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Just worrying about being able to pay for the next stages dzemoo

I hopefully might get my tax returned by then so fingers crossed I'll be able to get the next stages

Been a while since i last posted.

Been getting brighter round where I live and its no longer as cold. (yay for spring)
Still looking for work but keep my chin up and a positive attitude.

This no fap thing has brought me to 44 days and counting. Its very tough but im seeing great improvement in different areas.

Not been around many women so hard to tell if the subs are doing any magnetizing but the women I have interacted with have all been friendly and happy around me.

Also with help of a friend I have secured the rest of SM3 for myself so I'm happy to continue my journey
I've noticed people get results from stages 3 and onwards so I'm preparing myself as this saturday I begin stage 3.
this is a good news man. i am happy for you to rejoin the group. just if you have stopped the sub over a week, you know you will have to start from stage one. right?
(02-16-2016, 07:49 AM)Light Wrote: [ -> ]this is a good news man. i am happy for you to rejoin the group. just if you have stopped the sub over a week, you know you will have to start from stage one. right?

Yeah I still carried on just in case I happened to be bailed out and I was. Phew.

So it's still stage 2 and onwards from here!

Glad to be back on the horse on the forum. Noticed that due to no fap my desire for specific things in a woman i.e a gigantic ass and boulder sized boobs and perfect body have completely gone. I'm now more inclined to find imperfections attractive in a woman and physical attributes are not as much of a deciding factor anymore. Character and personality is now up there for consideration to screen women as my potential sex partners. Confusedleepy:

No fap is so good and so annoying at the same time. I dreamt of f*cking a famous sports star last night and I'm getting rock hard morning wood every day. Not being able to release it is really driving me crazy. When I finally get into bed with a girl in near future I'm just going to be relasing like a fire hose all over their face I'll be that full... Dear god...

(02-16-2016, 11:18 AM)LiquidMind Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-16-2016, 07:49 AM)Light Wrote: [ -> ]this is a good news man. i am happy for you to rejoin the group. just if you have stopped the sub over a week, you know you will have to start from stage one. right?

Yeah I still carried on just in case I happened to be bailed out and I was. Phew.

So it's still stage 2 and onwards from here!

Glad to be back on the horse on the forum. Noticed that due to no fap my desire for specific things in a woman i.e a gigantic ass and boulder sized boobs and perfect body have completely gone. I'm now more inclined to find imperfections attractive in a woman and physical attributes are not as much of a deciding factor anymore. Character and personality is now up there for consideration to screen women as my potential sex partners. Confusedleepy:

No fap is so good and so annoying at the same time. I dreamt of f*cking a famous sports star last night and I'm getting rock hard morning wood every day. Not being able to release it is really driving me crazy. When I finally get into bed with a girl in near future I'm just going to be relasing like a fire hose all over their face I'll be that full... Dear god...


I hope you do not mind this man, but i am a bit confused. do you mean you did not stop using Sm3? and so now you are simply carrying on
did you use no fap sub at the same time that you were using Sm3?
I am at the beginning of stage 2 Sm 3. can i ask you how this stage in particular was for you?
thank you man
(02-16-2016, 11:29 AM)Light Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-16-2016, 11:18 AM)LiquidMind Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-16-2016, 07:49 AM)Light Wrote: [ -> ]this is a good news man. i am happy for you to rejoin the group. just if you have stopped the sub over a week, you know you will have to start from stage one. right?

Yeah I still carried on just in case I happened to be bailed out and I was. Phew.

So it's still stage 2 and onwards from here!

Glad to be back on the horse on the forum. Noticed that due to no fap my desire for specific things in a woman i.e a gigantic ass and boulder sized boobs and perfect body have completely gone. I'm now more inclined to find imperfections attractive in a woman and physical attributes are not as much of a deciding factor anymore. Character and personality is now up there for consideration to screen women as my potential sex partners. Confusedleepy:

No fap is so good and so annoying at the same time. I dreamt of f*cking a famous sports star last night and I'm getting rock hard morning wood every day. Not being able to release it is really driving me crazy. When I finally get into bed with a girl in near future I'm just going to be relasing like a fire hose all over their face I'll be that full... Dear god...


I hope you do not mind this man, but i am a bit confused. do you mean you did not stop using Sm3? and so now you are simply carrying on
did you use no fap sub at the same time that you were using Sm3?
I am at the beginning of stage 2 Sm 3. can i ask you how this stage in particular was for you?
thank you man

No I mean stopping masturbation manually by just not doing it. I'm not using the stop masturbating sub or anything. I'm doing it manually myself. I've been using SM3 since December. I decided to keep going in hopes of securing the rest of the sub which I did. So yeah no other subs other than SM3. When I say no fap I mean the DIY effort of abstaining and avoiding porn, masturbating and orgasm through both.

Give it a look if it interests you.

Stage 2 is more like you are finding a flirty nature of the sub. It makes you more wanting to go out and explore the world and do more of your own thing. You get better interactions with women too it would seem. Everyone's different though so don't hold me to what you experience Wink


Been using online dating sites for hooking up purposes only. Just throwing out a net and see if anything catches not really paying it much attention

My profile is centered towards sex so women know whats up. Gotten quite a bit of interest already and even had an honest message from some girl

Pussycandidate1: Hi there, thanks for messaging but I don't wanna waste your time and you're not really what I'm looking for, sorry and good luck X

haha at least she was honest. I am just looking for casual lays and as my profile is set up specifically, I should only get interest from girls who are dtf too

Start stage 3 in 2 nights. This is the stage that says women begin to approach you.

Can't wait! Sooo friggin horny though

Ok I have to ask. What is with the bold font?
(02-17-2016, 03:57 PM)LiquidMind Wrote: [ -> ]
Start stage 3 in 2 nights. This is the stage that says women begin to approach you.

Can't wait to read about it. Smile

Stage 3 has begun

[Image: cool-dude-500x312.jpg]

Feeling good already. SOOO much better feeling than stage 2. Stage 2 was good for internal stuff but I felt like shit through most of it.

Glad I carried it on because stage 3 feels like you're a smooth mofo.

Getting lots of interest from the online dating website which I'm not fully focused on but its what evs.

I feel more like my true form. haha true form, like a boss in a video game >Big Grin

It's like I can just be myself with the agenda of sex in the background. Feel sexier and want to take care of myself hence sex happens i.e shaving unnecessary hair, keeping clean dressing well etc.

I can just tell already I'm going to end up f**king girls in this stage. Thing is i'm not even bothered. I want the girls to turn me on, I want them to put effort into making it a creative and fun thing. Sex shouldn't be boring like you see in porn films where its always Makeout > BJ> Eating girl out> Missionary > Cowgirl or whatever and then money boring

I want girls to get freaky and do kinky shit. I'm so much looking forward to the near future. Bring it on bitches!

It's the stage where things get good brother.

I can already feel a massive difference after 1 day already

Might already have a potential hook up on my hands. A more mature 33 year old wants to wrap her hands round my young battle rod...

Just gotta play things cool online. Not be too eager.

I'm planning to go round where women are so I can see more of the effects up close. I want the women to do some heavy lifting now Smile

(02-19-2016, 02:25 PM)Light Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-19-2016, 09:29 AM)LiquidMind Wrote: [ -> ]

Getting lots of interest from the online dating website which I'm not fully focused on but its what evs.

I want you, if it is at all possible, or any other person here, to explain to me this: interest from women online!!
i mean how does it work at all??
I mean i put myself on Tinder 2 weeks ago, i f...ked one unatractive woman already and i am dating two next week!!
i get now the average of 3 new girls adding me on facebook, and i do not even f...king know some of them!!!!
the weird thing is how is this possible given the fact that i have not even changed my photos, i am just putting the ones that i have taken before my run of sm3 and Am6!!!!
would be nice if one can explain this.
your progress man is great, i am really reading this journal closely

It's like I'm saying goodbye to my old self as a new version takes over.
Used to like listening to rock music and other types but now i've got sex music playing lmao. So much energy I just wanna go out to the en mass of women

It's quite a surreal feeling to be honest...
Looking foreward to hearing more on your stage 3 adventure brother. Thankyou for sharing Smile

Stage 3 hit me hard last night with the realization that I am the man of my own destiny. I control my fate. I control my thoughts and feelings. I am the prize to be won. I think women need to kiss the ground I walk on and prove themselves to me.

It's only by doing this will you get results. I was like the beta in past where I thought that women were equal but boy am I wrong. They can be equal when they behave really well and do good stuff for the male but most of the time they are over emotional, childish and manipulative brats who don't deserve time of day if that;s the case.

This is how I'm evolving lately and I think SM is causing it. From now on no neediness just plain value. I am the king of the orgasm and women shall bow before me to receive their "daily bread"

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