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I'm sure I don't know either, but it is interesting. When this convergence happens, is it always your looks?
(05-23-2010, 04:37 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure I don't know either, but it is interesting. When this convergence happens, is it always your looks?

Not always my looks necessarily, but it has been a few times. This time it was the words 'good looking', a separate time it was the word 'sexy' (when I was using the Aura of sexiness sub the first time round actually) another time it was "have you been working out more recently?". The odd bit is how candid the responses are, and that obviously whatever I'm projecting on a particular day is interoperated exactly the same by many different people, to the extent that they all use the same words. I doubt this kind of thing is particularly unique to me, but it is quite a surreal experience.
I have to say that I have yet to ever experience such an event myself. Nor have I ever heard of it before. Quite interesting. You must have a rather powerful aura of some sort!
Day 7 into Stage 5 and I'm again noticing a massive difference between the current stage and the previous one. I'm noticing that Stage 5 is making me actively seek conversations for the hell of it. I've only started noticing this the past 2 days, and for the past 2 days I've been at work where normally I just get on with what I have to do rather than talk, talk and talk to my colleagues all the time. I've been actively starting conversations naturally just because I want to. Stages 3 and 4 probably had me wanting to socialise a little less than normal and instead focus on me and doing the things alone I wanted to do. I read a lot of books during the past 2 stages for example. So, stage 5 is definitely making me more keen to naturally start conversations. I've also noticed a significant boost in social confidence since starting stage 5.
Sounds like your having some good results man. I would be interested to know where you started from... like where you a confident guy before you started using the sub? I ask because I was wondering if you started the training in a similar position to me.

Without going into too much detail... I've always lacked confidence but have always had friends and been reletively social up until recently when I began to worry about myself (lack of confidence) and began to develop social anxiety. Now I've been using the sub I can feel my confidence being built up again and the negative self talk is being reduced.

Can you relate to this at all? Not sure if this makes sense but would be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Good to hear things are going well anyway bro

(05-26-2010, 09:45 AM)John.E Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds like your having some good results man. I would be interested to know where you started from... like where you a confident guy before you started using the sub? I ask because I was wondering if you started the training in a similar position to me.

Without going into too much detail... I've always lacked confidence but have always had friends and been reletively social up until recently when I began to worry about myself (lack of confidence) and began to develop social anxiety. Now I've been using the sub I can feel my confidence being built up again and the negative self talk is being reduced.

Can you relate to this at all? Not sure if this makes sense but would be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Good to hear things are going well anyway bro


From the age of say 16 to 18, I was always shy, had social anxiety, blushed a lot, seriously lack confidence, regarded other people as more important than myself, the whole package. I seriously had to start this journey from scratch, from completely rock bottom. At 18 I'd had enough and wanted to make changes to myself, which I accomplished slowly and with a lot of hard work. In many ways trying to build confidence and self esteem is like trying to dig yourself out of a hole. Counter productive at times to say the least.

At 21 I had built myself to a place where I was reasonably comfortable with myself, had average amount of confidence, a few niggling insecurities, but generally I considered myself to be pretty much average. Obviously, someone who had been in the shoes I had been in just 3 years earlier must still have a few skeletons in the closet and that is where the Alpha set came in. A quick glance through this journal should show you where I am now. Quite a journey to go from where I was at age 16 to becoming one of the biggest fishes in a moderate sized pond at 21.
Wow, this sounds a little like my story lol. It's only been 3 weeks since I first started using subliminals but I must say that I feel like I've traveled hundreds of miles from where I used to be.

Wildflower, if I haven't thanked you yet for telling me about this place I'll say it now, thanks.Cool
Sounds very similar to me. I've read your journal a couple of times over just out of interest. A lot of the things you mentioned I'm experiencing currently since I've been using the sub...

Like when you said that the past beliefs you had only a few weeks before seem completely alien to you... that's exactly how I feel at the moment. Although issues still do come up but far less frequently.

Even though its only been a short time I'm already experiencing huge changes. Its amazing because unlike all the other self help methods I've tried, this is far more profound.

You can literally feel the changes happening to you each day, so there is no question about whether it's working or not. Every day I use the program, I feel more and more confident and better about myself.

I have a good feeling about this Smile
(05-28-2010, 08:30 AM)John.E Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds very similar to me. I've read your journal a couple of times over just out of interest. A lot of the things you mentioned I'm experiencing currently since I've been using the sub...

Like when you said that the past beliefs you had only a few weeks before seem completely alien to you... that's exactly how I feel at the moment. Although issues still do come up but far less frequently.

Even though its only been a short time I'm already experiencing huge changes. Its amazing because unlike all the other self help methods I've tried, this is far more profound.

You can literally feel the changes happening to you each day, so there is no question about whether it's working or not. Every day I use the program, I feel more and more confident and better about myself.

I have a good feeling about this Smile

Thanks for following my journal.Smile I agree that these subliminals have been FAR more effective than some of the other crap I've read on the internet like PUA, seduction, and what not. I'm not saying none of it's useful, but it takes A LOT of hard work to get that stuff down pact. With these subliminals you're literally fixing yourself from the inside out which is more effective IMO.

Aura of Sexiness is a good product so far. The only thing is that for me personally the effects come and go but I think this may have a lot to do with some of the baggage my mind is still carrying over from the past few years. However I continue to experience vivid dreams so this lets me know that progress is still coming.

From what you're describing I think it's safe to say you're on your way to results. I'll be following your journal more closely.Wink
Day 11 of stage 5 and things are really starting to come together. Worth mentioning that I must be about 2 months into Aura of Sexiness now too, getting about 3-4 hours exposure of that per day.

I got similar reactions yesterday to when I went out last weekend, so I'm pretty sure it is the sub's now causing these surreal, movie like effects. Basically, girls are very, very receptive to me whilst also placing me high upon a pedestal, and guys look to me to lead without any resistance as they also see me as highly likeable as well as dominant.

I was out with two friends and I was easily the alpha amongst them. They looked to me to lead and call the shots - where we where going, etc.

A girl approached us and wanted to sell us a photo key ring for £3 - I jokingly bartered and bartered with her to reduce the price, and we got into a lot of banter. I eventually bought managed her to sell it to me at half price. The poor girl gets paid commission to walk around and sell these things and she clearly was just going through the motions not wanting to be where she was. This was clear when my friends attempted to talk to her and she was passively ignorant and unresponsive with them. When talking prior to talking to my friends though she was very bubbly, jokey and chatty. Noticed quite a few IOI's. The two notable things about this situation is that, firstly, I'm much more relaxed and able to banter and joke with complete strangers, and secondly, they are very, very responsive to me. This exact situation actually happened again twice during the night - these damn photo, keyring sales people are taking over the UK. I didn't buy any more key rings but enjoyed bantering with the girls trying to sell them. All three of them seemed to be snapped out of a dream like trance when I started talking to them.

My ability to approach is still effortless. A middle aged women was out on her own dancing and I noticed several snotty girls sort of sniggering and looking down upon her, so I approached the older women and started dancing with her. This really annoyed the younger, stuck up girls which was exactly my intention. Big Grin

Later on, several different girls aggressively tried it on with me by dancing with me provocatively and treating me like a piece of meat, like feeling ym bum, etc. This has been happening a lot recently because of the alpha set, but more notably is that I'm completely disinterested in these types of girl, despite them being good looking. Like I've said previously, my standards have sky rocketed and I now have a very particular personality type I require.

When outside two girls sat down on a wall next to me and my friends, one of the girls kept pointing to me and saying, "he's good looking, you should introduce yourself", her friend was very embarrassed by this and repeatability told her friend to stop embarrassing her. Which she didn't do, and the conversation repeated itself again and again for the next 5 minutes.

I could go on and bore you all with the individual things that keep happening, but I'll just summarise them all as; guys love me and want to follow me and the girls are attracted to me very, very quickly and respond more positively to me than they ever have before. My life is becoming effortless, in a lot of different areas.

I'm more confident at work also, although there is still a gulf between my social dominance and my work place confidence. I think if the men I work with saw me outside of work they would be very surprised at the difference in my confidence levels. I think I have some negative thinking that these guys are paying my wages and I therefore must be perfect and unfault-able. To an extent I have to suppress my personality a little at work, and replace it with a more professional image.
Great report Wildflower! I think this journal is a true testament to how powerful the Alpha Set is. Everytime I read this report it seems like you've been transformed into more of a machine than a mere man!Cool

Have you used any pheros during this past month? I've been trying to take more and more breaks from pheros so I can better judge any results I get.
I haven't been wearing any apart from when I go out for a night out like I did last night. When I have been going out, the past few months I've been religiously wearing: 3 Ammo, 6 Instant Shine, 6 Instant Openness, 25mcg of A1 and 20mcg of p83. It's an absolutely fantastic mix. The response to me and the response to pheromones are very clear cut though and I can spot the difference a mile of, so I know what is and what isn't the pheromones. If anything the Alpha sub has allowed me to catch up, and in some cases overtake, the effectiveness of some pheromone mixes. My appeal is currently too instant and universal to be a just a pheromone based response, and the responses are very different to what you would typically expect to see with pheromones. I've never, ever once used or viewed pheromones as a crutch, but they have at times created results, effects or opportunities that where 100% down to pheromones, and I was simply there for the ride. This would never happen now, and that's about the only relationship with pheromones that has changed since using the Alpha sub - everything else is just business as usual with regards to pheromones, my mindset towards them hasn't changed.
(05-29-2010, 07:50 AM)WildFlower Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't been wearing any apart from when I go out for a night out like I did last night. When I have been going out, the past few months I've been religiously wearing: 3 Ammo, 6 Instant Shine, 6 Instant Openness, 25mcg of A1 and 20mcg of p83. It's an absolutely fantastic mix. The response to me and the response to pheromones are very clear cut though and I can spot the difference a mile of, so I know what is and what isn't the pheromones. If anything the Alpha sub has allowed me to catch up, and in some cases overtake, the effectiveness of some pheromone mixes. My appeal is currently too instant and universal to be a just a pheromone based response, and the responses are very different to what you would typically expect to see with pheromones. I've never, ever once used or viewed pheromones as a crutch, but they have at times created results, effects or opportunities that where 100% down to pheromones, and I was simply there for the ride. This would never happen now, and that's about the only relationship with pheromones that has changed since using the Alpha sub - everything else is just business as usual with regards to pheromones, my mindset towards them hasn't changed.

My thoughts exactly. The past few weeks I've had what I call "jolts of sexiness" from AOS and when they occured I was able to recieve results that rivaled or even surpassed results I recieved when wearing pheros. It's one of the reasons I haven't been reporting as much over at AD.

I've got about 3 months until the new school year starts for college and I want to make this summer the most productive one possible. That's why I want to take out time now to work on myself and take the necessary steps to continue evolving so that when I return to school I'll be a much improved individual.
I can't tell you how proud it makes me that the Alpha set works so well for you guys. Especially considering how much time and work and research and testing the first one took before I could release it. I put up with all kinds of hell from all sorts of people for what I had to go through to test it... because I tested it on myself, and that first bit of testing, I really screwed up on a couple things. It messed up my whole life for about 6-8 months from 2-3 months of testing. That's why I am so particular about what goes into the script. I learned the hard way.

And when I worked on it, all I heard was negativity. It won't work, subliminals are bunk, you're being ridiculous, you can't do that... sniggering, laughing behind my back land even to my face. From my family and friends. Even my best friend was having a hard time keeping from laughing in my face a couple times.

That's right, people. Tell me I can't, and laugh at me. Keep it coming. Yup. I'm gonna show you who can't, 'cause it sure as hell isn't me! And the funny thing is, I was using the program they told me couldn't work to power half of the success I have here with you guys. Ha! What fun.

It hasn't been a quick thing, to be sure. I started working on this in 2005. But look at it now... Wildflower is using the 2009 version, and the 2010 version is out, and I am designing the 2011 version based on all the feedback I'm getting from all of you. I thought I couldn't improve on the 2010 set. Whew, boy, was I wrong. 2011 is going to take me a lot of work to build... probably more than 2009 and 2010 did put together. I expect that I'll have to begin taking the notes and putting them together sometime in October to be able to finish it by New Year's.

You make me seriously wonder just how far I can push things. I am contemplating what would happen if I made a hybrid of the Alpha set and the Woman Magnet programs. Or if someone were to use those two back to back for 6 months. Maybe 12 months would be required? But whew.

I am starting to think the video subliminals are going to be required in order to get beyond the limitations of the audio subs for maximum impact... maybe through that I can do a hybrid. But damn, guys... we are revolutionizing the world of subliminals here... they said stuff like this could not be done, and here we are doing it!
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