind and ultimately bring about a state that allows you to see beyond the mind. Essentially what you are doing is 'turning down' the mind whilst staying concious.
Thanks, man. I'll try out Gamma track, I downloaded the meditations last week and they are very effective just haven't had a whole lot of time with them. As for 'turning down' the mind while staying conscious, exactly what I experienced. All of my fears were completely blocked out and I felt really positive.

Found an interesting article on Gamma waves: , thanks.
Last night was a right bummer. I approached and got talking to two different girls throughout the night, attraction and rapport was there and all that. Later on though all three of us (the two girls don't know each other, and didn't know me prior to last night) ended up on the same dance floor. Both of them competing for my attention more and more blatantly. I'm too considerate to pick one and upset the other in the process, so even though I probably left them both feeling 'unchosen' I just had to excuse myself and leave.
Yea sometimes you have to pick one... I've been in situations like that and the girls end up leaving me cuz I can't make up my mind. Which feels like shit so you def. did yourself a favor of leaving before they could leave you lol.
Or you could choose them both. It's not always an option, but sometimes you can pull it off, if you are so inclined. You just have to be very careful to make sure they get equal attention and affection, if you go that route. It's usually not worth trying to have two or more at once though, so your options were what you did, or to sit them down and talk about it. "Look, ladies, I like you both, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. What do you suggest?" Then, of course, you do your own thing, but at least you were communicating, and including them in the what's what.

Communicating like this in a very open, honest way makes it really surprisingly frequent that you can end up with them being willing to share you.
The Alpha male sub is now drawing to a close. I leave this journal for those interested in the Alpha sub.

I am by definition an 'introverted feeling' type on the Myers briggs personality test. It's odd because I always thought myself as a rational 'thinker' rather than a 'feeler', but I now realise that both thinking and feeling are rational modes of judgement and it is Sensation, and Intuition types that are non-rational. It is worth bearing my 'type' in mind when reading into my results from the Alpha sub. I believe all who use it will see similar, but at the same time, unique results.

I am more confident than ever before, more relaxed, more mature, more in control of myself and others, more respectful to myself and to others, (during Stage 6) I've been told many times that I'm seen as a man of strong, good morals, more intelligent, an Alpha to many an equal to other Alphas, higher self esteem, higher social status, more attractive, more sexy, More dominant? Not in the traditional dominant through 'towering over someone' so to speak. Perhaps I suppressed that part of me - my dominance is far more silently spoken as an 'aura' that is felt more implicitly than explicitly. I influence through seemingly doing nothing at all, not through 'dominating' that you could pin point. All in all the Alpha set has effected me up and beyond what I expected it to. I think most people using it will get similar - although slightly different - results.

I will always recommend the Alpha sub as the first sub to any many here looking to improve. It covers all the bases and really acts as a solid foundation to build the other 'sparkly' personality bits upon. One of my favourite, quite uncommon, quotes is the one where all the gardeners pay to much attention to the fruit and leaves of a tree whilst ignoring it's roots, trunk and branches. A very apt metaphor to make about the Alpha set would be "trunks don't rustle in the wind" - You will be the same foliage, just on a different, more solid trunk and foundation.
(07-20-2010, 12:59 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Or you could choose them both. It's not always an option, but sometimes you can pull it off, if you are so inclined. You just have to be very careful to make sure they get equal attention and affection, if you go that route. It's usually not worth trying to have two or more at once though, so your options were what you did, or to sit them down and talk about it. "Look, ladies, I like you both, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. What do you suggest?" Then, of course, you do your own thing, but at least you were communicating, and including them in the what's what.

Communicating like this in a very open, honest way makes it really surprisingly frequent that you can end up with them being willing to share you.

I've had to do the whole "we are just casual, not serious" thing but never the "I want to date you both thing". I'd only known these girls both two hours though and intentions and dynamics where still very much latent at this point. I could see why that kind of honest communication would work well with girls you've known longer though.
(07-20-2010, 11:10 AM)WildFlower Wrote: [ -> ]I am by definition an 'introverted feeling' type on the Myers briggs personality test.

I'm sure WM will help bring out that extroverted side.
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